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Actividades en colaboración entre la FAO , el Gobierno de Italia y los países de la cuenca del Nilo

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2012
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Desde 1996, la FAO y el Gobierno de Italia han colaborado en un ambicioso proyecto que se realiza a lo largo de la cuenca del r?o m?s largo del mundo. ?Productos informativos sobre los recursos h?dricos de la cuenca del Nilo? fue el nombre con el que se design? la suma global de tres proyectos consecutivos llevados a cabo en diez pa?ses de la cuenca del Nilo. Tras su conclusión oficial, en octubre de 2011, el proyecto fue entregado a la Iniciativa de la Cuenca del Nilo, una organización intergubernamental creada en 1999 que tiene su sede en Entebbe (Uganda).

Recursos naturales y medio ambiente boletín informativo

Reports & Research
november, 2012

En este número del Boletín del Departamento de Gestión de RecursosNaturales y Medio Ambiente nos complace anunciar que las Naciones Unidas han declarado el año 2012 Año Internacional de la Energía Sostenible para Todos. Esta celebración representa una oportunidad de concentrar la atención mundial en los desafíos a que deben hacer frente tanto los países desarrollados como los países en desarrollo a la hora de abordar el acceso a la energía y los problemas relacionados con el uso eficiente de las fuentes energéticas sostenibles.

Public-Private Partnerships to Reform Urban Water Utilities in Western and Central Africa

augustus, 2012

Western and Central Africa have lengthy
experience with public-private partnerships (PPPs), both for
water supply and for combined power and water supply
utilities. Cote d'Ivoire's successful PPP dates
from 1959, and, over the last two decades, as many as 15 out
of 23 countries in the region have experimented with PPPs.
Eleven PPPs are studied here, and detailed performance
indicators are reported for six large cases-Cote

Poverty Analysis in Agricultural Water Operations of the World Bank

augustus, 2012

Agricultural water has been seen as a
prime mechanism for fostering rural economic growth and
reducing rural poverty. But agricultural water has
encountered problems of performance, profitability and
sustainability. This resulted in a reduction in investments
from governments and lending from development organizations
like the World Bank up to early 2000s. A sourcebook on
improving poverty reduction performance of agricultural

Competition or Cooperation? A New Era for Agricultural Water Management

augustus, 2012

Reliable supplies of water for
agriculture have helped meet rapidly rising demand for food
in developing countries, making farms more profitable,
reducing poverty, and helping vast regions of the world
develop more dynamic and diversified economies. Can these
successes be sustained with demand for food rising and water
resources waning? That is the challenge now facing policy
makers, planners, and practitioners in agricultural water

Reengaging in Agricultural Water Management : Policy and Institutional Options for Decision Makers

augustus, 2012

This Note outlines a larger report
describing the changing context of demand and supply for
agricultural water. It identifies the policy, institutional,
and incentive reform options that will accelerate
improvements in productivity and pro-poor growth in this
sector. It articulates priorities for investment and
indicates options for adjusting the respective roles of the
public sector and other stakeholders. The report also sets

Grow in Concert with Nature : Sustaining East Asia's Water Resources through Green Water Defense

juli, 2012

As countries develop, the demand for
water increases while water supply becomes less certain and
is often not enough to meet demand. In general, pressures
from both environment and human activities can increase the
likelihood of water scarcity. Such pressures include
increased socio-economic development and population growth,
change in people's diets, competition for available
water among different user sectors and growing climate

Securing Property Rights in Transition : Lessons from Implementation of China's Rural Land Contracting Law

juni, 2012

This paper is motivated by the emphasis
on secure property rights as a determinant of economic
development in recent literature. The authors use village
and household level information from about 800 villages
throughout China to explore whether legal reform increased
protection of land rights against unauthorized reallocation
or expropriation with below-average compensation by the
state. The analysis provides nation-wide evidence on a

India's Water Economy : Bracing for a Turbulent Future

juni, 2012

India faces a turbulent water future and
the current water development and management system is not
sustainable.Unless dramatic changes are made and made soon
in the way in which government manages water, India will
have neither the cash to maintain and build new
infrastructure, nor the water required for the economy and
for people. This Report examines the evolution of the
management of India's waters, describes the

Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management : A Comparative Study

juni, 2012

Water is a scarce and finite resource
with no substitute, and upon which the very existence of
life on earth depends. The challenges facing water resources
are daunting. The Millennium Development Goals aim, inter
alia, at reducing by half, by 2015, the proportion of people
without sustainable access to safe drinking water and
sanitation. Although progress thus far is not encouraging,
it is hoped that necessary actions will be taken to achieve

Comprehensive Assessment of the Agriculture Sector in Liberia : Volume 3, Sub-sector Reports, Part II

juni, 2012

The overall objective of the
Comprehensive Assessment of the Agricultural Sector (CAAS)
is to provide an evidence base to enable appropriate
strategic policy responses by the Government of Liberia
(GoL) and its development partners in order to maximize the
contribution of the agriculture sector to the
Government's overarching policy objectives. Given the
strong relationship between growth in agricultural