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Displaying 661 - 672 of 2002

Restauration des terres: Action contre la désertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2016
Burkina Faso

En 2016, Action contre la désertification se prépare à restaurer 10 000 hectares de terres et à planter des espèces d'arbres, d'arbustes et de graminées locales et bien adaptées localement dans six pays africains - le Burkina Faso, l'Éthiopie, la Gambie, le Niger, le Nigeria et le Sénégal.

Development and implementation of a pilot village-based goat improvement scheme

Reports & Research
mei, 2016
Eastern Africa

Community based goat breed improvement was established to improve the productivity performance of goat through selective breeding and to demonstrate community based utilization and conservation of local breed. The community based breeding with 56 participant farmers have been established since March 2012 at Dinzaz Village Gumara Makseget watershed. 12 bucks user group were established for easy management of the selected bucks. The data were recorded through trained enumerators and best bucks were selected and distributed for buck user group.

Early-stage changes in natural sup(13)C and sup(15)N abundance and nutrient dynamics during different litter decomposition

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2016
Republic of Korea

Decomposition, nutrient, and isotopic (deltasup(13)C and deltasup(15)N) dynamics during 1 year were studied for leaf and twig litters of Pinus densiflora, Castanea crenata, Erigeron annuus, and Miscanthus sinensis growing on a highly weathered soil with constrained nutrient supply using litterbags in a cool temperate region of South Korea. Decay constant (kl year) ranged from 0.58 to 1.29/year, and mass loss ranged from 22.36 to 58.43 % among litter types.

Global Land Outlook Writeshop: Summary of Discussions

Conference Papers & Reports
april, 2016

This report provides a brief summary of the discussions in and key findings of the Global Land
Outlook Writeshop that took place 11th - 13th of April 2016 in Amman, Jordan. The writeshop was
organized the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems, in collaboration with the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and ICARDA.
The purpose of the writeshop was to bring working authors together to discuss and share
knowledge and lessons learned on successful examples of sustainable land management best

Country Partnership Framework for the Republic of Colombia for the Period FY16-21

april, 2016

The WBG’s Colombia Systematic Country
Diagnostic (SCD) analyzed key constraints and opportunities
that will impact Colombia’s development in the context of
three defining country characteristics. They include uneven
territorial development, a long standing armed conflict and
a growth process led by extractive industries. The Colombia
Country Partnership Framework (CPF) proposes to address
these complex development challenges with a flexible,

Bolivia Systematic Country Diagnostic

april, 2016

The objective of this Systematic Country
Diagnostic (SCD) is to identify the priority constraints
Bolivia faces in sustaining its gains on reducing poverty
and enhancing shared prosperity over the next years. It will
analyze the dynamics behind the progress achieved in the
past decade on inclusive growth, and identify a number of
key constraints for sustaining and consolidating this
progress. The SCD begins, in Chapter two, with a

Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for the National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan in Romania

april, 2016

In support of the Climate Change and Low
Carbon Green Growth Program of Romania (LCGGP), the World
Bank has prepared the current report with the aim of helping
the Romanian Government to operationalize the strategic path
chosen by the country for implementing its National Climate
Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy 2016-20302
(NSCC) and the associated 2016-2020 Action Plan for Climate
Change (APCC). This includes some relevant institutional

Small Watershed Rehabilitation and Management in a Changing Economic and Policy Environment

april, 2016

China is considered one of the most seriously eroded countries in the world. The
many causes of this degradation can be divided into natural, human-induced and root causes.
The consequences of watershed degradation are severe and reach even beyond the country’s
boundaries. Addressing this issue requires a sustainable participatory and integrated watershed
management approach. The Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Projects, implemented by
the Ministry of Water Resources and co-financed by the World Bank has provided a model that

Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects Rights, Livelihoods, and Resources

april, 2016

These organizations have joined together to recommend the principles presented below. The document concludes with anticipated next steps, which point toward a toolkit of best practices, guidelines, governance frameworks, and possibly codes of practice by the major sets of private actors.