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Kenya - Poverty and Inequality Assessment : Executive Summary and Synthesis Report

maart, 2012

This assessment of poverty and
inequality comes at an important juncture for Kenya. The
December 2007 elections and subsequent pronouncements of the
newly formed Grand Coalition have underlined the salience of
these issues to ordinary Kenyans, and for policy makers. The
violence in early 2008 highlighted the importance of
addressing poverty and inequality as major goals in their
own right, but also for instrumental reasons, as major goals

The Pattern of Growth and Poverty Reduction in China

maart, 2012

China has seen a huge reduction in the
incidence of extreme poverty since the economic reforms that
started in the late 1970s. Yet, the growth process has been
highly uneven across sectors and regions. The paper tests
whether the pattern of China´s growth mattered to poverty
reduction using a new provincial panel data set constructed
for this purpose. The econometric tests support the view
that the primary sector (mainly agriculture) has been the

The Little Green Data Book 2009

maart, 2012

The 2009 edition of the little green
data book includes a focus section, four introductory pages
that focus on a specific issue related to development and
the environment. This year the focus is on urban areas and
the environment, exploring how cities and climate change are
affecting the way we live and how good public policies can
improve prospects for future generations. Urbanization and
economic growth move in tandem. As emerging market economies

Tanzania: Country Brief

maart, 2012

The name Tanzania is a portmanteau of
Tanganyika, the mainland, and Zanzibar, the nearby
archipelago in the Indian Ocean. The two united to become
the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964. With a surface area
of 947,300 square kilometers, Tanzania is comparable in size
to Nigeria and is slightly more than twice the size of the
U.S. state of California. Tanzania's population of
approximately 40.4 million (as of 2007) is the second

Can China's Rural Elderly Count on Support from Adult Children? Implications of Rural-to-Urban Migration

maart, 2012

This paper shows that support from the
family continues to be an important source of support for
the rural elderly, particularly the rural elderly over 70
years of age. Decline in likelihood of co-residence with, or
in close proximity to, adult children raises the possibility
that China's rural elderly will receive less support in
the forms of both income and in-kind instrumental care.
Although descriptive evidence on net financial transfers

Regional Learning Workshop on Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security

Reports & Research
december, 2011

This publication is the summary of the proceedings of the Regional Learning Workshop on 'Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security' held in Nairobi, Kenya from 29-31 May 2012 as jointly organized by UN-Habitat/Global Land Tool Network and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The aim of the workshop was to deepen the understanding of land and natural resources tenure security issues and to identify opportunities to strengthen land tenure security and land access of the rural poor and marginalized groups in sub-Saharan Africa.

Raréfaction des ressources en eau et désertification

Reports & Research
december, 2011

Les enjeux et menaces que représente le manque d'eau pour les populations des zones arides sont voués à prendre de l'ampleur. Alors que la population mondiale a dépassé 6 milliards d'individus, quelques pays ont déjà atteint les limites de leurs réserves d'eau. En considérant le scénario actuel de changement climatique, on estime que quasiment la moitié de la population mondiale vivra en zone de fort déficit hydrique d'ici 2030, dont 75 à 250 millions de personnes sur le continent africain.

La escasez de agua y la desertificación

Reports & Research
december, 2011

Los desafíos y retos que supone la escasez de agua para las poblaciones de las tierras secas se van a ver incrementados tanto en magnitud como en alcance. Dado que la población mundial es ya superior a los 6.000 millones de personas, algunos países han superado los límites de sus recursos acuíferos. Con el escenario actual de cambio climático, casi la mitad de la población mundial habitará áreas con grandes problemas de agua antes del 2030, lo que incluye a una población de entre 75 y 250 millones de personas en África.

Socio-economic determinants of land degradation in Pishin sub-basin, Pakistan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Agriculture is the mainstay of rural populations, especially in the developing world. Increasing population and the demand for food, fodder and fuelwood have threatened the sustainability of the land resources. Without understanding farmers' perceptions on land-related issues, sustainable management of land resources is impossible because they have intimate knowledge of their land. Besides technical solutions to land-related problems, socio-economic appraisal also plays an important role for solutions to these problems.

Regional Highlights World Development Indicators 2011

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2011

The primary completion rate for 7 countries-Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Niger-more than doubled between 1991 and 2009. Still large differences persist between rich and poor within countries. In some low-income countries, such as Benin, the completion rates for the richest quintile are 95 percent or higher, but completion rates for the poorest quintile are 35 percent or less. And there is a 9 percentage point gap in the completion rates for boys and girls.