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Tenure rights in large-scale and artisanal mining: Implications of the Tenure Guidelines

Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2021

In taking a comprehensive approach to issues of tenure, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) offer an opportunity to promote systemic governance reform and respect for land and resource rights, while clarifying the different roles of States, businesses and social actors. The VGGT do not directly cover mineral resources but they clarify that States may wish to consider the governance of mineral resources in their efforts to implement the VGGT.

Promouvoir une élaboration participative de la législation pour la reconnaissance des droits fonciers légitimes

Reports & Research
augustus, 2021

Au cours des trente dernières années, un nombre croissant d'États ont adopté de bonnes lois qui renforcent considérablement les droits fonciers de leurs citoyens. Cependant, en raison de multiples obstacles, un pourcentage élevé de citoyens de nombreux pays ignorent leurs droits légaux ou sont incapables d'utiliser les lois nationales pour protéger leurs droits lorsque ces derniers sont menacés.


Les droits fonciers des travailleurs agricoles

Reports & Research
augustus, 2021

Les droits fonciers et les droits du travail peuvent se croiser de multiples façons. Les investissements dans les plantations à grande échelle impliquent souvent des compromis entre la création d'emplois et la limitation des droits fonciers. De même, les relations de travail peuvent comporter des aspects liés aux droits fonciers, par exemple lorsque les gestionnaires des biens immobiliers sous-louent des parcelles aux travailleurs afin d’agrémenter les salaires par une production alimentaire pour leur famille ou les marchés locaux.


Understanding Land Deals in Limbo in Africa: A Focus on Actors, Processes, and Relationships

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2021


This publication serves as an introduction to a collection of articles published in the African Studies Review. It discusses the implications of as well as the question through what actors, processes, and relationships land deals become stalled or partially implemented. The reviewed articles draw on long-term, in-depth ethnographic research of land deals in Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia. 

How to Identify and Shift Harmful Gender Norms in the Context of Land and Natural Resources

Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2021

USAID programs and Missions implement activities that improve land rights, support inclusive land and resource governance, build resilient livelihoods, and promote women’s empowerment. This brief explores the relationship between gender norms and women’s land rights, introducing key social norms concepts and tools to identify and shift harmful norms in the context of land and natural resources.

LAND-at-scale Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and IDLO, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers

Reports & Research
juli, 2021

This report summarizes the background, achievements and emerging outcomes of the Securing Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) project implemented towards improving land and natural resources tenure security for rural poor smallholder farmers, including women, men, youth and vulnerable groups in Uganda, Philippines and Laos.

Cumplicidade e Destruição IV

Reports & Research
juli, 2021
América do Sul

A quarta edição do relatório Cumplicidade na Destruição, realizado em parceria entre a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil e a Amazon Watch resgata brevemente a trajetória da mineração de larga escala no Brasil, em especial seu histórico de avanço sobre os povos indígenas, e destaca o novo ímpeto que a atividade ganhou durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Rios contaminados, florestas devastadas, comunidades inteiras sem acesso à água – quando não foram destruídas ou levadas pela lama tóxica.

Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux en Mauritanie

Reports & Research
juli, 2021

Ce guide en image est le fruit d’un processus participatif et inclusif de renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni plus de 90 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, administration territoriales, conseils régionaux, structures techniques déconcentrées et décentralisées des différents départements ministériels clefs, les organisations de la société civile, ainsi que les représentants de projets et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) au niveau des Willayas pastorales).