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Trust Land Act (Cap. 288).

december, 1937
Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for the administration of Trust land as defined by section 114 of the Constitution of Kenya, the setting apart of an area of Trust land for use and occupation for specified purposes, the use of Trust land and for other related purposes.

Arrêté n°2001-14/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Djigouèra, province du Kénédougou, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Diassaga / Gossiamandara.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Djigouèra, province du Kénédougou, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Diassaga / Gossiamandara. Il s'agit d'une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages de Diassaga et de Gossiamandara.

Arrêté n°2001-15/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Guiaro, province du Nahouri, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Guiaro.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Guiaro, province du Nahouri, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Guiaro. Il s'agit une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages limitrophes du périmètre.

Arrêté n°2001-16/MRA/AGRI/SECU/MATD/MEE/ MCE/MIHU/MD/-FD portant délimitation dans le département de Boni, province du Tuy, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Saho.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans le département de Boni, province du Tuy, de la zone à vocation pastorale de Saho . Il s'agit une zone de pâture inter-villageoise affectée prioritairement aux animaux des éleveurs des villages des villages de Saho et des villages environnants de la province du Tuy.

Withdrawal from Disposal, Setting Apart and Appropriation of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Reindeer Grazing Reserve) Order (S.I./2014-38).

Northern America

The present Order is made under the Territorial Lands Act. The purpose of the Order is to withdraw from disposal certain tracts of territorial lands for reindeer grazing purposes and to set apart and appropriate those tracts for use as a reindeer grazing reserve in the Northwest Territories. The text consists of 5 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implements: Territorial Lands Act (R.S. 1985, c. T-7). (2014-04-01)

National Plan to Combat Desertification in the Syrian Arab Republic.

National Policies
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

This sectorial Action Plan aims at proposing measures to protect the national soil from deterioration, limit the land degradation and soil erosion, and to combat the desertification. It is meant as an implementation of the art. 4 of the International Convention to Combat Desertification of 1994.The Plan can be divided in three main sections. The first section deals with the status of climate, natural and water resources in Syria. The second one reports measures and projects hold in the past years facing the matter.

Food Security Strategy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The present Food Security Strategy (FSS) updates the original one of 1996 by sharpening the strategic elements to address food insecurity based on lessons learned. In recognition that the pursuit of food security is a long-term and multi-sector challenge, institutional strengthening and capacity building is included as a central element of the Strategy.

Arrêté du 15 avril 1946 relatif à l'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers.

Northern Africa

Cet arrêté prévoit un plan d'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers comportant: la détermination des zones ouvertes au pâturage, des zones de mise en défens, un règlement d'exploitation, des mesures culturales pour la restauration ou l'amélioration des pâturages.

Pasture’s Order (License Issuing), 1946.

Western Asia

This Order, composed of 10 sections, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 provides the Minister of Agriculture with powers to set ordinances regarding the announcement of any area as an Inspected Grazing Area. Section 4 prohibits pasturing in Inspected Grazing Areas unless in possession of a Grazing Licence. Section 5 provides with licensing procedures. Sections 6-8 regard licensing procedures. Section 9 sets offences and penalties.