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Displaying 337 - 348 of 964

Mexico : Land Policy--A Decade after the Ejido Reform

augustus, 2013

This study aims to assess the extent to
which reforms have actually been implemented, the impact
they have had on the rural population, and the challenges
which, as a consequence, need to be addressed by the new
administration. This report is organized as follows: Section
1 describes Mexico's rural economy. It reviews the
broad context of macro, trade, and sector-level reforms, the
strengths and weaknesses of both the productive and

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Toward an Integrated Strategy

augustus, 2013

The objective of this report is to
design an integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in
Brazil. It contains an updated and detailed profile of the
rural poor in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil;
identifies key determinants of rural poverty in these
regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic framework and
a tentative set of policy options. The latter were
identified via an analysis of rural poverty determinants

Connecting Cities with Macroeconomic Concerns : The Missing Link

augustus, 2013

Urban growth is, in all parts of the
world, inevitable and welcomed. Despite concerns that local
governments will not be able to address those issues
associated with increased urban population, the number of
people living in urban centers will sur-pass those of the
rural population by 2030. Since productivity levels are
consistently higher in urban areas than in rural settings,
this would seem a reason to rejoice since it suggests more

Urban Environment and Infrastructure : Toward Livable Cities

augustus, 2013

This review of the active portfolio of
World Bank projects aimed at improving urban environmental
quality was carried out during 2002-03 in order to assess
the level of commitment of the institution to urban
sustainability. The review focuses on the contributions of
key sectors to urban environmental improvements, in
particular on those belonging to the Infrastructure
Vice-Presidency, and on how projects are contributing to

Slum Study in Surat

Reports & Research
augustus, 2013

This report discusses the study of slums
in the city of Surat and it is divided into eight sections.
Section one introduces the study and discusses general
background, overall methodology, methods and techniques of
data collection, and methods of analysis; section two
profiles the city of Surat and slums therein; section three
discusses definition and recognition of slums and situation
of tenure of land along with the physical and social

How Has Environment Mattered? An Analysis of World Bank Resource Allocation

augustus, 2013

How has environment mattered for the
World Bank? The aggregate figures suggest that it has
mattered a great deal, since the Bank's total
environmental lending has exceeded $US 9 billion over the
past six years. In this paper the authors use newly
available data to address a more precise version of the
question: Across countries and themes, how well has the
Bank's environmental lending and analytical and

The Health Sector in Eritrea

augustus, 2013

This study serves as the preliminary
basis for further rounds of discussions and analyses among
stakeholders to arrive at a strategic vision for the Eritrea
health sector. It incorporates comments received from the
Ministry of Health's central agencies, Zoba (regional)
health teams, external partners working in Eritrea, and the
World Bank Eritrea Country Team. In March 2001, the Ministry
of Health of the Government of Eritrea launched a process to

Tanzania - Public Expenditure Review (Vol. 2 of 2) : Consolidating the Medium Term Expenditure Framework

augustus, 2013

This Public Expenditure Review (PER) for
FY00, provided support to the Government of Tanzania in the
preparation of its budget, and Medium Term Expenditure
Framework (MTEF), and performed as well an external
evaluation of the country's budget performance. The
report contains two volumes, the Main Report (v. I) first
describes the main features of the PER process, to then
present the main findings emerging from a review of fiscal

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Towards an Integrated Strategy, Volume 1. Policy Summary

augustus, 2013

This report finalized in March 2001
constitutes a step toward the objective of designing an
integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in Brazil,
The report contains an updated and more detailed profile of
the rural poor in the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) of
Brazil; identifies key determinants of rural poverty in
these regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic
framework in which to couch a set of integrated policies

Madagascar - Poverty and Socioeconomic Developments : 1993 - 1999

augustus, 2013

The report provides a synthesis of the
main results obtained on the evolution of poverty, and other
indicators of well being over the 1990s, and is intended to
facilitate debate on strategy options for poverty reduction
in Madagascar. Section I provides the setting for study, and
presents a synthesis of macroeconomic trends in the country
during the last decade. Section II looks at the evolution of
poverty, inequality, and other indicators over the 1993-1999

Poverty Assessment : Poverty in Pakistan - Vulnerabilities, Social Caps, and Rural Dynamics

augustus, 2013

This report is part of an ongoing
project to understand poverty, growth, and human development
in Pakistan. It argues that if the country does not close
its social gap, its long-term ability to grow economically,
alleviate poverty, and sustain its debt will be
fundamentally compromised. Spanning social, economic, and
fiscal difficulties, the country's current predicament
is not rooted in a discrete set of policies amenable to

Georgia : Poverty Update

augustus, 2013

This povert y update finds the
following: Between 1997 and 2000, poverty has increased
unambiguously, for a full set of poverty lines and
definitions of poverty measures. Poverty has increased
because over the period, consumption fell and inequality
rose. Living standards have not risen despite growth in
Gross Domestic Product because growth was too weak, too
concentrated in a narrow set of sectors, and there were no