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Decreto Nº 51 - Crea la Infraestructura Panameña de Datos Espaciales (IPDE).

Central America

El presente Decreto crea la Infraestructura Panameña de Datos Espaciales (IPDE), con el objetivo de desarrollar, implementar y difundir estándares que faciliten la producción, acceso e intercambio de datos e información geográficos.

Implementado por: Resolución Nº 4 - Reglamento Operativo de la Infraestructura Panameña de Datos Espaciales (IPDE). (2014-10-09)

Decreto Supremo Nº 001/15/MINAM - Reglamento de Organización y Funciones del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP).

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de Organización y Funciones (ROF) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP), adscrito al Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM), que tiene como finalidad contribuir a la gestión del ambiente geofísico con énfasis en la prevención y mitigación de desastres naturales y de origen antrópico.

Implementa: Decreto Legislativo Nº 136 - Crea el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP). (1981-06-12)

Ministerial Decree No. 1095 validating the requirements for determination of the boundaries of land areas containing objects of cultural heritage.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes the requirements for determination and mapping of boundaries of land areas containing objects of cultural heritage with a view of conservation and protection of such objects.

Resolución Nº 4 - Estructura orgánica de la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras.

Central America

La presente Resolución reglamenta la estructura orgánica de la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras (ANATI), integrada por direcciones, oficinas, unidades y departamentos con sus respectivas funciones.

Implementa: Ley Nº 59 - Crea la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras. (2010-10-08)
Enmendado por: Resolución Nº 244-ANATI ─ Reglamento Único de Revisión, Aprobación y Registro de Planos de Agrimensura y Planos de Fotogrametría. (2017-09-26)

Resolución Nº 3 - Procedimiento para asignar en uso y administración bienes inmuebles públicos.

Central America

La presente Resolución adopta un procedimiento a través del cual la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras (ANATI), asigna en uso y administración bienes inmuebles de uso o dominio público.

Implementa: Ley Nº 59 - Crea la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras. (2010-10-08)

Regulation relating to the Planning and Building Law (Planning and Building Law Regulation).

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Regulation is to enforce the Planning and Building Law of 13 June 2010. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Law. The text consists of 28 articles divided into 6 chapters as follows: Object (1); Building terms and measuring methods (2); Water bodies areas (3); Boundaries and building distances (4); Cantonal contributions (5); Final provisions (6). One Annex is enclosed.

Implements: Planning and Building Law. (2012-01-01)

Cantonal Spatial Information Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements the Federal Act of 5 October 2007 on spatial information. In particular, the Ordinance implements and completes the Federal Act on spatial-information. Moreover the Ordinance provides a basis for a comprehensive spatial information system. The text consists of 35 articles divided into 7 chapters as follows: General provisions (1);Organization (2); Geo-data catalogue , spatial information system (3); Register of public ownership restrictions (4); Official land survey (5); Financing and fees (6); Transitional and final provisions (7).

Spatial Information Infrastructure Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements the Spatial Information Act of 15 December 2010.The Ordinance regulates the levying of fees for use of spatial information of the “Geo-Data Infrastructure Liechtenstein”. The text consists of 13 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Fees (II); Transitional and final provisions (III).

Implements: Spatial Information Act. (2010-12-15)

Second Survey Costs Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements the Saxon Land Survey Law of 29 January 2008. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to costs incurred in land surveying. The text consists of 8 articles.

Implements: Saxon Land Survey Law. (2013-07-14)

Regulation on methods for establishing and maintaining of the pipeline cadastre.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Regulation prescribes the necessary methods, in terms of technical rules and requirements, cadastre and survey issues, all regarding the underground and surface pipelines, used for the following: water supply/flow; sewerage and waste waters; thermal waters flow; electro-energy transmission; telecommunications; oil supply/transit/flow; gas supply/transit/flow; and common water sector facilities (on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, autonomous district of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.