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Implementation of REDD+ Mechanisms in Tanzania

april, 2014

This paper explains the major issues and
lessons derived from the national forest management program
and REDD+ initiatives in Tanzania. It finds that addressing
the most important drivers of forest degradation and
deforestation, in particular the country energy needs and
landownership, is essential for success in reducing
emissions regardless of the type of program implemented. It
also finds that, through the national program, forest users

A Study of the Role of Forest and Forest-Dependent Community in Myanmar

Reports & Research
april, 2014

... This study was intended to find out the benefits of forests, especially for non-wood forest products (NWFPs), to forestdependent local people and the relation to their socio-economic status. Sampling (169 respondents) was chosen to be an equal distribution of household’s economic status. The survey was conducted face to face with structural interviews using both open-and closed-ended questions. The results showed that bamboo and bamboo shoot were considered as the most collected NWFPs in the Bago Yoma region.

Romania : Forest Sector Rapid Assessment

april, 2014

Romania relies on the European
Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to achieve its
commitments to the European Union (EU) 2020 targets. The use
of the European Agriculture and Rural Development Fund
(EARDF) requires that at least 30 percent of the budget
allocated for rural development as part of the National
Rural Development Plan (NRDP) be spent on the environment
and addressing climate change. The forest sector rapid

Managing the Miombo Woodlands of Southern Africa : Policies, Incentives, and Options for the Rural Poor

april, 2014

This report is based on seven background
papers comprising household studies, national level
analyses, and technical assessments. Household studies were
undertaken in Mozambique and Zambia to develop a clearer
picture of the role of Miombo woodlands in household
consumption. These studies were an outcome of intensive,
seasonal structured household surveys, which have formed the
core of the original work supported by this project

Commercial Woodfuel Production : Experience from Three Locally Controlled Wood Production Models

maart, 2014

Woodfuels (firewood and charcoal) are
the dominant energy source and the leading forest product
for most developing countries. Representing 60 to 80 percent
of total wood consumption in these nations, woodfuels often
account for 50 to 90 percent of all energy used. Although
woodfuels are widely perceived as cheap and primitive
sources of energy, commercial woodfuel markets are
frequently very large, involve significant levels of

Forests and Water: A Synthesis of the Contemporary Science and its Relevance for Community Forestry in the Asia–Pacific region

Reports & Research
februari, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

There is now a solid body of scientific information for understanding and interpreting the relationships between forests and water in both temperate and tropical regions. However, there is also a parallel and deeply entrenched “popular narrative” that often runs counter to the consensus views of the forest hydrology scientific community. This paper thus summarizes the key aspects of the scientific consensus that are particularly relevant for community forestry and points the way to relevant literature for anyone wanting to follow up on specific topics. 

Social Accountability Review : Forestry Sector in Moldova

februari, 2014

The forestry sector in Moldova faces
significant governance and sustainability challenges. The
insufficient level of forest coverage in Moldova has a
serious impact on environment and overall economic growth in
the country. The situation is exacerbated by the reportedly
intense pressure on forest resources exerted by the human
factor. Illegal logging and grazing are considered as
significant factors that contribute to forest loss. There is

ไผ่กับวิถีชีวิตคนไทย: องค์ความรู้และรูปแบบการจัดการของท้องถิ่น

Reports & Research
januari, 2014

สำหรับผู้ที่สนใจสถานการณ์การจัดการไผ่ ทั้งในพื้นที่ธรรมชาติและนอกพื้นที่ธรรมชาติ ศักยภาพและโอกาสของไผ่ในประเทศไทย รูปแบบและองค์ความรู้การจัดการไผ่อย่างยั่งยืนของชุมชนท้องถิ่น ข้อเสนอแนะเชิงนโยบายและแนวทางการจัดการไผ่อย่างยั่งยืน ...หนังสือเล่มนี้ ได้รวบรวมสาระสำคัญจากการประชุมแลกเปลี่ยนไผ่กับวิถีชีวิตของคนไทย ครั้งที่ 1: องค์ความรู้และรูปแบบการจัดการของท้องถิ่น ไว้อย่างครบถ้วน

Huella de la accidentalidad laboral: nuevo concepto asociado a la cadena de custodia en manejo forestal sustentable

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2014

El estudio, debido a inconveniencias en métodos previos, propone el nuevo concepto de "huella de accidentalidad laboral", y su implementación y trazabilidad en la cadena de custodia (CdC) en manejo forestal sustentable (MFS), mediante indicadores de accidentalidad ocupacional especiales.

Expanding Financing for Biodiversity Conservation : Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean

januari, 2014

The Latin America and Caribbean Region
has been at the forefront of global biodiversity
conservation, dedicating 20 percent of its land to protected
areas compared to 13 percent in the rest of the developing
world. This progress has stretched available budgets for
conservation with estimates indicating that a twofold
increase would be necessary to achieve optimal management of
existing protected areas based on 2008 data. Recognizing the