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Captain Iglo mustn’t come to Africa!

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2015

During the last few years, the donor community has increased its efforts to reduce the large amounts of fish lost in the distribution chain in artisanal fishery, an endeavour that ought to be welcomed in principle. However, focusing on one single solution, the development of an expensive cool chain and the supply of fresh or frozen fish, represents a massive interference with the traditional processing and distribution channels, with women being the main losers. Our author calls for more foresight in international co-operation.

New Alliance, New Risk of Land Grabs

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2015

Ten African countries have signed up to the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition – the G8 countries’ main strategy for supporting agriculture in Africa that was launched in 2012. As the New Alliance has been under way for three years, some of its likely impacts are becoming clearer. This briefing – covering Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania and Senegal – shows that some large companies involved in the New Alliance are already accused of taking part in land grabs in some countries.

Gabonese Republic Report on Growth and Employment

mei, 2015

In 2009 the Gabonese authorities defined
a new vision whose strategic guidelines are detailed in an
operational plan, the strategic plan for an emerging Gabon
(PSGE) whose goal is to turn Gabon into an emerging country
within one generation. PSGE includes an ambitious public
investment program to develop basic infrastructure and to
create the necessary economic environment for the emergence
of a diversified economy. The major challenge for PSGE, and

Act On It! Four key steps to stop land grabs

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2015

Over the past 15 years, tens of millions of hectares of land have been acquired by large investors in developing countries. The Land Matrix documented 1,037 transnational land deals covering 37,842,371 hectares during this period, while many more deals remain undocumented.1 This global land rush is causing widespread forced evictions and denial of access to key land and natural resources for millions of women, small- scale food producers, pastoralists, gatherers, forest dwellers, fisherfolk, and tribal and indigenous peoples.

La tierra: un recurso en disputa. Instituciones, actores y procesos en Argentina, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela

Reports & Research
april, 2015
  • La publicación ofrece una amplia reflexión sobre las nuevas presiones sobre la tierra y los territorios en cuatro países de la región, e indaga sobre sus impactos en procesos de larga data.
  • Se presenta a los actores directamente afectados o beneficiados por las relaciones de poder que se generan en el ámbito rural en la actualidad.
  • Se destaca que los países estudiados cuentan con marcos legales e institucionales para el gobierno de la tierra que han sido impulsados o reformados según el interés de las clases dominantes.

A Regional Workshop on Land Monitoring Initiatives: Proceedings

Reports & Research
maart, 2015

This publication contains the major highlights of the Land Watch Asia's "Regional Workshop on Land Monitoring Initiatives: Towards an Accountable Governance on Land" held in Manila, Philippines on 21-22 April 2015. These include the land monitoring country reports (in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, and Philippines) prepared by Land Watch Asia campaign using the Land Reform Monitoring Framework, which was its landmark contribution towards assessing land issues across the region.

The Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: a historic opportunity

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to be adopted in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda. In what way do the SDGs differ from the Millennium Development Goals? What does the community of states expect from their introduction? Our authors describe the background of the process and the latest developments in the debate.

Food and nutrition security in the SDGs – where are we heading?

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

The demand to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger has been the centrepiece of the Millennium Development Goals; the first MDG stands for the inextricable link between poverty and people’s ability to access safe, nutritious and sufficient food. How will the objective of achieving global food and nutrition security be embedded in the SDGs? Will the SDGs be a further step towards this target?

An ambitious post-2015 development agenda will depend on soils

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

The sustainable management of soils is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This is evidenced by the analysis of the role soils play across the proposed agenda. However, some key aspects have not been sufficiently considered so far. Moreover, the SDGs will place increased demand on soils. Further advocacy is therefore needed to ensure that important soil and land related issues remain in the final declaration of the post-2015 agenda.

Monitoring progress on agriculture and rural development

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will amount to little unless backed by reliable indicators. Only with good metrics can the agenda be implemented and progress measured. Just like the SDGs themselves, the indicators are still in the discussion phase, with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) one of the many players in this process. They outline their recommendations in the following article, using rural development as an example to describe them.