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Displaying 901 - 912 of 1732

India - Living Conditions and Human Development in Uttar Pradesh : A Regional Perspective

februari, 2013

Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in
India, has 170 million inhabitants who represent 16.2
percent of India's population. Uttar Pradesh (UP) is
classified as one of the 'lagging states of India'
for its slow growth, low human development indicators and
high concentration of the poor. UP occupies an important
position in India because of its size and as a determinant
of the country's overall progress. UP has continuously

Priorities for Sustainable Growth : A Strategy for Agriculture Sector Development in Tajikistan, Technical Annex 6. Rural Poverty

februari, 2013

Agriculture sector growth has made a
powerful contribution to post-war economic recovery in
Tajikistan, accounting for approximately one third of
overall economic growth from 1998 to 2004. Sector output
increased by 65 percent in real terms during this period,
and has now returned to the level extant at independence in
1990. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has also increased, by
3 percent per year. Despite this progress, there is

Uruguay : Family Agriculture Development

februari, 2013

The bank has a long relationship with
Uruguay's agricultural sector, expanding over a period
of more than 60 years in which several projects and various
analytical and advisory assistance initiatives have been
implemented. The main purposes of the present report are: a)
to analyze the main characteristics of family agriculture as
well as its development potential and constraints; b) to
examine Uruguay's current agricultural policy and

Jamaica : Toward a Strategy for Financial Weather Risk Management in Agriculture

februari, 2013

This report forms part of the technical
assistance provided by the World Bank under the Non-lending
Technical Assistance Program for the Caribbean
'market-based agriculture risk management in the
Caribbean.' The program is largely financed by the
European Union All Agriculture Commodities Program (AACP)
Initiative and contributions from the International Fund for
Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the World Bank. This

Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Road to Europe : Annex 1. Primary and Secondary Roads - A Foundation for Private Sector Led Growth

februari, 2013

This report highlights deficiencies and
indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
development of a transport system, and an institutional
framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

Cambodia : Post-Ketsana Disaster Needs Assessment

februari, 2013

This report was undertaken in the wake
of the Ketsana Disaster, to assess damage, losses, and
resource requirements for recovery. Typhoon Ketsana hit
Cambodia between September 29 and October 5, 2009. Fourteen
out of 24 provinces were affected by the storm and
subsequent flash floods. The report addresses macro-economic
impacts, livelihood and social impacts, disaster risk
management requirements, and recovery and reconstruction

Technical Assistance to the Agriculture Development Task Force in Afghanistan

februari, 2013

This report summarizes the main outputs
of the technical assistance provided which was concentrated
in three areas: (1) development of MAIL's strategic
priorities and investments for the immediate future/short
term, medium term and longer term; (2) advising Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) regarding the
design of an appropriate structure of the Ministry and
definition of corresponding responsibilities; (3)

Belarus - Social Assistance Policy Note : Improving Targeting Accuracy of Social Assistance Programs

februari, 2013

Belarus has a large and extensive social
protection system (SP) covering a significant share of the
population. Belarus has adopted a single methodology for
calculating income to target Public Targeted Social
Assistance (GASP). This methodology also is used when
testing an applicant's income/means for some of the
child benefits. To reduce the leakage of benefits to the
non-poor while expanding GASP, this note assesses the

Panama : Country Environmental Analysis

februari, 2013

Panama is experiencing spectacular
economic growth, averaging 7.5 percent during 2004-06; a
construction boom; and emerging new opportunities and
growing export markets. Despite this impressive growth
performance, at the national level poverty remained almost
unchanged during 1997-2006 at around 37 percent (masking a
decline in rural poverty and an increase in urban and
indigenous areas). Key development challenges for Panama

West Bank and Gaza - Transport Sector Strategy Note

februari, 2013

The purpose of this Transport Sector
Note (TSN) is to assist the Palestinian Authority (PA) in
developing a strategy for the sector that can aid in
addressing the immediate constraints and transport issues in
support of the PA's effort to revive the national
economy, improve mobility and reduce poverty. The TSN also
aims to assist the responsible sector ministries prepare a
coherent strategic framework and program for the sector.

Agriculture in Bangladesh : A Note on Food Security by Enhancing Productivity

februari, 2013

Awami League's Election Manifesto
2008 appropriately recognizes the importance of ensuring
food security for all in Bangladesh. Food Security requires
increasing agricultural growth which in turn is a key factor
in reducing poverty in the country. Food security also
requires increasing agricultural production and protecting
consumers. Sustained production increases, in turn, require
technology-driven increases in the productivity of crops

Social Safety Net in the Kyrgyz Republic : Capitalizing on Achievements and Addressing New Challenges

februari, 2013

The present report was prepared upon the
request of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to inform
policy decisions on reforming the existing safety net. The
report aims at providing analytical underpinning of the
country's ongoing safety net reform, along with venue
for policy discussions with the Government and stakeholders
on the immediate as well as on the longer-term challenges
related to designing and implementing of a modern national