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Décret n° 2017-757 du 05 septembre 2017 portant engagement national en matière de neutralité de la dégradation des terres.

september, 2017

Le présent décret fixe l'engagement national en matière de neutralité de la dégradation des terres, en application des dispositions générales de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification et de la Charte de l'Environnement Malagasy actualisée.

Herders against Farmers: Nigeria’s Expanding Deadly Conflict

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

Violent conflicts between nomadic herders from northern Nigeria and sedentary agrarian communities in the central and southern zones have escalated in recent years and are spreading southward, threatening the country’s security and stability. With an estimated death toll of approximately 2,500 people in 2016, these clashes are becoming as potentially dangerous as the Boko Haram insurgency in the north east. Yet to date, response to the crisis at both the federal and state levels has been poor.

Mapping soil erosion hotspots and assessing the potential impacts of land management practices in the highlands of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2017
Eastern Africa

An enormous effort is underway in Ethiopia to address soil erosion and restore overall land productivity. Modelling and participatory approaches can be used to delineate erosion hotspots, plan site- and context-specific interventions and assess their impacts. In this study, we employed a modelling interface developed based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation adjusted by the sediment delivery ratio to map the spatial distribution of net soil loss and identify priority areas of intervention.

Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2017

The Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture is designed to help investors in ensuring that their investments are inclusive, sustainable, transparent, and respect human rights. While it focuses on Ethiopia, it will be a useful resource for investors and companies operating in other countries.

Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo Urbano y Peri-Urbano: Marco para el Diálogo y la Acción en América Latina y el Caribe

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic

Articulo presentado al 3er Congreso Iberoamericano de Suelo Urbano, Curitiba, Brasil, agosto 2017 El objetivo del artículo es presentar los principales hallazgos del estudio, ilustrando las ideas fuerza con datos y hechos característicos de los diferentes países.

Impact evaluation of SLM options to achieve land degradation neutrality in Tunisia: Junior officer monthly reports.

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017
Northern Africa

This report details mainly the author's professional activities performed with the ICARDA Centre in Amman (Jordan) for the period 1 December 2016 ' 30 July 2017, under the supervision of Dr. Quang Bao Le (Systems- and GIS-based Sustainable Land Management ' SLM, at ICARDA Amman), and Mr. Enrico Bonaiuti (Monitoring Evaluation and Learning ' MEL, ICARDA Amman).

Coastal Protection and Management Regulation 2017.

augustus, 2017

This Regulation, consisting of 16 sections divided into four Parts and completed by four Schedules, implements the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. It approves coastal zone map—Act, s 18C. For section 18C of the Act, the Coastal zone map for Queensland, certified by the chief executive on 3 October 2011, is approved as the coastal zone map. The exact location of the boundary of the coastal zone shown on the map is held in digital electronic form by the department.

Les élites urbaines comme nouveaux acteurs du marché foncier en Côte d’Ivoire

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2017
Côte d'Ivoire

Date: août 2017

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Jean Philippe Colin

Depuis quelques années, la question foncière dans les pays du Sud et en transition est abordée avec pour thème privilégié les « grandes acquisitions » de terres agricoles par des opérateurs  internationaux. La place des élites nationales dans la reconfiguration des structures agraires reste souvent ignorée.

Changes in Property Rights and Management of High-Elevation Rangelands in Bhutan: Implications for Sustainable Development of Herder Communities

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2017

Property rights and management regimes for high-elevation rangelands in Bhutan have evolved over centuries in response to environmental, cultural, and political imperatives. The 2007 Land Act of Bhutan aims to redress historical inequities in property rights by redistributing grazing leases to local livestock owners in a process known as rangeland nationalization.