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Method of survey suitable for registration purposes

Conference Papers & Reports
oktober, 1970
United Kingdom

It is universally recognized that Registration of Title is superior

to the other, systems mainly.because the method of recording used In Registration of Title does not depend so much on documents and human beings which are; subject to movement;,and mistaken identity, as on the parcels of:land affected, which are immovable, indestructible and precisely definable.

Report on Cadastral surveys in Morocco

Conference Papers & Reports
september, 1970

Property in Morocco is daily increasing considerably in value, and the particularly rapid urban development and agricultural changes have altered the scale of values which could hitherto serve as a basis for estimating-areas in connection with the cost of topographical surveys.

Agriculture, forestry and other land use emissions by sources and removals by sinks

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969

This report discusses new knowledge on anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) activities made available through the new FAOSTAT Emission database. The database is available globally, with country detail, for all agriculture, forestry and land sub-categories available in FAOSTAT and in the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA).

Mapping Land Use Systems at global and regional scales for Land Degradation Assessment Analysis

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969
South Africa

The objective of the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project was to develop tools and methods to assess and quantify the nature, extent, severity and impacts of land degradation on dryland ecosystems, watersheds and river basins, carbon storage and biological diversity at a range of spatial and temporal scales. This builds the national, regional and international capacity to

Carbon Finance Possibilities for Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use Projects in a Smallholder Context

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969

This booklet is intended to guide extension service advisors and institutions who work with small-scale farmers and foresters with an interest in Carbon inance and Carbon Projects. Its aim is to support setting-up carbon projects which involve small-scale farmers.

Their participation allows them to be involved in the development and implementation of

the project, influence the design of the project to generate positive impacts for the farmers

and increase their knowledge about carbon finance.

Agriculture, forestry and other land use mitigation project database

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969

Land use projects are especially exposed to the insecurities regarding the future of international climate change regulations. Therefore, it is imperative that the long term structures of the climate change framework are settled as soon as possible, including the reconsideration of the existing crediting schemes as the appropriate remuneration approach for AFOLU projects in developing countries.

Proceedings of training of national correspondents on assessing and monitoring of forest land use and changes

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969

At the request of its member countries, FAO has been carrying out global forest resources assessments (FRA) since 1947, in collaboration with countries and other partners, notably the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The global FRA reports on the worldwide status and trends of forest resources, their management and uses. It is based on nationally validated data from national forest inventories and assessments.

Livestock geography and land use

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1969

Whilst still in its infancy, the development of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) tools is paving the way for global land use monitoring. This paper provides a first, tentative description of livestock related land use.

Households Land Use Strategies in a Protracted Crisis Context: Land Tenure, Conflict and Food Security in Eastern DRC

december, 1969
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The problematic relationship between land tenure, food security and conflict has recently generated a considerable body of research. Land disputes are increasingly recognised as dynamic processes that are generated by (perceived) land tenure insecurity. Conflicts, however, can also lead to intensified struggle for land, especially when politico-military elites seek to consolidate their power base and reward their supporters by extending control over land as part of their war strategies.

Agricultural Land Use Plan for Letlhakane agricultural district central region.

december, 1969

This report is the result of a two-year study of Letlliakane Agricultural District (LetAD), carried out by the Agricultura! Land Use Planners of the Ministry of Agriculture (Central Region). The

main objective of the study is to provide planners, agricultural extension staff and community leaders with sound recommendations for improved and sustainable agricultural production and

possible solutions for major land use problems and conflicts. The study includes an inventory of the natural resources, population, farmer groups and economy of the area, the identification of