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El referendo constitucional para que el acceso al agua sea un derecho

Journal Articles & Books

El objeto de esta ponencia es analizar los aspectos socioeconómicos y jurídicos que sustentan la reforma de la Constitución por vía de referendo, que pretende prescribir el derecho fundamental al agua, e indicar que las disposiciones propuestas a la ciudadanía son acertadas para resolver sus necesidades más sentidas en esta materia.

Cuestión agraria en Colombia y el Norte de Santander

Journal Articles & Books

En la investigación longitudinal transversal “cuestión agraria”, desde la crisis europea a Colombia.¿Cómo se destruyó la sociedad primitiva y surgió el esclavismo, feudalismo, y capitalismo?,incidió en los modos y medios de producción. La cultura tairona y muisca interrumpidas y explotadas;el campesino perdió tierras 90% micros fundíos, tierras fértiles 10% de terratenientes. Lascapitulaciones, cédula real, cabildos, código de indias colonial, legalizaron la propiedad, y dieronorigen al latifundio con normas jurídicas.

Reformas institucionales del agua en la costa peruana : análisis de la gobernanza del agua en la cuenca Ica-Alto Pampas

Reports & Research

Desde inicios del siglo XXI, la Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) se ha constituido en el modelo referente de manejo del agua a nivel mundial. Organismos multilaterales, como el Banco Mundial o el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, y organizaciones internacionales, como la Global Water Partnership, han impulsado reformas institucionales en diversos países con el fin de instaurar un modelo de gobernanza que cristalice los principios de la GIRH.

Water management in the municipality of Union de Tvla from a governance approach

Journal Articles & Books

Problems related to water resources have been the source of conflicts at different levels and between different actors. Consequently, new political-institutional schemes have been proposed, shifting towards governance, permitting the involvement of new actors in political decision-making processes. This article presents a case study on water management in the municipality of Union de Tvla in western Mexico, using the Analytical Governance Framework, which addresses five elements: problems, actors, nodal points, norms and processes.

El derecho humano al agua: posibilidades desde una perspectiva de género

Journal Articles & Books

En este artículo presentamos una reflexión analítica sobre los principales aspectos y oportunidades favorables que pueden surgir para mujeres de menores ingresos o comunidades marginales de Colombia a partir del pronunciamiento de la ONU A/64/L.63/Rev.1, del 26 de julio de 2010,1 que “declara el derecho al agua potable y el saneamiento como un derecho humano esencial para el pleno disfrute de la vida y de todos los derechos humanos”.

Isolados e ilhados: indigenismo e conflitos no Vale do Javari, Amazônia

Journal Articles & Books

Nesse artigo, pretendemos mostrar como um certo ideal de índio permeia as utopias indigenistas do Estado brasileiro e como a política de isolamento, influenciada por esses ideais, apresenta suas idiossincrasias e contradições. Apresentamos um estudo sobre os conflitos recentes na Terra Indígena Vale do Javari (AM) que levaram à morte violenta de índios Korubo e Matis, considerados pelo governo respectivamente como “isolados” e de “recente contato”. Analisamos a história do conflito a partir das narrativas indigenistas e dos indígenas.

Land tenure journal. FAO support to land consolidation in Europe and Central Asia during 2002-2018 - Experiences and way forward.

Journal Articles & Books
Central Asia

In Europe and Central Asia, FAO has 53 member countries today, and provides technical support in 18 countries in the Western Balkans, Trans Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Most of these 18 countries have farm structures dominated by smallholders and family farms or dualistic farm structures with many small farms and few large corporate farms (FAO, 2018).Land fragmentation and small farm sizes are a fundamental structural problem resulting in low productivity and competitiveness in the globalized economy (Di Falco et al.

Land Governance and Agricultural Sustainability in Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication

This paper analysed land governance and crop commercialization in Nigeria. General Household Survey (Living Standard Measurement Survey) panel data for the post-planting and post-harvest periods of 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons were used. Descriptive statistics, Crop Commercialization Index (CCI) and Tobit regression model were used to analyse data. The semi-subsistence farmers constitute the highest proportion (62.4%), out of which almost one-quarter (24.6%) of the farmers sold less than a quarter (

Mitigating Land Corruption through Computerisation of Statutory Land Governance Activities: Evidence from DRC, Tanzania and Zambia

Peer-reviewed publication
Democratic Republic of the Congo

This study was on mitigating land corruption through computerisation of land governance activities that include land use planning, cadastral surveying, servicing of land, land allocation, land registration and titling and land development. Using evidence from Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Kitwe (Zambia), the study used both primary and secondary data to conclude that despite computerisation of land governance activities in Tanzania and Zambia, corruption still persists.

The Land tenure in Northern Africa Challenges and opportunities

Peer-reviewed publication
Northern Africa

In Northern Africa region, land administration and land management systems are characterized by the existence of various institutions and a diversity of land tenures. In order to meet the requirements of the new era, a series of emerging policies has been developed and implemented according to the national needs and to the international regulations. In terms of historical events, we distinguish in the Northern Africa three different groups’ state members: (1) Sudan and Egypt, and (2) Tunisia and Morocco, (3) Algeria and Mauritania.

Land Governance Arrangements in Eastern Africa: Description and Comparison

Peer-reviewed publication
Eastern Africa

This study is aimed to assess features of land governance arrangements in the Eastern Africa region. Comparative and qualitative research approach was employed to achieve the objectives of the study. The research was also conducted within the context of long standing research collaboration under the umbrella of the Eastern African Land Administration Network (EALAN). The Eastern African countries included in this study are those represented through respective institutions in the EALAN, namely: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Technology for Land Governance: Ensuring that Women Benefit from the Revolution

Peer-reviewed publication

Innovative technologies for land governance can promote clear land tenure and effective land administration, reduce corruption, and support economic growth. Mobile technologies offer real-time access to information and open communication between people and government services. These technologies are revolutionizing land governance around the world; however, without additional steps to ensure that women and men equitably benefit from the technology revolution, the application of these technologies may amplify the preexisting inequalities that women face.