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Ville - campagne : une relation en pleine mutation

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2006

La relation entre la ville et les zones rurales s'est radicalement transformée au cours des dernières années. Une délimitation franche n'est plus guère possible aujourd'hui et c'est le continuum des zones à vocation agricole, des banlieues, des zones d'habitat spontané et des centres urbains qui modèle le paysage. Mais les pays et la coopération au développement disposent-ils des instruments nécessaires pour promouvoir un développement dynamique et équilibré entre la ville et le milieu rural et pour entrouvrir des perspectives aux populations qui y vivent ?

Contribution of Community Forestry to Protected Areas Management

Reports & Research
mei, 2006

In most countries in the region, local communities' use of forest resources is strictly regulated. The strategy of managing forests through stringent protection and regulation has in fact not been very successful in protecting forests in Asia, and has resulted in conflicts between enforcement officers and communities. New strategies are required that acknowledge the high costs and conflicts in classical protected area management approaches and look at complementary strategies for achieving conservation by working with, rather than against, local communities.

Mercados de Terras no Brasil Estrutra e Dinâmica

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2006

O tema do mercado de terras integra a agenda contemporânea das políticas agrárias, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No caso brasileiro, decorre da história de ocupação do território e da própria formação social e econômica que produziram um quadro de ilegalidade, de instabilidade jurídica e de fragilidade institucional. A expansão da fronteira agrícola com base no agronegócio patronal, em especial na cultura da soja na região da Amazônia Legal, combinada com as ações de reforma agrária, ampliam a importância deste tema e seus impactos sobre a economia e a sociedade.

Small scale landlords: research findings and recommendations

maart, 2006
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Small Scale Landlords make a significant contribution to the South African economy. They provide a range of accommodation types for approximately 15% of all South African households (1,85 million households). 60% of this stock (1,1 million households) comprises Household Rental including both formal and informal units located in backyards.

SURVIVING IN SHADOW: Widespread Militarization and the Systematic Use of Forced Labour in the Campaign for Control of Thaton District

Reports & Research
januari, 2006

This report examines the situation faced by Karen villagers in Thaton District (known as Doo Tha Htoo in Karen). The district lies in what is officially the northern part of Mon State and also encompasses part of Karen State to the west of the Salween River . Successive Burmese regimes have had strong control over the parts of the district to the west of the Rangoon-Martaban road for many years. They were also able to gain 'defacto' control over the eastern part of the district following the fall of the former Karen National Union (KNU) stronghold at Manerplaw in 1995.

Home based entrepreneurs: research findings and recommendations

januari, 2006
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

The Entrepreneurial sector in South Africa is seen as a critical component in addressing the fundamental issues of unemployment and poverty, as well as contributing to meaningful Black Economic Empowerment. This is very evident with the Home Based Entrepreneurs though low rates of entrepreneurship are still occurring. This research seeks to provide a deeper understanding of housing as a productive asset and its role in promoting economic activity and improved affordable housing supply, through supporting the activities of Home Based Entrepreneurs and Small Scale Landlords.

Consolidate analysis of research into small scale landlords and home based entrepreneurs

januari, 2006
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Since the formation of the Government of National Unity in 1994, there have been significant strides towards the transformation of the lives of ordinary South Africans. Set within a macroeconomic policy, which is focused on stimulating economic growth, there has been significant delivery in respect of the provision of housing, engineering services such as water and electricity and social services such as education, health and social safety nets for the most vulnerable.

Land, the Environment and the Courts in Kenya

Reports & Research
januari, 2006

This is an examination of the interface between land and environmental conservation in Kenya. Part II examines the different regimes of land tenure and their implications for environmental conservation. It also reviews the powers of the state to regulate land use. Part III reviews the legislative framework for environmental conservation in Kenya. Part IV reviews the case law on land and the environment. Part V concludes.

Subdividing the commons: The politics of property rights transformation in Kenya's Maasailand

Reports & Research
januari, 2006

This paper discusses the internal processes and decisions that characterized the transition from collectively held group ranches to individualized property systems among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district in Kenya. It addresses the question of why group ranch members would demand individualized property systems, but then turn against the outcome. In addressing this puzzle the paper discusses the process of land allocation and distribution during group ranch subdivision.

Governing land: reflections from IFPRI research

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2005

"Land is still among the most important assets of the rural population in the developing world. Land resources are governed by a variety of tenure systems based on statutory, customary, or religious law. At the same time, many national, subnational, and local institutions administer the application and enforcement of these laws, relying on a wide variety of policies, rules, and regulations that promote different practices for using and managing land and land-based resources.