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HIV/AIDS, food security and rural livelihoods

Reports & Research
december, 2002

There is hardly need these days to repeat that HIV/AIDS is devastating African societies and economies, threatening the hard-won human development gains of the past several decades. The changes to the development landscape wrought by AIDS demand a review of existing development actions at many levels, from households seeking to secure viable livelihoods, to policymakers attempting to better understand and internalize the implications of AIDS for their own sectoral goals and strategies.

Farmers' participation in soil and water conservation activities in the Chemoga Watershed, Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

Soil erosion by water constitutes a threat to the maintenance of the subsistence living of the Ethiopian rural population. Past efforts at Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) did not bring about significant results, mainly because of the top-down approach pursued. Uprooting this past oversight and instating a participatory approach has since then been strongly recommended as the correct strategy. This paper analyses the extent of farmers' participation in current SWC activities in the Chemoga watershed, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State.

Las prácticas de herencia de tierras agrícolas: ¿una razón de más para el éxodo de la juventud?

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2002
South America
Central America

Resumen El propósito de este documento es incentivar un debate sobre un tema poco discutido en la región. Actualmente, los responsables de la gerencia de los predios agrícolas (tanto los agricultores por cuenta propia como los agricultores comerciales) de la región son, en alta proporción, personas de tercera edad, lo que no parece ser propicio para un desarrollo dinámico, ni del sector silvoagropecuario, ni de las áreas rurales, menos ante las exigencias cada vez mayores de competitividad en un mundo de mercados libres y globalizados.

Gender and law: Women's rights in agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2002
Dominican Republic
Burkina Faso
South Africa

This study focuses on the gender dimension of agriculture-related legislation, examining the legal status of women in three key areas. The result is an analysis identifying the main legal and some non-legal factors that affect the existence and exercise of women’s agriculture-related rights.

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on rural households and land issues in Southern and Eastern Africa

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2002
Burkina Faso
South Africa

This background paper intends to highlight key issues surrounding the impact of HIV/AIDS on land, particularly at the rural household level in Southern and Eastern Africa. It also serves as an introduction to three country reports commissioned by the Sub-Regional Office for Southern and Eastern Africa of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the impact of the epidemic on land issues. These studies are focused on Kenya, Lesotho and South Africa.

Gender Aspects of Land Reform Constitutional Principles

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2002

Throughout this pocket size booklet, Land Reform Volume 4, KLA proposes that collectively as a nation, and especially during this time of the constitutional review process. The principles outlined be embraced with the purpose of providing women a deliberate opportunity to engage in decision-making as regards land-use,management and ownership.

A organização dos trabalhadores agrícolas na reforma agrária: o caso de Baleizão

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2002

Duas posições opostas apresentam os trabalhadores agrícolas alentejanos ou como incapazes de participar em associações formais ou como “revolucionários naturais”. Partindo do caso de Baleizão, com particular referência à Reforma Agrária da década de 70, argumenta-se que ambas as perspectivas ignoram o pragmatismo associado a conjunturas específicas.



A indispensável terra africana para o aumento da riqueza dos pobres

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2002

Este artigo junta-se aos esforços de muitos outros africanos, entendendo-se por pobreza não só os níveis de rendimento por dia por pessoa, mas também a pobreza como ausência de poder nas relações intra-familiares, entre estas e os demais actores e entre a sociedade no seu todo e os recursos naturais de que se dispõe no Continente Africano.

Conflict and Food Insecurity

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2002

Armed conflicts are enemies of food security. There is a well established correlation between the exposure of countries to external or internal conflicts, and the deterioration or long-term stagnation in their food security. Most conflicts, and especially the internal conflicts that have now become the dominant model of mass violence, mainly affect rural areas and their populations.

Local governance and public goods provision in rural China

Reports & Research
december, 2001

In developing countries, identifying the most effective community-level governance structure is a key issue and, increasingly, empirical evaluation of the effects of democratization on the provision of local public goods is needed. Since the early 1990s, tens of thousands of villages in rural China have held local-government elections, providing a good opportunity to investigate the effect of democratization on the level of public goods provision.

Growth, inequality, and poverty in rural China

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2001

In the past two decades, China has achieved world renown for reducing rural poverty. However, it is becoming harder to reduce poverty and inequality further in China, even though its economy continues to grow. This report compares the impact specific rural public investments can have on promoting growth and reducing poverty and inequality. Returns to these investments are calculated for the nation as a whole and for three economic zones in the west, central, and coastal regions of the country.