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Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
december, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.

Carbon sequestration in dryland ecosystems of West Asia and North Africa

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002
Northern Africa

The West Asia–North Africa (WANA) region has a land area of 1.7 billion ha, and a population of 600 million. Desertification and soil degradation are severe problems in the region. The problem of drought stress is exacerbated by low and erratic rainfall and soils of limited available water holding capacity and soil organic carbon (SOC) content of less than 0.5 per cent. The SOC pool of most soils has been depleted by soil degradation and widespread use of subsistence and exploitative farming systems.

Effect of grazing on plant attributes and hydrological properties in the sloping lands of the East African highlands

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002
Eastern Africa

Extending livestock grazing to the steep slopes has led to unstable grazing systems in the East African Highlands, and new solutions and approaches are needed to ameliorate the current situation. This work was aimed at studying the effect of livestock grazing on plant attributes and hydrological properties. The study was conducted from 1996 to 2000 at the International Livestock Research Institute at Debre Ziet Research Station. Two sites were selected: one at 0-4% slope, and the other at 4-8% slope.

Impact of grazing on plant species richness, plant biomass, plant attribute, and soil physical and hydrological properties of Vertisol in East African highlands

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002
Eastern Africa

Understanding the problems of grazing land in vertisol areas and seeking long-lasting solutions is the central point where mixed crop livestock is the second stay for the majority of the population. In order to understand this, the current study was conducted at two sites, one with 0-4% slope and the other with 4-8% slope at Ginchi watershed, 80 km west of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study were to quantify changes in plant species richness, biomass, plant cover, and soil physical and hydrological properties.

The use of herders' accounts to map livestock activities across agropastoral landscapes in Semi-Arid Africa

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

Improved understandings of the agricultural and range ecologies of semi-arid Africa require better information on the spatiotemporal distribution of domestic livestock across agropastoral landscapes. An empirical GIS-based approach was developed for estimating distributions of herded livestock across three agropastoral territories (around 100 km2 each) over a two-year period.

El efecto del pastoreo sobre la diversidad florística y estructural en pastizales de montaña del centro de Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2002

Se estudió el efecto del pastoreo y de su exclusión por 10 años sobre la composición y diversidad florística y sobre la diversidad estructural de pastizales naturales de montaña, en las Sierras de Córdoba (2.200 m de altitud), Argentina. Consideramos diversidad estructural a la complejidad en la disposición de la biomasa en el espacio horizontal y vertical. Se estimó la abundancia de todas las especies de plantas y su arreglo en el espacio vertical y horizontal, por medio de 50 agujas distribuidas al azar, subdivididas en intervalos verticales de 20 cm.

Efectos del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas germinable y la vegetación establecida en pastizales de montaña del centro de Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2002

Se estudió el efecto del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas y la vegetación establecida en pastizales naturales de montaña, en Pampa de Achala, Córdoba, Argentina. Se analizó el banco de semillas germinable a dos profundidades (0-5 y 5-10 cm), en cinco réplicas de sitios pastoreados a carga moderada-intensa y otros cinco de sitios excluidos al pastoreo por 10 años. Se registró la frecuencia de las especies presentes en la vegetación establecida y la abundancia de las especies en el banco de semillas.

Agricultural intensification by smallholders in the Western Brazilian Amazon: from deforestation to sustainable land use

december, 2001

Focusing on smallholders’ decision making, this report presents trade-offs among the key development objectives - environmental sustainability, economic growth, and poverty alleviation - affecting forest use in two settlements in the western Brazilian Amazon.

La arquitectura del pastoreo: Uso del espacio y sistema de asentamientos en la Puna de Atacama (Susques)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

El objetivo del trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de la arquitectura del pastoreo en los Andes. El foco regional del estudio es Huancar en el Departamento Susques (Jujuy, Argentina). En primer lugar se describen los sistemas de asentamientos vinculados con las actividades pastoriles de Huancar y luego se presentan los esquemas del uso del espacio por parte de los pastores. Finalmente, se analizan los significados que el espacio tiene para los pastores

Tribes, state, and technology adoption in arid land management, Syria

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2001
Western Asia
Northern Africa
Syrian Arab Republic

Arid shrub-lands in Syria and elsewhere in West Asia and North Africa are widely thought degraded. Characteristic of these areas is a preponderance of unpalatable shrubs or a lack of overall ground cover with a rise in the associated risks of soil erosion. Migrating pastoralists have been the scapegoats for this condition of the range. State steppe interventions of the last forty years have reflected this with programs to supplant customary systems with structures and institutions promoting western grazing systems and technologies.

Spatial modeling of rangeland potential vegetation environments

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

Potential vegetation environments (e.g., habitat types, range sites, ecological sites) are important to land managers because they provide a conceptual basis for the description of resource potentials and ecological integrity. Efficient use of potential vegetation classifications in regional or subregional scale assessments of ecosystem health has been limited to date, however, because traditional ecological unit mapping procedures often treat such classifications as ancillary information in the map unit description.