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Displaying 829 - 840 of 2002

Concepts and Methods of Global Assessment of the Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2015

The Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) initiative seeks to develop a science basis for policy actions to address land degradation. The purpose of this chapter is to provide with a conceptual framework and sound and feasible methodological standards for ELD assessments at global and national levels. Only if some basic standards are identified and adhered to, comparative assessments can be conducted between countries and useful aggregation of findings, based on these case studies, can be achieved.

Exploring Long-Term Impact of Grazing Management on Land Degradation in the Socio-Ecological System of Asteroussia Mountains, Greece

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2015

The socio-ecological system dominated by pastureland in the Asteroussia Mountains (Crete, Greece) was analyzed over a long time interval (1945–2010) to identify the most relevant system’s characteristics and changes. Vegetation cover and land-uses have been quantified by analyzing aerial photographs exploring the whole study period. Soil characteristics have been assessed by carrying out an extensive field survey for the last reference year (2010) and by estimating the average soil loss for the past period using the PESERA soil erosion model validated by field measurements.

Soil nutrient balance, economic performance and scenarios for closing nutrient gaps in heterogeneous smallholder farm systems in south-western Burkina Faso

Conference Papers & Reports
september, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa suffers widespread nutrient mining, raising the problem of insustainable intensification. Understanding the relationship among soil nutrient balance, intensification and farm’s economic performance can help improve the efficiency of policy intervention, as well as contribute to the body of knowledge for farm design. This study’s main objectives were to analyse the soil nutrient balances of different farm types and their linkage with farm economic performances and to evaluate scenarios for replenishing soil nutrients in smallholder farms.

Decision 3/COP.12

UN Resolutions
september, 2015

Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets into the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the Intergovernmental Working Group report on land degradation neutrality

The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing

september, 2015

The case for climate action has never
been stronger. Current weather extremes, including storms,
floods and drought, affect millions of people across the
world. Climate change is putting water security at risk;
threatening agricultural and other supply chains as well as
many coastal cities. The likelihood of severe pervasive and
irreversible impacts will grow without action to limit and
reverse the growth of GHG emissions globally. Last year’s

Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Report for policy and decision makers

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
augustus, 2015

Considering the figures given in the foreword and found in the literature about the on-going and increasing degradation of land and land-based ecosystems and their productivity, this indicates a pressing need to re-design current policies and clearly defined guidance for future action for sustainable land management.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
augustus, 2015

This document is hence organized not around the three types of challenges, but around five themes of governance, public finance issues, private sector-led economy, poverty and environment, and human capital, all crucial to achieving faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth. Chapter one provides the country context. Chapter two discusses the quality of governance, an overarching issue in Madagascar. It has a direct bearing on the pace, the inclusiveness and sustainability of growth.

Can Improved Biomass Cookstoves Contribute to REDD+ in Low-Income Countries?

augustus, 2015

This paper provides field
experiment–based evidence on the potential additional forest
carbon sequestration that cleaner and more fuel-efficient
cookstoves might generate. The paper focuses on the Mirt
(meaning “best”) cookstove, which is used to bake injera,
the staple food in Ethiopia. The analysis finds that the
technology generates per-meal fuel savings of 22 to 31
percent compared with a traditional three-stone stove with

Economic of Land Degradation in Centra Asia_Newsletter, #2, 7 August 2015

Institutional & promotional materials
augustus, 2015
Central Asia

In this issue: ELD CA National teams defined and visited pilot research sites. ELD CA Initiative presented at the International Water Forum of Mountain Countries. ELD CA National teams defined ecosystem services and their valuation methods. ELD CA and UNDP BIOFIN project in Kazakhstan defined the cooperation during the
meeting in Astana. Strengthened the cooperation between ELD CA and partners in the region. Description of research pilot sites in the ELD approach in Central Asian countries.