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Land-Drought Nexus: Enhancing the Role of Land-Based Interventions in Drought Mitigation and Risk Management. A report of the Science-Policy Interface

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2019

This UNCCD-SPI technical report provides well-established scientific evidence for understanding the strong linkages between land use and drought and how management of both is connected through water use. It introduces a new concept of Drought-smart land management (D-SLM) and organizes relevant approaches and practices in fourteen groups across four major classes of land use.

Regional Differentiation of Long-Term Land Use Changes: A Case Study of Czechia

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2019
Czech Republic

The major topic of this article is the evaluation of the regional differentiation of the long-term changes in land use in Czechia. This study searches the spatial and temporal differentiation of the changes and their driving forces since the 19th century. The comprehensive land use land cover change database (LUCC Czechia Database) which comprises cadastral data on the land use in the years 1845, 1896, 1948, 1990, 2000, and 2010 for more than 8000 units, was the main data source.

Urban–Rural Construction Land Replacement for More Sustainable Land Use and Regional Development in China: Policies and Practices

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2019

With the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, land exploitation in China has caused a decrease of cultivated land, posing a threat to national food security. To achieve the goals of both economic development and cultivated land protection, China launched an urban–rural land replacement measure supported by a new land use policy of “increasing vs. decreasing balance” of construction land between urban and rural areas in 2008.

Agriculture et paysannerie en Algérie : de la période coloniale aux politiques agricoles et rurales d’aujourd’hui

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2019
Afrique septentrionale

Date: 5 novembre 2019

Source: Foncier & Développement

Cet ouvrage de Omar Bessaoud aborde des thèmes cruciaux et des problématiques qui émergent ces derniers mois dans les débats publics, au sein des associations et des divers cercles et think tank nationaux (sécurité alimentaire du pays, compétitivité de l’agriculture, effets du changement climatique, foncier rural…).

France: Le rapport Lagleize sur le foncier propose de révolutionner le droit de propriété

oktober, 2019

Date: 8 novembre 2019

Source: Banque des Territoires

Par: Jean-Noël Escudié

Le député Jean-Luc Lagleize a remis à Édouard Philippe son rapport sur "La maîtrise des coûts du foncier dans les opérations de construction". La très grande majorité des cinquante préconisations du rapport intéresse très directement les collectivités territoriales.

Will Bougainville Reopen the Panguna Mine?

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2019

The Panguna mine on the Pacific island of Bougainville is one of the largest copper and gold deposits in the world. 

The mine was also at the center of a decade-long civil war fought between the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and the Papua New Guinea Defense Force in the 1990s. The conflict cost as many as 15,000 lives and displaced 40,000 of the island’s 200,000 inhabitants.

Impacts of drought-tolerant maize varieties on productivity, risk, and resource use: Evidence from Uganda

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Weather variability is an important source of production risk for rainfed agriculture in developing countries. This paper evaluates the impacts of the adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties on average maize yield, yield stability, risk exposure and resource use in rainfed smallholder maize farming. The study uses cross-sectional farm household-level data, collected from a sample of 840 farm households in Uganda. The adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties increased yield by 15% and reduced the probability of crop failure by 30%.

The impact of smallholder farmers’ participation in avocado export markets on the labor market, farm yields, sales prices, and incomes in Kenya

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Smallholder producers in sub-Saharan Africa are often unable integrate into markets and access high-value opportunities by effectively participating in global chains for high-value fresh produce. Using data from a survey of large avocado farmers in Kenya, this study examines the determinants and impacts of smallholder-producer participation in avocado export markets on labor inputs, farm yields, sales prices, and incomes, using a switching regression framework to control for selection effects.

Land use optimization tool for sustainable intensification of high-latitude agricultural systems

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Recent studies assessing agricultural policies, including the EU’s Agri-Environment Scheme, have shown that these have been successful in attaining some environmental goals. In Finland, however, the economic situation of farms has dramatically fallen and hence, the actions do not result in social acceptability. Sustainable intensification is a means to combine the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. Here we introduce a novel land use optimization and planning tool for the sustainable intensification of high-latitude agricultural systems.

Effects of cover crops on multiple ecosystem services: Ten meta-analyses of data from arable farmland in California and the Mediterranean

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019
Trinidad and Tobago
United States of America

Cover crops are considered to be beneficial for multiple ecosystem services, and they have been widely promoted through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the EU and Farm Bill Conservation Title Programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), in the USA. However, it can be difficult to decide whether the beneficial effects of cover crops on some ecosystem services are likely to outweigh their harmful effects on other services, and thus to decide whether they should be promoted by agricultural policy in specific situations.

Technical and social knowledge discontinuities in the multi-objective management of private forests in Finland

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Managing forests sustainably for multiple objectives requires multi-faceted socio-technical knowledge. This study explores the challenges of using knowledge within social and technical knowledge systems in decision-making about and the management of privately-owned forests in Finland. We define the technical knowledge system as the collection of standardized forms of knowledge and the IT systems supporting their storage and distribution. The social knowledge system consists of people who use and generate knowledge, as well as the societal norms that regulate their actions.

Regrowing forests contribution to law compliance and carbon storage in private properties of the Brazilian Amazon

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019
United States of America

The viability of the climate pledges made by Brazil at the COP21 in Paris, 2015, heavily depends on the success of the country policies related to forest governance. Particularly, there are high expectations that the enforcement of the Brazilian Forest Code (BFC) will drive large-scale forest recovery and carbon mitigation. In this study, we quantified the potential role that ongoing forest regeneration may play in offsetting deficits from private properties with less vegetation cover than determined by the BFC, considering different law implementation settings.