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Displaying 361 - 372 of 530

Determinants of Market Integration and Price Transmission in Indonesia

juni, 2012

This paper investigates the determinants
of price differences and market integration among Indonesian
provinces, using data from retail cooking oil, rice and
sugar markets during the period 1993-2007, and from
wholesale maize and soybean markets during the period
1992-2006. The authors measure the degree of integration
using co-integration techniques, and calculate average price
differences. They use regression analysis to understand the

Long-term Impacts of Global Food Crisis on Production Decisions : Evidence from Farm Investments in Indonesia

juni, 2012

Did the rise in food prices have a long-term impact on agricultural production? Using household-level panel data from seven provinces of Indonesia, this paper finds that the price shock created a forward-looking incentive to invest, which can dynamically enhance productivity in agriculture. It also finds that the impact of the price shock on investment behavior differs by initial wealth. In response to price increases, wealthy farmers invested more in productive assets, while poor farmers increased their financial savings as well as consumption.

Gender Equality, Poverty and Economic Growth

juni, 2012

This paper reviews empirical findings
from economic analyses of the role of gender equality and
women's empowerment in reducing poverty and stimulating
growth. Going beyond the large literature documenting the
impact of female education on a range of development
outcomes, the paper presents evidence on the impact of
women's access to markets (labor, land, and credit) and
women's decision-making power within households on

Climate Change Impacts in Drought and Flood Affected Areas : Case Studies in India

juni, 2012

The aim of this study is to assist the
government in this endeavor by focusing on selected
priorities. The overarching objective of this report is to
promote the mainstreaming and integration of climate related
risks in India's development policies and processes,
where this is appropriate. The objectives and scope of work
were developed in close consultation with the Ministry of
Environment and Forests as the primary counterpart, a

Afghanistan : Economic Incentives and Development Initiatives to Reduce Opium Production

juni, 2012

This report is about how to
progressively reduce over time Afghanistan's dependence
on opium - currently the country's leading economic
activity - by development initiatives and shifting economic
incentives toward sustainable legal livelihoods.
Specifically, the report identifies additional investments
and policy and institutional measures to support development
responses that can counterbalance the economic advantages of

A Framework for Housing Policy Reform in Urban Areas in Egypt : Developing a Well Functioning Housing System and Strengthening the National Housing Program

juni, 2012

This document builds upon several recent
studies and reports carried out in the 2006-2007 period. The
first note, entitled analysis of housing supply mechanisms
(World Bank), analyzes the situation of housing supply in
urban areas in Egypt, including the study of existing formal
and informal mechanisms for the delivery of urban housing,
the institutions responsible for supply and regulation, the
characteristics of the formal and informal stock, and the

Ghana : Country Environmental Analysis

juni, 2012

The Ghana Country Environment Analysis
(CEA) has thus been formulated to assist the Government of
Ghana and its development partners to: (a) assess the
country's environmental priorities in key sectors, the
environmental implications of key economic and sector
policies, and the country's institutional capacity to
address them; and (b) find practical management,
institutional, and policy solutions to handle issues of

Carbon Markets, Institutions, Policies, and Research

juni, 2012

The scale of investment needed to slow
greenhouse gas emissions is larger than governments can
manage through transfers. Therefore, climate change policies
rely heavily on markets and private capital. This is
especially true in the case of the Kyoto Protocol with its
provisions for trade and investment in joint projects. This
paper describes institutions and policies important for new
carbon markets and explains their origins. Research efforts

Public-Private Partnerships in Transport

juni, 2012

This paper summarizes the evidence on
the evolution of transport PPPs over the last 15 years or
so. In the process, it provides a primer on the associated
policy issues, including of the central role of project
finance in the implementation of PPP policies and the
debates on risk allocation in the design of PPPs. The paper
also offers a discussion of the increasingly well recognized
residual roles for the public sector in transport, with an

Liberia - Tapping Nature’s Bounty for the Benefits of All : Diagnostic Trade Integration Study, Volume 1. Main Report

juni, 2012

Liberia is a rich country, badly
managed. This is a favorite comment of President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf and an accurate one. The bad management is
well-known, though perhaps not its duration and depth.
Created in 1847, the country is far older than almost all
others in sub- Saharan Africa. But for most of this time, it
was ruled by an elite descended from African-American
settlers who ignored or exploited the indigenous people. The

Egypt - Next Step Recommendations for Affordable Housing Policy and the National Housing Program : Mortgaged-Linked Subsidies and Housing Supply considerations

juni, 2012

At the request of the Government of
Egypt (GOE), the objective of this brief note is to provide
concise recommendations on next steps for the National
Housing Program (NHP). These recommendations and policy
analysis are an elaboration of the framework for housing
policy reform in urban areas in Egypt, a draft of which was
endorsed by the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban
Development (MHUUD) and the Ministry of Investment (MOI) in

The Vanishing Farms? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming

juni, 2012

This paper investigates the impact of
international migration on technical efficiency, resource
allocation and income from agricultural production of family
farming in Albania. The results suggest that migration is
used by rural households as a pathway out of agriculture:
migration is negatively associated with the allocation of
both labor and non-labor inputs in agriculture, while no
significant differences can be detected in terms of farm