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National Forest Plan 2002.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Goal of the present cross-sectoral National Forest Plan (NFP) is formulated as follows: “An integrated forest sector that achieves sustainable increases in economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees by all the people of Uganda, especially the poor and vulnerable”.The objectives of the NFP are: 1) To raise the incomes and quality of life of poor people through forestry developments, targeting sustainable livelihoods amongst small-scale, mainly rural stakeholders, with strategies based on-farm, in natural forests or off-farm; 2) To increase economic productivity an

Uganda Forestry Policy 2001.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The overall Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forest Policy is formulated as follows: “A sufficiently forested, ecologically stable and economically prosperous Uganda”. Part 2 concerns Guiding Principles for the Forest Sector building on the government's national development priorities of poverty eradication and good governance.

Ghana Forest and Wildlife Policy.

National Policies
Western Africa

The overall aim of the present Forest and Wildlife Policy is the conservation and sustainable development of forest and wildlife resources for the maintenance of environmental stability and continuous flow of optimum benefits from the socio-cultural and economic goods and services that the forest environment provides to the present and future generations whilst fulfilling Ghana’s commitments under international agreements and conventions.

Forestry Development Master Plan 1996 – 2020.

National Policies
Western Africa

The overall aim of the present Forestry Development Master Plan is to provide a basis for achieving sustainable utilization and development of forest and wildlife resources, modernization of the timber industry and conservation of the environment, and thereby ensure realization of the objectives of the Forest and Wildlife Policy. At the same time, the various proposals have had to take account of the need to improve the state of the environment, the complexities of land tenure and the importance of appropriate and efficient land use.

Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020.

National Policies
South-Eastern Asia

The Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forestry Strategy 2020 (FS2020) establishes that by 2020, the Government of the Lao PDR envisages a sizeable, vigorous and robust forestry sector continuing in its role as one of the leading sectors advancing national socio-economic development. A sector in which scientifically-managed natural production forests generate timber and non-timber products at sustainable levels with village participation, under supervision and technical support from well-staffed, well-trained local and national government units.

Plan Bicentenario: el Perú hacia el 2021.

South America

El Plan Bicentenario: El Perú hacia el 2021 es un plan multisectorial de largo plazo que contiene las políticas nacionales de desarrollo que deberá seguir el Perú en los próximos diez años y cuyo objetivo primordial es mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la ciudadanía. La visión de futuro contemplada por el documento refiere a una sociedad democrática en la que prevalezca el Estado de derecho y en la que todos los habitantes tengan una alta calidad de vida e iguales oportunidades para desarrollar su máximo potencial como seres humanos.

Política Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional 2011-2015.

National Policies
El Salvador
Central America

El presente documento establece la Política Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (PNASAN), la cual tiene cobertura nacional y se aplica durante el período 2011-2015. La Política presenta un enfoque intersectorial. Su objetivo consiste en volver una realidad el derecho a la alimentación, eliminando la pobreza y las desigualdades sociales que existan en el país.

XIIème Plan de Développement 2010-2014.

National Policies
Northern Africa

Le présent document a pour objet le XIIème Plan de Développement 2010-2014, un plan intersectoriel de portée nationale. Le schéma de développement pour la période 2010-2014 vise la concrétisation du programme présidentiel «Ensemble relevons les défis» qui aspire à faire progresser la Tunisie vers une étape avancée de son processus de rattrapage des pays développés et la réduction du taux de pauvreté au niveau le plus bas.

Política Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral.

National Policies
Central America

El presente documento, de carácter multisectorial y cobertura nacional, contiene la Política Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral, cuyo objetivo general consiste en lograr un avance progresivo y permanente en la calidad de vida de los habitantes de los territorios rurales, a través del acceso equitativo y uso sostenible de los recursos productivos, medios de producción, bienes naturales y servicios ambientales, para alcanzar el desarrollo humano integral sostenible en el área rural.