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Predicting Shifts in Land Suitability for Maize Cultivation Worldwide Due to Climate Change: A Modeling Approach

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2021

Suitable land is an important prerequisite for crop cultivation and, given the prospect of climate change, it is essential to assess such suitability to minimize crop production risks and to ensure food security. Although a variety of methods to assess the suitability are available, a comprehensive, objective, and large-scale screening of environmental variables that influence the results—and therefore their accuracy—of these methods has rarely been explored.

A Regional GIS-Assisted Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Site-Suitability for the Development of Solar Farms

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2021
United States of America

One of the fastest-growing renewable energy sources is solar energy. A strategic step for a well-performing solar project is site identification. The evaluation of site-suitability is a complex task, where multiple qualitative and quantitative criteria, inherent to the territory, are involved. In this study, a GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology for site-suitability evaluation in the development of solar farms (DSF) is presented.

Evaluation of Land Suitability Methods with Reference to Neglected and Underutilised Crop Species: A Scoping Review

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2021

In agriculture, land use and land classification address questions such as “where”, “why” and “when” a particular crop is grown within a particular agroecology. To date, there are several land suitability analysis (LSA) methods, but there is no consensus on the best method for crop suitability analysis. We conducted a scoping review to evaluate methodological strategies for LSA. Secondary to this, we assessed which of these would be suitable for neglected and underutilised crop species (NUS). The review classified LSA methods reported in articles as traditional (26.6%) and modern (63.4%).

Agricultural Land Suitability Assessment Using Satellite Remote Sensing-Derived Soil-Vegetation Indices

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2021

Satellite remote sensing technologies have a high potential in applications for evaluating land conditions and can facilitate optimized planning for agricultural sectors. However, misinformed land selection decisions limit crop yields and increase production-related costs to farmers. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to develop a land suitability assessment system using satellite remote sensing-derived soil-vegetation indicators.

Land Suitability Evaluation for Wild-Simulated Ginseng Cultivation in South Korea

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2021
Republic of Korea

Wild-simulated ginseng (WSG) is highly sensitive to growth conditions. Nevertheless, the suitability evaluation of actual WSG cultivation sites for a sustainable yield has not been conducted in South Korea, nor at a global level. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of actual WSG cultivation sites to understand the status of these sites and to present a methodology that can be applied to the determination of WSG cultivation sites by combining the major factors essential for WSG growth.

Enhancing Vietnam’s Nationally Determined Contribution with Mitigation Targets for Agroforestry: A Technical and Economic Estimate

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of several non-Annex I countries mention agroforestry but mostly without associated mitigation target. The absence of reliable data, including on existing agroforestry practices and their carbon storage, partially constrains the target setting. In this paper, we estimate the mitigation potential of agroforestry carbon sequestration in Vietnam using a nationwide agroforestry database and carbon data from the literature. Sequestered carbon was estimated for existing agroforestry systems and for areas into which these systems can be expanded.

Effect of climate change on land suitability for surface irrigation and irrigation potential of the shallow groundwater in Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2019

Estimating the potential land resources suitable for irrigation and evaluating the possible impact of climate change on land suitability is essential for planning a sustainable agricultural system. This study applied a GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) technique to evaluate the suitability of land for irrigation in Ghana for a baseline period (1990 to 2010) and future time horizons 2050s (2041 to 2060) and 2070s (2061 to 2080).

Comparison of Cash Crop Suitability Assessment Using Parametric, AHP, and FAHP Methods

Peer-reviewed publication
mei, 2019

Cash crops, which include eucalyptus, play an important role in Thailand in wood utilization. Consequently, cash crops have become a significant driving force in land use changes and low crop yield; thus, the development of an accurate cash crop suitability model is needed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the land suitability of cash crops, such as eucalyptus, which is based on Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in Nakhon Ratchasima Province in Thailand.

Increasing Sugar Production in Indonesia through Land Suitability Analysis and Sugar Mill Restructuring

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2019

Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world with an annual population growth rate of 1.3%. This growth is accompanied by an increase in sugar consumption, which is occurring at an annual rate of 4.3%. The huge demand for sugar has created a large gap between sugar production and demand. Indonesia became the world’s largest sugar importer in 2017–2018. Sugarcane farmers have an important role in sugar production. They are facing problems with declining sugarcane productivity and arable land decreasing.

Comparison of Different Irrigation Methods Based On the Parametric Evaluation Approach in Chikan and Mourzian Subbasin, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Increasing world population has led to product more foods and crops, while agricultural lands have been decreased. Then, it is necessary to use the maximum potential of these lands which product maximum yield without any damage. To reach this objective, land suitability evaluation is the most important way that can reach-this objective.


Reports & Research
december, 2018

East Lombok Regency has different beach variations from the north, middle, and south in terms of its constituent material. The beauty of the beach in East Lombok District has not been well managed and developed so that it is less developed than the other beaches in Lombok Regency. Therefore, a preliminary study is needed in the development of coastal tourism in East Lombok Regency. The initial study that needs to be done is the land suitability of coastal for tourism and swimming in East Lombok Regency.

Assessing potential land suitable for surface irrigation using groundwater in Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Although Ethiopia has abundant land for irrigation, only a fraction of its potential land is being utilized. This study evaluates suitability of lands for irrigation using groundwater in Ethiopia using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques in order to enhance the country's agricultural industry. Key factors that significantly affect irrigation suitability evaluated in this study include physical land features (land use, soil, and slope), climate (rainfall and evapotranspiration), and market access (proximity to roads and access to market).