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Urban Land Conflicts and Evictions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

The Latin American and Caribbean Urban CSO Cluster, part of the Global Land Tools Network (GTLN), together with Habitat for Humanity’s Solid Ground Campaign and the Land Portal Foundation, launched an online debate on Urban Land Conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean in January 2017. Responding to the common interest to make information easy to access and flow to boost collaboration among stakeholders as a critical basis to improve land governance.

O Pacto para a Melhoria da Governança da Terra na CPLP

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017
Cape Verde

Na sequência do Segundo Fórum para a Agricultura Familiar e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional na Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (FAFSAN II–setembro de 2016), onde a sociedade civil propôs um Pacto Multi-atores para a Governança Sustentável da Terra na Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), tendo recebido adesão por parte dos diferentes atores também presentes na Mesa de Discussão que debateu este tema (nomeadamente, Mecanismos de participação social no CONSAN-CPLP, incluindo, Mecanismo das Universidades e Centros de Investigação, Mecanismo dos Parlamentares e Mecanis

La gouvernance fonciére au Burundi : Evaluation avec le cadre d'analyse de la gouvernance foncière (French)

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) is a diagnostic tool to assess the status of land governance at country level using a participatory process that draws systematically on existing evidence and local expertise rather than on outsiders.

Land Legacy Issues - Guidance on Corporate Responsibility

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2017

This Guide aims to inform companies that hold land or purchase land directly from companies that hold land. It provides operational guidance for companies confronting “legacy land issues” and clarifies a company’s roles and responsibilities in dealing with legacy land issues in their existing holdings, while also providing direction on where to look for more detailed information and tools.

Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2017

The Social and Environmental Code of Practice (SECoP) for Responsible Commercial Agriculture is designed to help investors in ensuring that their investments are inclusive, sustainable, transparent, and respect human rights. While it focuses on Ethiopia, it will be a useful resource for investors and companies operating in other countries.

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Lake Chad Basin region

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2349 (2017) of 31 March 2017, in which the Council requested the Secretary-General to produce a written report within five months on the assessment by the United Nations of the situation in the Lake Chad Basin. The report provides an update on the progress made and the challenges remaining and suggests measures for consideration relating to elements of the resolution.

Discursos sobre o Regime de Propriedade da Terra em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2017
África subsariana
Os discursos e posicionamentos sobre o regime de propriedade da terra em Moçambique não são coincidentes. Este artigo apresenta as percepções que os diferentes stakeholders (Estado, Comunidades locais, sector privado, Investidores, Sociedade Civil, etc.) envolvidos na relação com a terra possuem em relação à questão fundiária no País, sobretudo no atual contexto marcado pelo grande fluxo de projetos de investimento, de investidores nacionais e estrangeiros, com interesses no agronegócio, na exploração mineira e exploração de hidrocarbonetos. 

Towards a Sustainable Land Administration and Management System in Myanmar မြနမ် ာနိငု ်င၏ံ ရေရှညတ် ညတ် သံ့ ည့ ် မြေယာအပု ခ် ျုပေ် ရးနှင့ ် စီမ

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

မြနမ် ာနိငု ်င၏ံ
ရေရှညတ် ညတ် သံ့ ည့ ်
မြေယာအပု ခ် ျုပေ် ရးနှင့ ်
စီမခံ န့ခ် ွဲမစှု နစ်ဆသီ ိ့…ု .
မြေယာကဏ္ဍ၏ လိအု ပခ် ျကမ် ျားအပေါ် စစီ စအ် ကဲဖြတမ် ဆှု ိငု ရ် ာ
အကြောငး် အရာအလိကု ် မဝူ ါဒရေးရာမတှ စ် မု ျား

Towards a Sustainable Land Administration and Management System in Myanmar - Land Sector Needs Assessment; Thematic Policy Notes

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

This policy note on Land Policy and Regulatory Framework in Myanmar is the first of five policy notes
prepared under the Land Sector Needs Assessment technical assistance initiative between the World Bank
and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environmental Conservation and the General Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs,
and the Yangon City Development Committee. It is intended to assess and inform the land related

Gender and Politics in Africa: an interview with Marjorie Mbilinyi

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

ROAPE’s Janet Bujra questions Marjorie Mbilinyi about her fifty years of campaigning against patriarchal oppression on many fronts in Tanzania. Mbilinyi traces the legitimisation of feminism as a means to understand and a way to organise for and with women. This is not a feminism lifted from Europe or the US, but one generated in response to Tanzanian and African realities.

Ley Nº 19.525 – Directrices nacionales de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sostenible.

augustus, 2017

En el marco de la Ley Nº 18.308, estas disposiciones establecen las directrices nacionales de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sostenible, como instrumento de planificación territorial del ámbito nacional. Estas disposiciones son vinculantes para las instituciones públicas, entes y servicios del Estado que ejerzan competencias con incidencia territorial.