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La femme dans les exploitations agricoles de palmier à huile dans le sud-est ivoirien

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016
Côte d'Ivoire

Ce présent article analyse le jeu social des femmes dans la valorisation des exploitations paysannes de palmier à huile dans un contexte de crise conjoncturelle consécutif à la libéralisation de la filière. L’inflation des ressources paysannes et la chute du prix d’achat des régimes de palme, qui s’en suivent, conduisent à une irrégularité dans le paiement des manœuvres contractuels et une migration de ces ouvriers vers les localités productrices de cacao.

Décret n° 2016-1595 du 24 novembre 2016 relatif à la phytopharmacovigilance et modifiant diverses autres dispositions du code rural et de la pêche maritime relatives à la protection des végétaux.

november, 2016

Le présent décret crée un dispositif de surveillance des effets indésirables des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur l'homme, les animaux d'élevage, les plantes cultivées, la biodiversité, la faune sauvage, l'eau et le sol, la qualité de l'air et les aliments, ainsi que sur l'apparition de résistances à ces produits, dénommé phytopharmacovigilance; il précise en particulier les modalités de désignation des organismes auxquels les informations sont adressées, les obligations qui leur incombent ainsi que les modalités de transmission de ces informations et leur contenu.Le décret complète égalem

Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2016.

november, 2016
New Zealand

These Regulations, consisting of 58 sections divided into four Parts and one Schedule, are made under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and establish the National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities. The regulations prescribe standards for installing and operating antennas, cabinets, small cell units, and telecommunication lines.

Regional Law No. 3501-KZ amending Regional Law No. 725-KZ “On ensuring fertility of agricultural land”.

november, 2016

Article 7.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Owners, possessors, tenants, including lease holders, of agricultural land plots with area of 100 ha and over with a view of conservation and reproduction of soil fertility shall ensure planting of no less than 10 percent of total area with legume grasses”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 725-KZ “On ensuring fertility of agricultural land”. (2013-07-16)


Reports & Research
november, 2016

This paper focuses on the establishment of forest plantations on bare lands and marginal agricultural lands: a multifunctional afforestation programme for Ukraine is elaborated. The multiple forest functions are limited in this research to wood production and erosion prevention. Ukraine is faced with erosion on 35% of its arable lands. Some 20 million ha of lands are experiencing various stages of erosion, and it is increasing with time.

Extension of security of tenure (land) Amendment Bill: stakeholders’ consultative meeting, with Deputy Minister of Labour

Legislation & Policies
november, 2016
South Africa

SALGA supports the amendments on tenure grants although it proposed that the provision of bulk services for alternative land and the delivery of municipal services should also be included in the tenure grant. SALGA supports the amendments as it affects limitations on evictions and additional rights to occupiers. The amendments on the establishment of a land rights management board and land rights management committees are also supported by SALGA. The submission discussed the challenges of evictions and the impacts of this on municipalities in detail.

Soil salinization and sodification

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

The front of the postcard provides a short description on Soil salinization and sodification (definition, cause, key facts) while the back gives the worldwide conditions and trends by region. The data given here is derived from information published in the Status of the World's Soil Resources report, released in December 2015.

The Report and the Technical Summary are available at the links below:

Flyer: Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform (DRIP)

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

The Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform (DRIP) is an interactive web portal with an online tool to support practitioners, project managers, policy-makers and decision-makers in compiling and analysing data and capturing and sharing lessons learned from restoration initiatives, thus advancing the monitoring and assessment of these initiatives globally. DRIP was developed and tested with the active participation of dryland restoration experts and practitioners worldwide.

Acidificación del suelo

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

La parte delantera de la postal ofrece una breve descripción sobre la acidificación del suelo (definición, causa, hechos clave), mientras que la parte posterior muestra las condiciones y tendencias mundiales por región. Estos datos se derivan de la información publicada en el informe del Estado Mundial del Recurso Suelo, publicado en diciembre de 2015.