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Multi-scale characterization of inland valley agro-ecosystems in West Africa.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1994
Western Africa

Inland valleys are defined as the upper reaches of river systems. These include valley bottoms and minor floodplains,their hydromorphic fringes and upland slopes and crests. These occupy 22-52 million ha of land in W. Africa and although of good agricultural potential are only marginally used. An agro-ecological characterization developed in the Cte d'Ivoire, is outlined on 4 levels: macro (1:1 000 000-1:5 000 000), reconnaissance (1:100 000-1:250 000), semi-detailed (1:25 000-1:50 000) and detailed (1:5000-10 000).

The 1994 Mines Law - SLORC Law No. 8/94 (English)

Legislation & Policies
september, 1994

The State Law and Order Restoration Council...
The Myanmar Mines Law...
(The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No 8/94)...
The 2nd Waxing Day of Tawthalin, 1356 M.E.
(6th September, 1994)

"The objectives of this Law are as follows:

a.to implement the Mineral Resources Policy of the Government;

b.to fulfil the domestic requirements and to increase export by producing more mineral products;

c.to promote development of local and foreign investment in respect of mineral resources;

Natural Resources Management: Issues and Lessons from Rwanda

mei, 1994

This paper describes how the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Rwanda is working with the Government of Rwanda and other donors to identify and resolve key issues re-lated to the management of the country’s renewable natural resources--its forests, soils, and water. The purpose of the study
is to illustrate how small countries and Agency for International
Development (A.I.D.) Missions with limited resources can incor-
porate natural resources management into development activities

Livestock, land use and agricultural intensification in sub-Saharan Africa

december, 1993
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper focuses on extracts from a recent comparative analysis of livestock and land use surveys across a range of agro-climatic conditions in sub-Saharan Africa, based on information from systematic low level aerial reconnaissance and complementary ground studies in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan and Tchad, between 1980 and 1993.