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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on approval of the provisions on the demarcation of the state border between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine.

International Conventions or Treaties
juli, 2014

The Parties have agreed to validate the Regulation on demarcation of the state border between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine in accordance with the Annex 1, containing provisions for survey and mapping of the state border, installation of state border signs in accordance with the validated samples.

Land Law No. 45/2013/QH13.

juni, 2014

This Law prescribes for the land ownership, powers and responsibilities of the State in representing the entire-people ownership of land and uniformly managing land, the land management and use regimes, and the rights and obligations of land users over the land in the territory of Vietnam. The persons taking responsibility before the State for land use are: 1. The head of an organization, a foreign organization with diplomatic functions, or a foreign invested enterprise, is responsible for the land use by his/her organization. 2.

Convention de l'Union Africaine sur la Coopération Transfrontalière (Convention de Niamey), 27/06/2014

International Conventions or Treaties
juni, 2014

La présente Convention de l'Union Africaine sur la coopération transfrontalière (dite Convention de Niamey) a pour objectifs: promouvoir la coopération transfrontalière aux niveaux local, sous régional et régional; saisir les opportunités qui naissent du partage de frontières communes et relever les défis y afférents; faciliter la délimitation, la démarcation et la réaffirmation des frontières inter-Etats, conformément aux mécanismes convenus par les parties concernées; faciliter le règlement pacifique des différends frontaliers; assurer une gestion intégrée, efficiente et efficace des fron

Act on the Establishment, Management of Spatial Data.

juni, 2014
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the efficient management of national land, safe marine transportation, and the protection of ownership of citizens, by prescribing matters concerning the standards and procedures for surveying and waterway survey as well as the preparation, management of cadastral records and comprehensive real estate records.

Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Land Law.

mei, 2014

This Decree, consisting of 103 articles divided into ten Chapters, details a number articles and clauses of Land Law No. 45/2013/QHB. Other decrees of the Government shall detail a number of articles and clauses of the Land Law concerning: compensation, support, resettlement; land prices; collection of land use levy; collection of land and water surface rentals; and sanctioning of land-related administrative violations. The subjects of application are: 1.

European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance II Program

januari, 2014

The European neighborhood and
partnership instrument east countries forest law enforcement
and second governance program will support the participating
countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova,
Russian Federation and Ukraine) in strengthening forest
governance through improving implementation of relevant
international processes, enhancing their forest policy,
legislation and institutional capacity, and developing,

Resolución Nº 90.966 - Prorroga la delegación de la función de Conocimiento y Cartografía Geológica del Subsuelo.

november, 2013

La presente Resolución prorroga la delegación de la función de conocimiento y cartografía geológica del subsuelo colombiano, en materia de hidrocarburos a la Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2014.

Missing(ness) in Action : Selectivity Bias in GPS-Based Land Area Measurements

september, 2013

Land area is a fundamental component of
agricultural statistics, and of analyses undertaken by
agricultural economists. While household surveys in
developing countries have traditionally relied on
farmers' own, potentially error-prone, land area
assessments, the availability of affordable and reliable
Global Positioning System (GPS) units has made GPS-based
area measurement a practical alternative. Nonetheless, in an

Land Surveyors Regulations (N.S. Reg, 308/2013).

september, 2013

The present Regulations are made under the Land Surveyors Act. The Regulations lay down provisions relating to the activities of land surveyors. For the purpose of the present Regulations “approved education program” means an education program that prepares a person for entry to the profession of land surveying, as approved by an examining body determined by the Council.

Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy

National Policies
augustus, 2013

The Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy is a national sectoral policy of Vanuatu for the period 2012-2017. Its main objective is to guide land use planning by setting priorities and outlining legislative and institutional settings to enable land use planning that encourages the best current use of Vanuatu’s land resources.The Policy aims to support food security.


Reports & Research
juli, 2013

The Cadastral system in Kenya was established in 1903 to support land alienation for the white settlers who had come into the country in the early part of the 20th Century. In the last hundred years, the system has remained more or less the same, where land records are kept in paper format and majority of operations are carried out on a manual basis. The lack of a modern cadastral system has contributed to problems in land administration in the country.