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Migration And Land Tenure Changes In The Central Cotton Basin Of Côte D'Ivoire

december, 2022

Migration dynamics have always been at the heart of Ivorian agricultural development. From the colonial era to the present day, the areas of departure have remained virtually unchanged, but the areas of arrival have been modified. The objective of this study is to show the impacts of the dynamics of Senufo cotton migrations on access to land in the central Ivorian cotton basin. After a survey conducted in 23 villages in the sub-prefectures of Tiéningboué and Marandallah, it emerged that migration to the central Ivorian cotton basin is motivated by cotton cultivation.

Industrial Land: State Of The Art And Management Methods. International Benchmark And Case Study Of An Industrial Zone

december, 2022
United States of America

Context and backgroundThe land is a finite resource for which competition is intensifying due to rapid urbanization, population growth, economic necessities... In Morocco, the land is increasingly seen as an obstacle and a major constraint on several levels. . In the industrial sector, the land is an essential lever for investment. In this context, we can cite the issue of the management of industrial zones, which remains a global dilemma. It also raises the issue of the place of the State concerning the private sector in the development, planning, marketing, and management of areas.

Gestion Foncière Et Modes D’Acquisition Des Terres En Contexte Des Migrations Agricoles Dans La Commune De Koutaba (Ouest-Cameroun)

december, 2022
United States of America

Background and Context :Land is a key element for the practice of economic activities such as agriculture. In rural areas, its equitable access is an essential condition for sustainable development and the improvement of the living conditions of populations.

The Practices, Effectiveness And Challenges Of Communal Resource Conflict Management Along North Wollo Amhara And Neighboring Afar In Ethiopia

december, 2022
United States of America

 The area along North Wollo Amhara and neighbouring Afare regional states have been exposed to small scale prolonged violent communal resource conflicts. Many factors drive and triggers for these violent conflicts which includes institutional, political, economic, and environmental change. Therefore, the objective of the research is to explore the practices, effectiveness and challenges of the communal resource conflict resolution and management institutions through case study research design.  To answer these objectives, we used survey, interview, and Focus group discussion.

Geospatial Data Integration For Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review Of The State Of The Art Of Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting

december, 2022

Context and background:Intelligent transportation is a dynamic field focused on enhancing travel efficiency, reducing congestion, and increasing convenience. Central to this domain is the collection and analysis of spatio-temporal data, enabling precise traffic flow predictions and the development of intelligent traffic management systems. Integrating geospatial data, encompassing road topology and proximity to public infrastructure and transportation services, presents a significant challenge in designing effective intelligent transportation systems.

Situational analysis of Nyamagana Social-Ecological Landscape in the Cibitoke Province of Burundi

december, 2022

In the developing world, the drivers behind changes in social ecological landscapes (SEL) are intricate and have been steadily intensifying over the years. Regions blessed with abundant natural resources, encompassing fertile soils, lush forests, freshwater bodies, valuable minerals, and more, tend to experience rapid population growth and heightened poverty rates.

Climate Smart Governance Dashboard: technical guide

december, 2022

The Climate-Smart Governance (CSG) Dashboard stands as an innovative platform, providing data on climate-related hazards, vulnerability, climate scenarios, and sector-specific information. Developed as part of the CGIAR initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR), the CSG Dashboard plays a crucial role in supporting nations undertaking the UNFCCC National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. Aligned with the iterative nature of the NAP process, the CSG Dashboard enhances adaptive capacity and resilience, minimizing vulnerability to climate change impacts.

CACCI country profile Tajikistan

december, 2022

Tajikistan, one of the least urbanized countries in Central Asia, is prone to natural disasters, disruptions in rainfall, rising temperatures, reductions in glacial cover, and extreme weather events. Agriculture and energy sectors are the highest emitters of greenhouse gases. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan acknowledges the problems and risks posed by climate change and is working to address them.

Gap Assessment on Capacity Building in Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana, Mali And Senegal

december, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Project builds on the initiatives and achievements under the CGIAR Research Program on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Africa. With a focus on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies and on climate information services (CIS), the AICCRA project includes an important capacity development component for the benefit of six (6) countries in Africa.

The role of spatial inequalities on youth migration decisions: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

december, 2022

We combine nationally representative data from Nigeria with spatiotemporal data from remote sensing and other sources to study how young migrants respond to observable characteristics of potential destinations, both in absolute terms and relative to origin locations. Migrants prefer destinations with better welfare, land availability and intensity of economic activity. We also find that migrants prefer shorter distances and those destinations with better urban amenities and infrastructure. However, responses vary by type of migrant and migration.