Derecho de las mujeres a la tenencia legal de la tierra
La seguridad jurídica de las tierras trabajadas por mujeres y hombres, es el primer paso para la construcción del futuro de miles de familias de bolivianas y bolivianos del área rural.
¿Por qué son importantes las cuestiones de género en el acceso a la tierra?
Es preciso reconocer las diferencias de género existentes en cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra para poder conseguir objetivos tales como aumentar la productividad de la tierra, facilitar el acceso a una vivienda asequible o promover la gestión sostenible de los recursos.
Who benefits from government farm payments?
Management of Phytophthora pod rot disease on cocoa farms in Ghana
From 1991 to 1997, field observations on trials involving the use of metalaxyl and copper-based fungicides were made on farmers' farms in four Phytophthora megakarya affected cocoa growing regions of Ghana to control Phytophthora pod rot disease.
Shifting cultivation in the mountains of South and Southeast Asia: regional patterns and factors influencing the change
Shifting cultivation, which long provided the subsistence requirements of a large number of people in the mountains of South and Southeast Asia under a situation of low population, has been shown to be an environmentally and economically unsuitable practice. Efforts have been made throughout the region to replace it with more productive and sustainable land-use systems.
Aboriginal access and living areasreport to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure from the Aboriginal Access and Living Areas Pastoral Industry Working Group
report to the Minister for Planning and InfrastructurePastoral industry economic monitoring requirements
Potentials and constraints of the farmer-to-farmer programme for environmental protection in Nicaragua
The natural environment in Nicaragua has been damaged by rural development policies geared for the export of cash crops, by uneven land distribution and the near absence of concerns about the environmental effects of the prevailing model of development.
Political economy of irrigation development in Vidarbha
Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction
Land policies are of fundamental importance to sustainable growth, good governance, and the well-being of, and the economic opportunities open to, both rural and urban dwellers - particularly the poor.
Development of effective water-management institutions, final report, vol.IV, appendix I: basin profiles
Regional study implemented by IWMI with financial support from the Asian Development Bank (RETA 5812)