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Displaying 373 - 384 of 545

Property Rights in a Very Poor Country : Tenure Insecurity and Investment in Ethiopia

juni, 2012

This paper provides evidence from one of
the poorest countries of the world that the property rights
matter for efficiency, investment, and growth. With all land
state-owned, the threat of land redistribution never appears
far off the agenda. Land rental and leasing have been made
legal, but transfer rights remain restricted and the
perception of continuing tenure insecurity remains quite
strong. Using a unique panel data set, this study

Cambodia - Sharing growth : Equity and Development in Cambodia, Equity Report 2007

Reports & Research
juni, 2012

Cambodia's changing distribution of
income-related outcomes is consistent with the process of
transition from a planned to an open market economy, and the
accompanying growth of incomes. This transformation has
promoted better resource reallocation, expanded the spectrum
of gainful activities, and widened the distribution of
earnings. Aided by robust economic growth and improved
capacity for implementing public policies, Cambodia has seen

Nicaragua : Poverty Assessment, Volume 1. Main Report

juni, 2012

Nicaragua is a small, open economy that
is vulnerable to external and natural shocks. With an
estimated Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of US$1000
in 2006, and a total population of 5.2 million, it is one of
the poorest countries in Latin America. Forty six percent of
the population lived below the poverty line in 2005 (while
15 percent lived in extreme poverty), and the incidence of
poverty is more than twice as high in rural areas (68

Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America : Conference Edition

juni, 2012

Indigenous peoples make up less than 5
percent of the world's population, yet comprise 15
percent of the world's poor. The indigenous population
of Latin America is estimated at 28 million. Despite
significant changes in poverty overall, the proportion of
indigenous peoples in the region living in poverty - at
almost 80 percent - did not change much from the early 1990s
to the early 2000s. Economic Opportunities for Indigenous

Making the New Indonesia Work for the Poor

juni, 2012

Indonesia stands at the threshold of a new era and at an important juncture of its history. After the historic economic, political and social upheavals at the end of the 1990s, Indonesia has started to regain its footing. The country has largely recovered from the economic and financial crisis that threw millions of its citizens back into poverty in 1998 and saw it regress to a low-income status. Recently, it has once again crossed the threshold, making it one of the world's emergent middle-income countries.

Indigenous Peoples in Latin America : Economic Opportunities and Social Networks

juni, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

Despite significant changes in poverty
overall in Latin America, the proportion of indigenous
peoples living in poverty did not change much from the early
1990s to the present. While earlier work focused on human
development, much less has been done on the distribution and
returns to income-generating assets and the effect these
have on income generation strategies. The authors show that
low income and low assets are mutually reinforcing. For

Albania - Urban Growth, Migration and Poverty Reduction : A Poverty Assessment

juni, 2012

This sector report claims that in the
three years between 2002 and 2005 alone, almost 235,000
people have moved out of poverty in Albania. Strong economic
growth and large inflow of remittances are at the center of
this impressive achievement. However, low productivity of
predominantly small family farms has put a drag on rural
growth prospects. Moreover, Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) program,
the means-tested income support program is small in scale,

Uganda : Policy Options for Increasing Crop Productivity and Reducing Soil Nutrient Depletion and Poverty

juni, 2012

This study was conducted with the main objective of determining the linkages between poverty and land management in Uganda. The study used the 2002/03 Uganda National Household Survey in eight districts representing six major agro-ecological zones and farming systems. Farmers in these districts deplete an average of 179 kg/ha of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is about 1.2 percent of the nutrient stock stored in the topsoil.

Guyana - Investment Climate Assessment : Volume 1. Main Findings and Policy Recommendations

juni, 2012

This document presents the main findings
of the Guyana Investment Climate Survey (ICS) conducted
between November 2004 and March 2005. The ICA report
provides an evaluation of different aspects of the
environment of doing business in Guyana. It covers
governance-related obstacles, labor and technology issues,
the financial sector, and infrastructure. The ICA is based
on the results of the World Bank Guyana Investment Climate

The Role of Services in Rural Income : The Case of Vietnam

juni, 2012

This paper investigates the role of
services in the household response to trade reforms in
Vietnam. The relative response of the households and income
growth after a major trade liberalization in rice are
analyzed aiming to answer the following questions: What type
of households, in which locations, having access to what
type of services, benefited more from the reforms? It
focuses on services that have an impact on transaction costs

Trade Reforms and Welfare : An Ex-Post Decomposition of Income in Vietnam

juni, 2012

This paper analyzes the impact of trade reforms on household welfare. In particular, it studies the importance of each of the links that together constitute the impact using data from the Vietnamese experience in the 1990s. The implementation of trade reforms in the 1990s, most noteworthy of which was the liberalization of rice, resulted in substantial improvement in welfare as evidenced by the drastic decline in poverty. Using analytical and empirical methods, the author examines the role of each channel (direct versus indirect) in this improvement for different groups of households.

Assessing Benefits of Slum Upgrading Programs in Second-Best Settings

Reports & Research
juni, 2012

Slum upgrading programs are being used by national and city governments in many countries to improve the welfare of households living in slum and squatter settlements. These programs typically include a combination of improvements in neighborhood infrastructure, land tenure, and building quality. In this paper, the authors develop a dynamic general equilibrium model to compare the effectiveness of alternative slum upgrading instruments in a second-best setting with distortions in the land and credit markets.