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Agribusiness Indicators

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
november, 2012

Agriculture in Tanzania accounts for 28 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 80 percent of its labor force. The sector is also an important source of export revenues. The data and findings presented in this report provide a summary of the performance of the agriculture sector in Tanzania using a set of indicators covering six areas.

The Double Burden of Malnutrition

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2012

The Double Burden of Malnutrition (DBM) is the coexistence of both under nutrition and over nutrition in the same population across the life course. 'Across the life course' refers to the phenomenon that under nutrition early in life contributes to an increased propensity for over nutrition in adulthood. The DBM affects all countries, rich and poor, and is a particular concern in countries with high stunting rates. The consequences of the DBM are enormous; early life under nutrition is an underlying cause associated with about a third of young child deaths.

Southeast Sulawesi Public Expenditure Analysis 2012

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
oktober, 2012
Eastern Asia

Southeast Sulawesi is one of Indonesia's developing provinces and over the past five years has achieved one of the country's highest growth rates. In 2010, Southeast Sulawesi's economy grew at 8.2percent the third fastest in Indonesia. The poverty rate has declined significantly in the past 10 years and the unemployment rate is one the lowest in Indonesia. Per capita expenditure in Southeast Sulawesi has increased nine-fold compared to pre decentralization rates Southeast Sulawesi's consolidated per capita expenditure now falls in the top 10 in Indonesia.

Revising the Land Law to Enable Sustainable Development in Vietnam

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2012
Eastern Asia

Vietnam's rapid and sustained economic growth and poverty reduction in the last two decades benefitted from the policy and legal reforms embodied in the Land Laws of 1987, 1993 and 2003 and subsequent related legal acts. This note outlines reforms related to four main themes. The first relates to the needed reform for agriculture land use to create opportunity to enhance effectiveness of land use as well as to secure farmers' rights in land use. Prolonging the duration of agricultural land tenure would give land users greater incentives to invest and care for the land.

Décret n° 2012/390 du 18 septembre 2012 portant organisation du Ministère des Domaines, du Cadastre et des Affaires Foncières.

september, 2012

Le présent décret fixe l’organisation du Ministère des Domaines, du Cadastre et des Affaires Foncières. Le Ministre des Domaines, du Cadastre et des Affaires Foncières est responsable de l’élaboration et de la mise en œuvre de la politique du Gouvernement en matière domaniale, cadastrale et foncière.

Land policy in Africa: Central Africa regional assessment

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2012
Middle Africa

The initiative on land policies, aims to assist African states to equip themselves with land policies that can contribute to economic development and poverty reduction as well as peace building. One of the pressing objectives of the initiative is to draft a reference framework and guidelines for land policies in Africa. The land policy framework and guidelines are not meant to impose a uniform land policy on African states, but, on the contrary, to help them develop and implement national land policies that are efficient and effective.

Land Management

augustus, 2012

The Wenchuan earthquake affected 20
cities, 158 counties, and 3,655 towns and villages.
Geographic and demographic conditions varied significantly
from small, rural villages to county-level cities, as did
the magnitude of the physical damages. The reconstruction
strategy and plan, inclusive of land management, depended on
the conditions specific to each locale, from in situ
reconstruction for the cities and towns with limited damage

The Lay of the Land : Land Access and Dispute Resolution in Timor-Leste

augustus, 2012

This report examines land access,
disputes, and dispute resolution in Timor-Leste, using
findings from the justice module included in an extension of
the 2007 Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards (TLSLS2) and
a review of relevant social-science literature. The
extension survey (TLSLSx) revisited a nationally
representative subsample of the TLSLS2 between April and
October 2008. The respondent for the justice module was

Kyrgyz Republic : Benefits of Securing and Registering Land for Development

augustus, 2012

The project initially focused on
building upon the 1998 Registration Law to develop
registration procedures, and on getting the Legislative
Reform Office (LROs) up and running. Cost, affordability,
and quality of services were important considerations. The
Project benefited from the country's high education
levels and relatively low labor costs. Since independence in
1991, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has sought to

Women, State Law and Land in Peri-Urban Settlements on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

augustus, 2012

This paper provides a brief overview of
the intersection of state and customary laws governing land
in peri-urban settlements around Honiara, focusing on their
impact upon landowners, particularly women landowners. It
suggests that the intersection of customary and state legal
systems allows a small number of individuals, predominantly
men, to solidify their control over customary land. This has
occurred to the detriment of many landowners, who have often

A Strategy for Improving Land Administration in India

augustus, 2012

In India, as in many developing
countries, land continues to have enormous economic, social,
and symbolic relevance. How access to land can be obtained,
and how ownership of land can be documented, are questions
essential to the livelihoods of the large majority of the
poor, especially in rural and tribal areas. Answers to these
questions will determine to what extent India's
increasingly scarce natural resources are managed. Moreover,

Lessons from the Reconstruction of Post-Tsunami Aceh : Build Back Better Through Ensuring Women are at the Center of Reconstruction of Land and Property

augustus, 2012

On December 26 2004, a 9.3 magnitude
earthquake struck the Indian Ocean and unleashed a blast of
energy, creating a tsunami three stories high. The disaster
which claimed more than 228,000 lives had an impact on the
lives of more than 2.5 million people causing close to US$
11.4 billion of damage in 14 countries. The highest price
was paid in Aceh, which had the greatest death toll of
130,000 confirmed dead and a further 37,000 reported