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Ley Nº 30528 - Modifica la Ley Nº 28294, Ley que crea el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial.

december, 2016

La presente Ley modifica la que crea el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial, en relación a las entidades que lo conforman y a los integrantes del Consejo Nacional de Catastro.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 28294 ─ Ley que crea el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial. (2004-07-20)

Decreto Supremo Nº 022-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamento de Acondicionamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible.

december, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de Acondicionamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible, que tiene por objeto regular los procedimientos técnicos que siguen los Gobiernos Locales a nivel nacional, en el ejercicio de sus competencias en materia de planeamiento y gestión del suelo, de acondicionamiento territorial y de desarrollo urbano de sus circunscripciones, a fin de garantizar: 1) La ocupación racional y sostenible de los centros poblados urbanos y rurales; 2) La armonía entre el ejercicio del derecho de propiedad predial y el interés público; 3) La reducción de

Regional Law No. 95-Z “On improvement of natural environment”.

december, 2016

This Regional Law shall have as its purpose ensuring the right of citizens to favorable environment, including landscape and shade gardening, planting of recreational urban forests, thus ensuring favorable conditions for vital activity of citizens, and delimits plenary powers between city state bodies, local government and municipal units in the sphere of improvement of natural environment. Objects of improvement of natural environment shall be: (a) urban land and rural land; and (b) public and municipal land without application of servitude.

Décret n° 2016-1933 du 02 décembre 2016 portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement du programme de modernisation des villes du Sénégal (PROMOVILLES).

december, 2016

Le présent décret met en place un Programme de Modernisation des Villes du Sénégal (PROMOVILLES) chargé de réaliser pour le compte du Gouvernement des projets destinés à promouvoir le développement urbain et à améliorer la qualité de vie des populations, dans une dynamique de renforcement de la solidarité entre l’Etat et les collectivités territoriales.

Urban Land Use Planning Monitoring And Oversight Guidelines

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2016

Cities and Urban Areas play a crucial role as engines of development as well as centers of connectivity, creativity, innovation, and as service hubs for the surrounding areas. Kenya has experienced unprecedented urban growth. At independence the urban population was about 8%. This had grown to be about 40% by 2015. It is projected that by year 2030 at least half of the Kenyan population will be urbanized. The rapid rate of urbanization exerts increased pressure on authorities to meet the needs of growing urban populations.

Sustainable Development Goals: Monitoring Human Settlements Indicators

Reports & Research
november, 2016

Today, more than half the world’s population lives in cities. By 2030, it is projected that 6 in 10 people will be urban dwellers. By 2050, the figure will have risen to 6.5 billion people; representing two-thirds of all civilization. Taking into account the increasing rural to urban migration and the rapid growth of cities in the developing world, it is clear that cities face a myriad of problems that may hinder planned growth and development.

Food Security and Governance Factsheet: Afghanistan

Reports & Research
november, 2016

In Afghanistan, insecurity over land and water rights hampers investments in food production and irrigation. In rural areas, customary tenure systems, partly based on religious law, are the most relevant but suffer from weak recognition and offer little protection to rights holders. The land policy reform is on-going but remains slow. Moreover, land administration capacity is weak and improvements mostly take place in urban areas. In this context, land disputes are common and often violent.

No Escape from the Burbs. Rezension zu Roger Keil (Hg.) (2013): Suburban Constellations: Governance, Land and Infrastructure in the 21st Century. Berlin: JOVIS.

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

Den Begriff des Urbanen in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Suburbanen zu bestimmen, ist horizonterweiternd. Nicht, dass er nach der Lektüre von Suburban Constellations an Schärfe gewonnen hätte, wohl aber hat sich meine Aufmerksamkeit für scheinbar banale Phänomene außerhalb der Stadt geschärft. Neu ist die enorme Bandbreite suburbaner Fallstudien aus dem ‚Globalen Norden‘ und dem ‚Globalen Süden‘, die hier versammelt werden.

Facing the challenges of land monitoring in the framework and guidelines on land policy in Africa towards agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2016

The adoption of Agenda 2063 at the continental level, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level, requires a high level of collection and collation of quality, timely, reliable and dis-aggregated data at all levels of the development process, including land, to inform decisions, enable all stakeholders to track progress and make the necessary adjustments to ensure transparency and mutual accountability in the continent and globally.

Order No. 489 of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food validating the Regulation on the procedure for normative monetary valuation of urban land.

november, 2016

This Order sets forth the procedure for normative monetary valuation of urban land. The information base for normative monetary valuation of urban land shall be the general land-use planning schemes of urban areas, territorial zoning schemes and detailed plans of territories, information of the State Land Cadastre, land inventory data and state statistical reporting.