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Land resource planning for sustainable land management

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This working paper provides an overview of the historic development and current status of implementation of land evaluation and land use planning concepts and tools for land resources/landscape management and proposes a way forward. The increasing and juxtaposed challenges of population growth and increasing demands on limited resources by diverse actors, land degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, require a rational utilization of resources to sustain and enhance productivity and m aintain resilient ecosystems.


Reports & Research
december, 2016


The change of urbanized landscape in Vilnius district of the Republic of Lithuania

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

The aim of the research was to analyse the urbanized landscape change in Vilnius district. The study covers the period between the years 2009 and 2014. The study used to perform statistical, literary and comparative analysis, inventory, data systematization, graphic modelling and logical abstract methods. The results showed that during the analysed period the urbanized areas of agricultural land increased the most, these areas have increased by 593.26 hectares (30 percent of the total built-up area).

The assessment of Lithuanian rural residential area structure

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2016

The contemporary rural residential area system formed under specific circumstances characteristic to a particular region and under historic, economic, politic and social details of residential area development. This article studies the influence of natural factors to the formation of rural residential area system, discusses the problem of residential area vanishing and the factors that influence the development of current residential areas.

Formation of information system monitoring on the status of mineral exploitation

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

This article describes the principles of formation of information subsoil monitoring system, the main factors of influence the mining industry on the environment, which predetermine the necessity of monitoring subsurface facilities and the development of their accounting systems.

В данной статье рассмотрены принципы формирования информационной системы мониторинга за состоянием недропользования, основные факторы влияния горного производства на окружающую среду, предопределяющие необходимость осуществления мониторинга объектов недропользования и разработки их системы учета.

From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Soil erosion supplies large quantities of sediments to rivers of Southeastern Asia. It reduces soil fertility of agro-ecosystems located on hillslopes, and it degrades, downstream, water resource quality and leads to the siltation of reservoirs. An increase in the surface area covered with commercial perennial monocultures such as teak plantations is currently observed at the expanse of traditional slash-andburn cultivation systems in steep montane environments of these regions.

Peculiarities and prospects of solving land degradation problem in Ukraine

december, 2016

In Ukraine, degradation of land resources is a complex ecological problem, preventing sustainable development of land employment. Land protection from degradation requires development of measures in the process of land management at regional and local levels. Efficiency of the measures depends considerably on reliable information about quantitative and qualitative conditions of lands, due to the fact that it forces timeliness of the research. The aim of the research is to study problems of land degradation in terms of land management while developing measures of land resource protection.

The legal basis of land management in agricultural areas

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

The purpose of this research is to analyse the situation of policy documents and basic laws (constitutions), related to the rational use of rural land and fertile soil as an important natural resource. The analysis has shown affinity of common laws of different countries in relation to the preservation and improvement of agricultural land and to the provision of necessary infrastructure conducive to the development of agriculture. Based on the analysis of legal framework, the main directions and principles of land management and land use planning in agricultural areas were concluded.

Problems of rural areas management in Lithuania

december, 2016

The article analyses the changes of agricultural production development and the demand of rural planning in the post-reform period. The main aim of the research is to identify the problems of land use and the formation of farms as the territorial-production structures in Lithuania as well as to analyse the possibilities of finding solutions to them. Tendencies of the decrease of the number of rural residents and farms were determined, the regulation of which is possible by improving working and living conditions in rural areas by means of public support measures.

Integrated tree, crop and livestock technologies to conserve soil and water, and sustain smallholder farmers’ livelihoods in Southeast Asian uplands

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

After reviewing the main causes and effects of land degradation and erosion in the uplands of mainland Southeast Asia, this chapter presents several case studies of recent land-use changes governed by economic, political and institutional transitions, the expansion of teak and rubber tree plantations in northern Laos and southwest China, respectively, and of monocropping coffee in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam. We explain how these environmental disturbances are altering water and soil resources across different geographic scales, from the agricultural plot to the headwater catchment.

The current issues of land use of territories of gardeners’ associations in Lithuania

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2016

The article presents the analysis of the Associations of Gardeners of Lithuania as well as the undergoing changes in their territories. The objective of the article is to discuss the current situation in the territories allocated to the amateur gardens and to assess the current issues concerning the land use and management. The associations of gardeners have encountered a great number of problems concerning the territorial planning, engineering communication services and services maintaining the needs of the associations, the expansion as well as development of these areas.