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Desire for Greener Land. Options for Sustainable Land Management in Drylands

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Humankind currently faces interconnected, worldwide challenges of feeding our rapidly growing population while simultaneously preserving our natural resource base, adapting to climate change, and creating or maintaining favourable living conditions for present and future generations. The world’s population is growing exponentially. It is expected to rise from seven to more than nine billion people in the next few decades.

Forest, Trees, and Woodlands in Africa : An Action Plan for World Bank Engagement

december, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to outline
an approach for Bank engagement in forests, trees, and
woodlands on farms in Sub-Saharan Africa for the coming five
years. The paper takes the framework of the Africa
development strategy, which has two main pillars: supporting
employment and competitiveness, and building resilience and
reducing vulnerability; and one underlying foundation:
strengthening capacity and governance. It is consistent with

REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #5: Drivers of Deforestation and REDD+

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2012
South-Eastern Asia

What do opportunity costs mean in the context of REDD+ and what are the implications for local communities? Farmers intuitively know the importance of opportunity costs. To tackle deforestation in a socially equitable way, we must consider what the drivers of deforestation are and what incentives and livelihood opportunities accompany them.

Understanding carbon loss and potential interventions in Manica, Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2012

Understanding how land use and its changes affect forest cover and carbon stocks is fundamental to developing sound REDD+ delivery options. A study in Manica Province, a REDD+ pilot area for Mozambique, suggests biomass and forest carbon fell substantially between 2007 and 2010. The study combined radar remote sensing information (to measure changes in biomass and carbon stocks) with field investigations (to establish land use and land cover changes, and their causes). Small-scale agriculture is responsible for nearly half of the loss.

Interpretación de los principios y criterios del FSC en manejo forestal

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2012
Costa Rica

Con este curso, se lograr dar un pleno conocimiento a los propietarios, administradores y empleados de proyectos forestales sobre los requisitos de los diez principios y criterios (P&C) de la certificación forestal FSCTM. EL FSC es la certificación con mayor éxito a nivel mundial y tiene características únicas, como por ejemplo que involucra terceras partes, los resultados son públicos entre otros e incluye temas ambientales, sociales yeconómicos.

Revised Compendium on Circulars & Guidelines on the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 & Rules, 2008 and Amendment Rules, 2012

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2012

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India enacted the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, a tribal friendly legislation to address the historical injustice and critical issues, pertaining to the forest rights deprivation of the Forest Dwellers. To facilitate its implementation, FRA Rules, 2008 was framed and then made amendment to the Rules in 2012. However, several constraining factors and issues came to the notice in the implementation process of the Act in letter and spirit.

Forestry Administration of Cambodia : The Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

juni, 2012

The Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project (FCMCPP) overall objective was developed in the early 2000s and aims at 'testing and demonstrating, through implementation, a comprehensive set of forest planning and management guidelines and control procedures and establishing an effective forest management compliance monitoring and enforcement capability'. According to the planning handbook a separate and specific document was supposed to be prepared with regard to the social issues of the forest concession planning process in order to complete the planning process.

The Value of Cultural Theory for Participatory Processes in Natural Resource Management

Reports & Research
april, 2012
South-Eastern Asia

While participation is seen as an important part of sustainable natural resource management, it is not always successful – a number of studies to date indicate conflicting values and power inequalities can significantly undermine participatory processes. A new paper in the Journal of Forest Policy and Economics examines another source of conflict: differing views of reality and underlying cultural biases.

The Rainforests of Cameroon :
Experience and Evidence from a Decade of Reform

maart, 2012

In 1994, the Government of Cameroon
introduced an array of forest policy reforms, both
regulatory and market-based, to support a more organized,
transparent, and sustainable system for accessing and using
forest resources. This report describes how these reforms
played out in the rainforests of Cameroon. The intention is
to provide a brief account of a complex process and identify
what worked, what did not, and what can be improved. The

China Forest Policy : Deepening the Transition, Broadening the Relationship

Reports & Research
maart, 2012

A pattern of forest area loss followed
by a period of reforestation is representative of the forest
transition process. Forest transition has been observed in
many countries and is a feature of the development process.
China reached its inflection point earlier and faster than
most other countries that have gone through the transition.
The report describes the success of reforms to forest
resource tenure in collective forest areas. These reforms,

A Legal and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in Southern Sudan : Policy note

maart, 2012

This policy note was prepared in
response to a request from the Government of Southern Sudan
(GoSS) for World Bank assistance in developing legislative
and institutional policies and strategies that will take
advantage of the potential of the region's forest
resources to contribute to poverty alleviation, food
security, sustainable agriculture, economic growth, and to
protection of forest-related environmental services such as