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Expansión metropolitana de Toluca: caso de estudio municipio de Calimaya, México

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Este trabajo estudia la expansión urbana y las transformaciones socio-territoriales en el municipio de Calimaya durante el periodo 1990-2010 en el marco del proceso de expansión urbana de la Zona Metropolitana de Toluca, a través de un análisis retrospectivo lineal de las variables demográficas, vivienda y económicas, mediante el uso de técnicas de investigación documental y estadística de las dependencias estatales y locales de Desarrollo Urbano e INEGI, a fin de mostrar que las transformaciones no son exclusivas de las grandes aglomeraciones, ya que en pequeñas comunidades urbanas, como e

An evaluation of the effectiveness of farmland protection policy in China

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2014
Eastern Asia

Almost two decades have passed since China first enacted legislation to protect farmland from conversion to nonagricultural use. Yet hundreds of thousands of hectares of agricultural land are still developed to urban area each year, raising the question of whether the legislation is effective in preserving farmland from development. This paper examines the effectiveness of the Basic Farmland Protection Regulation in protecting high-quality farmland from urban development in China in the first decade after it came into effect (1995‒2005).

Expanding Women's Access to Land and Housing in Urban Areas

december, 2014

Evidence is mounting that secure
property rights have positive effects for poor people in
general and women in particular. The aim of this report is
to review what is known about women s access to and control
over land and real property in urban settings, identifying
approaches to strengthening property rights that enhance
women s agency, and sharing key lessons. Section two
synthesizes the evidence on urban women s priorities with

Land Tenure and Gender : Approaches and Challenges for Strengthening Rural Women's Land Rights

december, 2014

Land tenure security is crucial for
women's empowerment and a prerequisite for building
secure and resilient communities. Tenure is affected by many
and often contradictory sets of rules, laws, customs,
traditions, and perceptions. For most rural women, land
tenure is complicated, with access and ownership often
layered with barriers present in their daily realities:
discriminatory social dynamics and strata, unresponsive


Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Cambodia is engaged in profound societal and economic changes usually referred to as “agrarian transition”.

Avian diversity in a suburban park system: current conditions and strategies for dealing with anticipated change

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014
United States of America

A growing trend towards increased urbanization emphasizes the role of suburban parks in wildlife conservation. Spatial planning aimed at maintaining biological diversity and functionality must consider how changes at landscape and more local scales will influence the biotic structure of urban areas. From May 2006 to July 2010, bird surveys were conducted in three metropolitan parks in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Demographic consequences of climate change and land cover help explain a history of extirpations and range contraction in a declining snake species

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Developing conservation strategies for threatened species increasingly requires understanding vulnerabilities to climate change, in terms of both demographic sensitivities to climatic and other environmental factors, and exposure to variability in those factors over time and space. We conducted a range‐wide, spatially explicit climate change vulnerability assessment for Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus), a declining endemic species in a region showing strong environmental change.

Modifications in vegetation cover and surface albedo during rapid urbanization: a case study from South China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

The green vegetation fraction (GVF) and surface albedo are important land surface parameters often used for validation of climate and land surface models that are influenced largely by environmental gradients and human activities. In this study, fine resolution GVF and albedo values derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus images from 1990 to 2000 were used to examine the relationship of both GVF and albedo values to the spatial gradients of parameters related to dramatic urbanization in the Greater Guangzhou metropolitan area, Guangdong Province, in South China.

Expert knowledge for translating land cover/use maps to General Habitat Categories (GHC)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Monitoring biodiversity at the level of habitats and landscape is becoming widespread in Europe and elsewhere as countries establish international and national habitat conservation policies and monitoring systems. Earth Observation (EO) data offers a potential solution to long-term biodiversity monitoring through direct mapping of habitats or by integrating Land Cover/Use (LC/LU) maps with contextual spatial information and in situ data.

Changing concepts of city and urban planning practices in Guangzhou (1949–2010): An approach to sustainable urban development

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

By focusing on Guangzhou, this paper examines how different concepts of city in terms of urban-rural relationships are shaped in transforming China since 1949, and explores how they influence the way in which urban planning are practiced. In the pre-reform era, the city was defined as a productive space under the system of urban-rural segregation established for securing rapid industrialization. Urban planning was thus only concerned with the development of urban areas.

Combining CLUE-S and SWAT models to forecast land use change and non-point source pollution impact at a watershed scale in Liaoning Province, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Non-point source (NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. In this study, NPS pollution load was simulated in urban planning, historic trends and ecological protection land use scenarios based on the Conversion of Land Use and its Effect at Small regional extent (CLUE-S) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models applied to Hunhe-Taizi River Watershed, Liaoning Province, China.

Habitat connectivity shapes urban arthropod communities: the key role of green roofs

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

The installation of green roofs, defined here as rooftops with a shallow soil cover and extensive vegetation, has been proposed as a possible measure to mitigate the loss of green space caused by the steady growth of cities. However, the effectiveness of green roofs in supporting arthropod communities, and the extent to which they facilitate connectivity of these communities within the urban environment is currently largely unknown.