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Long-term Impacts of Contrasting Management of Large Ungulates in the Arctic Tundra-Forest Ecotone: Ecosystem Structure and Climate Feedback

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

The arctic forest-tundra ecotone (FTE) represents a major transition zone between contrasting ecosystems, which can be strongly affected by climatic and biotic factors. Expected northward expansion and encroachment on arctic tundra in response to climate warming may be counteracted by natural and anthropogenic processes such as defoliating insect outbreaks and grazing/browsing regimes.

Distribution and nesting success of ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks on an agricultural landscape in the Great Plains

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014
United States of America

We studied nest site land cover associations, and reproductive success of two Buteo species of conservation concern on the southern Great Plains, USA. The study area was in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, where land use is dominated by row crop agriculture, livestock grazing, and Conservation Reserve Program grasslands. Ferruginous Hawks (B. regalis) were uncommon and nested primarily in and around the Rita Blanca National Grassland (NG). Swainson’s Hawks (B. swainsoni) were common and nested throughout the study area.

Removal of livestock alters native plant and invasive mammal communities in a dry grassland–shrubland ecosystem

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014
New Zealand

The impacts of domesticated herbivores on ecosystems that did not evolve with mammalian grazing can profoundly influence community composition and trophic interactions. Also, such impacts can occur over long time frames by altering successional vegetation trajectories. Removal of domesticated herbivores to protect native biota can therefore lead to unexpected consequences at multiple trophic levels for native and non-native species.

Seasonal and interannual variation in vegetation composition: Implications for survey design and data interpretation

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Understanding how vegetation composition varies with season and interannual climate variability is important for any ecological research that uses vegetation data derived from surveys for the basis of inference. Misunderstanding this variation can influence land management and planning decisions, leading to poor implementation of biodiversity offsetting mechanisms, for example. We monitored plots (400 m²) grazed by livestock paired with adjacent ungrazed plots in derived native pastures four times a year over 2.5 years on the North‐West Slopes of New South Wales.

Assessing Degradation of Abandoned Farmlands for Conservation of the Monte Desert Biome in Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Land abandonment is a major issue worldwide. In Argentina, the Monte Desert is the most arid rangeland, where the traditional conservation practices are based on successional management of areas excluded to disturbances or abandoned. Some areas subjected to this kind of management may be too degraded, and thus require active restoration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether passive succession-based management is a suitable approach by evaluating the status of land degradation in a protected area after 17–41� years of farming abandonment.

Measurement methods on pastures and their use in environmental life-cycle assessment

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Grassland agriculture plays an important role for livestock production and land management throughout the world. It is challenging to estimate the available feed on pasture plots. For this study, a rising plate meter was calibrated in swards of the organic experimental station of Trenthorst in northern Germany to calculate grazing intake of cattle and to determine biomass regrowth.


Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Grazing intensity and bush encroachment are disturbance factors that may alter the floristic composition of herbaceous species. This paper investigates impacts of grazing (intensity) and bush encroachment on herbaceous species and rangeland conditions in Borana, southern Ethiopia. Herbaceous species richness and the abundance of each species were greater in the light‐ and moderate‐grazed areas than heavy‐grazed sampling plots. Similarly, herbaceous species richness was highest at an intermediate level of biomass and seems to decline as biomass increases.

Optimisation of the traditional land-use system in the Angolan highlands using linear programming

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

This study used linear programming (LP) to analyse land-use alternatives in the traditional Umbundu farming system in the Angolan central highlands. Farmers of the region have traditionally produced maize and pulses for subsistence and vegetables and timber as cash crops. Different pasture and forest fallow rotations are used along catena production sites. The system is labour-intensive and uses animal traction. LP problems were formulated and solved for a baseline land-use alternative, improved diet alternative and maximal timber production alternative.

Fire and carbon management in a diversified rangelands economy: research, policy and implementation challenges for northern Australia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Burning of savanna is a globally important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Australia, burning of savanna contributes between 2% and 4% annually of the nation’s reportable emissions. Complete removal of this source of emissions is unrealistic because fire is a ubiquitous natural process and important land-management tool. In the rangelands of northern Australia, fire is used to manage habitat for conservation, control woodland thickening, manipulate pastures for grazing and is an essential component of indigenous cultural and land-management practice.

Des prairies toujours entretenues par les élevages allaitants extensifs... Quelques enseignements

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Permanently maintained pastures in France are often located in less desirable areas of the country and are extensively used for grass based farming, dairy farming an mountainous regions), and suckler farming (cattle and sheep, down into the valleys). These production systems are of interest because they employ practices respectful of the environment and local biodiversity. We conducted observations of 73 cattle suckler farms (12 of which use organic agriculture) located in the Massif Central.

Vegetation traits and soil properties in response to utilization patterns of grassland in Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Numerous studies have focused on vegetation traits and soil properties in grassland, few of which concerned about effects of human utilization patterns on grassland yet. Thus, this study hypothesized that human disturbance (e.g., grazing, mowing and fencing) triggered significant variation of biomass partitioning and carbon reallocation. Besides, there existed some differences of species diversity and soil fertility.

Pastoralism, sustainability, and marketing. A review

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Pastoralism is a highly traditional production system for livestock and livestock products. Under the surface of a seeming stability a variety of pressures of the modern time all seem to accumulate to put the sustainability of the pastoralist production system to the test. Population growth and growing demand for meat, put pressure on the natural resources used by pastoralists because the grazing lands that are saved from encroachment or conversion into arable lands, may be overexploited. Changing climatic conditions, such as frequent droughts, put even more pressure on the system.