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Urbanism and Cultural Heritage: How to maintain history and forge into modernity in a fast growing Yangon

Reports & Research
juli, 2015

Abstract: "This report is about urbanism and historical heritage preservation in Yangon, Myanmar. When we
look at urbanism, we are as well to view from the perspectives of urban development along with
urban planning. The buildings are merely the physical infrastructures for the citizens of Yangon
but also
the cultural landscape and the history of the place. They have been changing throughout
the time along with social and culture values of the local people. To be able to understand fully
about the urban development of a certain area,

Conservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings in Bagan Area

Reports & Research
juli, 2015

Abstract: "This research paper would be conducted to integrate with cultural heritage buildings and
new public buildings within the
whole area of Bagan harmoniously. New public buildings such as
hotels, motels, guest houses, inns, museum and viewing tower are constructed within old Bagan
area, new Bagan area, area of inside city wall and Nyaung Oo area. The authority demarcated laws
d regulations, and building control plans within archaeological zone, monumental zone and

Hukou and Highways

juli, 2015

China has used two main spatial policies
to shape its geographic patterns of development: restricted
labor mobility through the Hukou residential registration
system and massive infrastructure investment, notably a
96,000 kilometer national expressway network. This paper
develops a structural new economic geography model to
examine the impacts of these policies. Fitting the model to
available data allows simulating counterfactual scenarios

Gold Mining and Proto-Urbanization

juli, 2015

Central place theory predicts that
agglomeration can arise from external shocks. This paper
investigates whether gold mining is a catalyst for
proto-urbanization in rural Ghana. Using cross-sectional
data, the analysis finds that locations within 10 kilometers
from gold mines have more night light and proportionally
higher employment in industry and services and in the wage
sector. Non-farm employment decreases at 20–30 kilometers

Inclusive Economic Growth in America’s Cities

juli, 2015

This paper defines economic inclusion as
the ability of all people, including the disadvantaged, to
share in economic gains, that is, the conditions that allow
for broadly shared prosperity. Beyond the “right” to access
consumption in cities, and beyond relatively standardized
safety net policies that support economic security,
inclusion demands intentional, flexible, context-appropriate
strategies aimed at shifting the dynamics of local land and

Improving Gender Equality and Rural Livelihoods in Senegal through Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management

juli, 2015

Launched in 2011, the Second Sustainable
and Participatory Energy Management Project (PROGEDE II) for
Senegal has been hailed for effectively mainstreaming a
gender perspective into an energy project. Under the
project, women have participated more in decision making;
developed skills in technical production, entrepreneurship,
and organizational management; and benefitted from increased incomes.

Sources of Ethnic Inequality in Vietnam

juli, 2015

Vietnam's ethnic minorities, who tend to
live mostly in remote rural areas, typically have lower
living standards than the ethnic majority. How much is this
because of differences in economic characteristics (such as
education levels and land) rather than low returns to
characteristics? Is there a self-reinforcing culture of
poverty in the minority groups, reflecting patterns of past
discrimination? The authors find that differences in levels

Gender and Power Analysis in Five Urban Informal Settlements – Nairobi, Kenya

Reports & Research
juni, 2015

The World Bank (2015) classifies Kenya as a lower middle income country and one of East Africa‘s fastest growing economies. According to Society for International Development (SID) however, Kenya remains one of the most unequal societies when compared to of Uganda and Tanzania (SID, 2004). Inequality therefore remains a key challenge to Kenya. In order to respond to this challenge, there is need for a clear understanding of the causes, nature, effects and manifestations of socio-economic inequalities (SID, 2006).

'With only our voices, what can we do?': Land confiscation and local response in southeast Myanmar. - Texts, maps and video (English, Karen Burmese (မြန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
juni, 2015

Villagers in Karen areas of southeast Myanmar continue to face widespread land confiscation at the hands of a multiplicity of actors. Much of this can be attributed to the rapid expansion of domestic and international commercial interest and investment in southeast Myanmar since the January 2012 preliminary ceasefire between the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Myanmar government. KHRG first documented this in a 2013 report entitled ‘Losing Ground’, which documented cases of land confiscation between January 2011 and November 2012.

Decision No. 872/2015/QD-TTg approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Thanh Hoa province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030.

juni, 2015

This Decision approves the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Thanh Hoa province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Thanh Hoa province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, must be in line with the country’s socio-economic development strategy and the master plans on socio-economic development of the northern central and central coastal regions; and harmonized with the country’s sectoral master plans. 2.