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Forest Tenure Reform in Viet Nam: Case Studies from the Northern Upland and Central Highlands Regions

Reports & Research
juli, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

This study is part of a project implemented by the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for the Asia and Pacific (RECOFTC) in collaboration with the Rights and Resources Group (RRG) to advance policy and market reforms in four countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The overall goal of the project is to reduce poverty in forest areas, expand sustainable forest use and trade, and increase the effectiveness and impact of regional analysts and institutions in advancing pro-poor forest policy and market reforms.

Loi n°08-012 du 31 juillet 2008 portant principes fondamentaux relatifs à la libre administration des provinces.

juli, 2008
Democratic Republic of the Congo

La présente loi détermine les principes fondamentaux relatifs à la libre administration des provinces, de leurs compétences et de leurs ressources. La province est subdivisée en villes et territoires. Sont subdivisés à l'intérieur de la province: la ville en communes; la commune en quartiers et/ou en groupements incorporés; le territoire en communes, secteurs et/ou chefferies; le secteur ou chefferie en groupements; le groupement en villages. La ville, la commune, le secteur et la chefferie sont des entités territoriales décentralisées dotées de la personnalité juridique.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Rubber Plantation Investment in Kratie province

juli, 2008

Classifying 479 hectares of forest land in Permanent Forest Reserve (forest concession area of SL. International Ltd) in 2 Thnou commune of Snoul district in Kratie province as conversion forest for development purposes and reclassifying the land from state public land to state private land, and granting economic land concession to Rattanak Stone Cambodia Development company.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Rubber Plantation Investment in Kratie province

juli, 2008

Reclassifying 678 hectares of state permanent forest reserve (forest concession area of SL International Ltd) in 2 Thnu commune of Snoul in Kratie as conversion forest for development purpose, and reclassifying the land from state public land to state private land, and granting as economic land concession to JPE Co., Ltd.

Décret n° 2008-769 du 16 juillet 2008 relatif à l’application de la loi n° 2007-16 du 19 février 2007 portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de la Zone économique spéciale intégrée.

juli, 2008

Le présent décret fixe les règles d’administration de la Zone économique spéciale intégrée par la Haute Autorité, créée par la loi n° 2007-13 du 19 février 2007 portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de la Zone économique spéciale intégrée. Il prévoit que la Haute Autorité est le principal interlocuteur des promoteurs et des entreprises installées dans la zone et consiste un guichet unique et le centre de services pour l’accomplissement des formalités d’enregistrement, d’agrément et d’exploitation des activités.

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Rubber Plantation Investment in Kratie province

juni, 2008

Classifying 520 hectares of Permanent Forest Reserve (forest concession area of SL. International Ltd) in 2 Thnou commune of Snoul district in Kratie province as conversion forest for development purposes, and reclassifying the land from state public land to state private land for granting Economic Land Concession to Therak Viniyo company.

Land Rights, Mining and Resistance: New Struggles on Mongolia’s Pastoral Commons

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 2008

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and agricultural decollectivisation, post-socialist rural contexts have afforded commons scholars particularly fertile ground for examination of institutional change and evolution under new modes of governance. In Mongolia, as elsewhere, such transformations have been characterised by the erosion of state influence and de jure and/or de facto devolution of land and resource rights.

Critical Point - Food Scarcity and Hunger in Burma’s Chin State _ 2008 (Special Reports)

Reports & Research
juni, 2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "The military regime of Burma has been consistent in their inability and unwillingness to protect and provide for the people of Burma. Burma’s human rights record provides testimony of decades of widespread violations and abuses perpetrated largely at the hands of Burma’s military rulers and their agents against the Burmese people. Dissent is regularly silenced and opponents brutalized. In a country once known as the “rice-bowl of Asia,” Burma is now one of the poorest countries of Asia due to steady economic deterioration driven by the regime’s mismanagement.

Indigenous Peace-Making Versus the Liberal Peace

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2008

Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in indigenous, traditional and customary approaches to peace-making in the context of civil wars. Supporters claim that indigenous approaches to peacemaking are participatory and relationship-focused, and that peaceful outcomes have a higher chance of community adherence than template-style international peace interventions effected through the `liberal peace'. Using historical and contemporary examples, this article assesses the feasibility of a complementary relationship between customary and Western forms of peace-making.

Ministerial Policy Statement For Lands, Housing and Urban Development

Legislation & Policies
mei, 2008

Mr. Speaker Sir, my Ministry has four Vote Functions namely; 1: Administration which comprises Programme 01-Finance and Administration, Programme 02- Planning and Quality Assurance and Programme 016-Internal Audit; Vote Function 2: Land Administration and Management which comprises programmes; 03-Office of Director, Land Management, 04-Land Administration, 05-Surveys and Mapping, 06-Land Registration and 07-Land Sector Reform Coordination Unit.

Estrategia Regional Agroambiental y de Salud de Centroamérica 2009-2024.

National Policies
april, 2008

La Estrategia Regional Agroambiental y de Salud de Centroamérica es un instrumento estratégico adoptado en el marco del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Objetivo general del documento es promover un mecanismo intersectorial para la gestión agroambiental, con énfasis en el manejo sostenible de tierras, biodiversidad, variabilidad y cambio climático, negocios agro-ambientales, espacios y estilos de vida saludables, de manera que contribuya al desarrollo humano sostenible.