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Corruption in the Post-1991 Urban Land Governance of Ethiopia: Tracing Major Drivers in the Law

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

Rapid urban population growth and spatial expansion of urban centers have brought unprecedented demand for land in developing countries such as Ethiopia.  The dramatic shifts in urban land tenure from Feudal System (pre-1974) to Socialist Land Policy (1974- 1991) and to the current system (post-1991) have left the urban populations uncertain about their property rights. The historical context coupled with the complex legal and institutional structure and the absence of proper records of rights and restrictions have invigorated corruption in the land sector.

Strengthening the Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (SEALAN) project in enhancing inter-university collaboration in land administration Eastern Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

The Eastern Africa Land Administration Network has since 2006 been collaborating in the development of education, short courses for land professionals and research in the eastern Africa region. This study presents the establishment and activities of a project on Strengthening the network and draws on results from the projects’ four work packages: i) the Network and Secretariat; ii) Short courses for land professionals; iii) Education and iv) Research. Processes, achievements, innovations, challenges and opportunities along each work package is reported.

Land Corruption, Gender and Rural Land Governance in Zimbabwe

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

Existing land governance system in Zimbabwe subjects vulnerable groups such as women to ‘land corruption’, which entrenches the already existing gendered land inequalities. This study used secondary data and found that Zimbabwe has witnessed various forms of corruption in general and land corruption, in particular, despite the country having the requisite policy, legal and institutional frameworks as well as other mechanisms to curb the scourge of corruption.


Reports & Research
december, 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

In May 2012, the Committee on World Food Security approved the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines have been described as a catalysing instrument that improves the conditions of land and natural resources, in the agricultural, fishery and forestry sectors. They address problems related to poor governance of land tenure and the growing pressure exerted on natural resources, thereby helping countries to achieve food security for all.

Les directives volontaires: Sécuriser nos droits Colombie

Reports & Research
december, 2020
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Amérique du Sud

Cette publication de la série « Success Stories » présente les bonnes pratiques en matière foncière en Colombie à travers l'application des VGGT par certains projets de la FAO entre 2014 et 2021, notamment dans le cadre de l'amélioration de la gouvernance et de la réduction des conflits dans les aires protégées, du renforcement des communautés en termes de leurs droits fonciers, et la restauration des droits territoriaux des communautés autochtones et/ou afro-descendantes.

Las Directrices Voluntarias: Asegurando nuestros derechos - Colombia

Reports & Research
december, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur

Esta publicación de la serie “Historias de éxito (Success Stories)” presenta las buenas prácticas en materia de tenencia de la tierra realizadas en Colombia a través de la aplicación de las VGGT por algunos proyectos de la FAO entre el 2014 y el 2021, especialmente en el contexto de mejora de la gobernanza y reducción de conflictos en áreas protegidas, fortalecimiento de las comunidades en tema de sus derechos de tenencia de la tierra y restitución de derechos territoriales de las comunidades indígenas y/o afrodescendientes. 

Memorias Interactivas - Intercambio internacional: experiencias de governanza y gestión territorial en áreas protegidas

Reports & Research
december, 2020
Costa Rica

Con el propósito de compartir conocimientos, logros y retos de diversas experiencias en áreas protegidas (AP) latinoamericanas, se llevó a cabo entre el 27 de julio y el 21 de agosto de 2020, el INTERCAMBIO INTERNACIONAL Experiencias de gobernanza y gestión territorial en Áreas Protegidas. En este intercambio, se reflexionó sobre aprendizajes de diferentes iniciativas, buscando que éstas pudiesen ser replicadas en otros contextos.

The Voluntary Guidelines: Securing our rights - Niger

Reports & Research
december, 2020

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) were endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in May 2012. These Voluntary Guidelines have been described as a catalyst leading to improvements in conditions under which land is held or occupied in agricultural sectors. The Voluntary Guidelines address problems of weak governance of tenure and the growing pressure on natural resources, providing the basis for countries to achieve food security for all.

Projet de recherche-action « Promotion d’une gouvernance foncière inclusive par l’amélioration des droits fonciers des femmes au Sénégal » dans le Bassin arachidier, les Niayes et la Vallée du Fleuve Sénégal

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

L’importance de l’accès à la terre aux femmes n’est plus à démontrer, eu égard aux impératifs liés à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable. En dépit de leur rôle essentiel et de leur contribution à l’agriculture et à la sécurité alimentaire, elles sont victimes de discriminations en termes d’accès et de contrôle sur les terres, ainsi que de la distribution des revenus tirés de l’exploitation.

Fit-For-Purpose Applications in Colombia: Defining Land Boundary Conflicts between Indigenous Sikuani and Neighbouring Settler Farmers

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

One of the most difficult types of land-related conflict is that between Indigenous peoples and third parties, such as settler farmers or companies looking for new opportunities who are encroaching on Indigenous communal lands. Nearly 30% of Colombia’s territory is legally owned by Indigenous peoples. This article focuses on boundary conflicts between Indigenous peoples and neighbouring settler farmers in the Cumaribo municipality in Colombia. Boundary conflicts here raise fierce tensions: discrimination of the others and perceived unlawful occupation of land.

Analyzing the Effects of Institutional Merger: Case of Cadastral Information Registration and Landholding Right Providing Institutions in Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

Strong national institutional arrangements in the geospatial information management are essential for successful implementation of sustainable land administration system. However, it is not only the existence of institutions but also their effectiveness that leads to the intended goals and reaching of objectives.

Good Practices in Updating Land Information Systems that Used Unconventional Approaches in Systematic Land Registration

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2020

To properly govern people-to-land relationships, there is a need to formally recognize land rights, and for this to bring recognizable societal change, the established Land Information System (LIS) has to be updated continuously. Though existing literature suggests different parameters to consider when updating an LIS, little is said on how countries are doing this, especially when unconventional approaches through systematic land registration were initially used. This paper comes up with recommendable good practices where the suggested needs for updating land records were made workable.