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Assessing Forest Governance in the Countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

The forest landscapes of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) are changing dramatically, with a multitude of impacts from local to global levels. These changes invariably have their foundations in forest governance. The aim of this paper is to assess perceptions of key stakeholders regarding the state of forest governance in the countries of the GMS. The work is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the perceptions of forest governance in the five GMS countries, involving 762 representatives from government, civil society, news media, and rural communities.

Sustainable Development Goals and the Forest Sector—A Complex Relationship

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

The United Nations adopted the Agenda 2030 with its core element, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in September 2015. In order to achieve these goals within the coming years, intense efforts are required by all political and societal actors. Although the first definitions of sustainable development referred to the forest sector, the question remains: what contribution can forestry make to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Forestland Concession, Land Rights, and Livelihood Changes of Ethnic Minorities: The Case of the Madhupur Sal Forest, Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Forestland concession has been the dominant governance tool for the acquisition of natural state-owned forest resources in many tropical countries, including Bangladesh. Moreover, the forestland concession process confers the holder a bundle of rights. The Sal forests of Bangladesh are treated as some of the greatest concession forests, as a number of ethnic minorities use these forests for their daily living.

Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees: The Oversight of Defaunation in REDD+ and Global Forest Governance

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Over the past decade, countries have strived to develop a global governance structure to halt deforestation and forest degradation, by achieving the readiness requirements for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). Nonetheless, deforestation continues, and seemingly intact forest areas are being degraded. Furthermore, REDD+ may fail to consider the crucial ecosystem functions of forest fauna including seed dispersal and pollination.

Forest Policy Information Networks and the Role of Trust: Cooperative and Competitive Orientations and Underlying Causes

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

The importance of trust has been widely acknowledged as a major antecedent and a constitutive element of information exchange in policy networks. The ultimate objective of the present article is to understand whether and how trust is a factor explaining patterns of limited information exchange between forestry and nature conservation actors in forest policy networks in Europe.

The Institutional Structure of Land Use Planning for Urban Forest Protection in the Post-Socialist Transition Environment: Serbian Experiences

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

In recent decades, Serbia has been undergoing a period of post-socialist transition that has significantly altered the value system underlying spatial development due to alteration of ownership frameworks and land use rights. In consequence, issues have arisen of how to strike a balance between the various interests involved in the distribution of spatial resources and how to control the outcomes of public policies. Land use planning has been identified as an efficient instrument for implementing the public policy value framework.

If They Come, Where will We Build It? Land-Use Implications of Two Forest Conservation Policies in the Deep Creek Watershed

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Research Highlights: Forest conservation policies can drive land-use change to other land-use types. In multifunctional landscapes, forest conservation policies will therefore impact on other functions delivered by the landscape. Finding the best pattern of land use requires considering these interactions. Background and Objectives: Population growth continues to drive the development of land for urban purposes. Consequently, there is a loss of other land uses, such as agriculture and forested lands. Efforts to conserve one type of land use will drive more change onto other land uses.

Examining the Sustainability of Tropical Island Forests: Advances and Challenges in Measurement, Monitoring, and Reporting in the U.S. Caribbean and Pacific

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Forests across the U.S. and U.S. affiliated islands of the Caribbean and Pacific constitute rich and dynamic social-ecological systems that, while heterogeneous in many ways, share certain characteristics and trends that underscore the utility of sustainability assessments that go beyond single jurisdictional efforts. This paper summarizes a recent effort to assess the sustainability of tropical island forests of and politically affiliated with the U.S.

Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

The paper seeks to assess the impact of access to the land of Egypt on urban development in an attempt to identify policies and laws that can be categorized as a catalyst in urban conflict A systematicreview of Data on land tenure environment of Egypt land access land governance and tenure security the actors involved in these processes their roles the land tenure related challenges they face and measures that can be taken to address these challenges was collected at country level In the context of Egypt Access to land is deemed with obstacles confronting beneficiaries and legal procedures

Urban Rights and Sustainability in Latin-America: First Steps towards Urban Justice Operationalization

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

The following research is based on the affirmation that urban sustainability in developing regions such as Latin America is an impossible goal to be totally achieved due to the circumstances of poverty informality slums corruption violence among others that exist there Therefore urban sustainability in the cities of this region has to be reached through survival efforts that seek to balance the existing inequalities urban justice So the first step to take is to detect and measure those inequalities in order to be able to take actions to eradicate or decrease them The research presents five

Visual pollution phenomena and sensitivity of residences in heritage city centers Case of: Old district of Manama city, Kingdom of Bahrain

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Image of the ancient cities across the Arab region has been changed The urbanization progress and their subsequent urban changes are of rapid acceleration due to the population increase in the named cities affecting the encompassed old districts in many respects The mentioned changes are forked into two main branches controlled and uncontrolled On one side the controlled category abide by the urban regulations in terms of the visual representation of the old districts On the other side the uncontrolled counterpart breaches these regulations and their logical assumptions ending up in many ur