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Comunidades y su relación en el sector minero energético durante el siglo XXI

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

Este documento examina la relación entre las comunidades y el sector minero energético en Colombia en el siglo XXI, destacando la violencia política y las violaciones de derechos humanos como problemas persistentes. Se enfoca en la victimización de líderes sociales y la impunidad que perpetúa la violencia, especialmente en áreas mineras. Propone el diálogo regional y el desarme de los grupos armados como soluciones para un desarrollo sostenible y respetuoso de los derechos humanos.

Exploitation Minière et Foncier Agricole

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2023

Le Code minier du Mali dispose que les ressources souterraines appartiennent à l’État, même s’il s’agit de terres agricoles. Cette disposition consacre le droit souverain de l’État sur les ressources du sous-sol, qui en organise l’accès et l’exploitation. Les autorités doivent largement partager le contenu de cette disposition avec les communautés locales lors du processus d’attribution de titres miniers. L’État doit également faire respecter le mécanisme de surveillance et de contrôle du cahier des charges à cet effet.

Curbing Land Corruption An African Prerequisite For Free Trade: Focus On Madagascar’S Case

december, 2023

The existence, survival and continuity of a number of income-generating activities (farming, mining, etc.) depend on land, making it an important lever for a country's development. However, if land is not properly managed and governed, this can leave the door wide open to various forms of embezzlement, including corruption. Corruption is well known to have a deleterious effect on its victims, and when it affects land tenure and access to land, it can affect more than just a country's economy.

Towards sustainable food crop production: Drivers of shift from crop production to mining activities in Ghana's arable lands

december, 2023

This study contributes to the observed reduction of arable lands discourse by examining the shift in land use patterns as well as factors influencing farmers' shift from crop production to mining activities. To achieve this, we employed a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Cragg's Double Hurdle Econometric Model as analytical tools. Our approach integrates an econometric model of land use with GIS simulations that predict the spatial pattern of land-use change.

Towards sustainable food crop production: Drivers of shift from crop production to mining activities in Ghana's arable lands

december, 2023

This study contributes to the observed reduction of arable lands discourse by examining the shift in land use patterns as well as factors influencing farmers' shift from crop production to mining activities. To achieve this, we employed a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Cragg's Double Hurdle Econometric Model as analytical tools. Our approach integrates an econometric model of land use with GIS simulations that predict the spatial pattern of land-use change.

Effets du développement et de la transformation de l’orpaillage sur les dynamiques foncières en Guinée

Reports & Research
november, 2023
Afrique occidentale

En Guinée, la hausse du cours de l’or depuis les années 2000 a favorisé l’intensification des pratiques anciennes d’exploitation des ressources aurifères. À partir de 2010, l’activité artisanale se transforme, marquée par l’adoption de nouvelles techniques et par la mécanisation des pratiques d’extraction et de traitement du minerai. Depuis 2015, cette mécanisation évolue avec l’utilisation croissante d’engins lourds et le développement d’exploitation semi-industrielles.

Garimpo: o mal que perdura no Xingu

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2023
América do Sul

Diante de uma nova onda de garimpo nas áreas protegidas da bacia do Xingu, que se intensificou a partir de 2019, a Rede Xingu+ divulgou em 2020 um dossiê detalhando os principais focos de exploração garimpeira na região e que colocavam em risco, somada à epidemia de Covid 19, várias comunidades in- dígenas e ribeirinhas.

Análise regional dos níveis de mercúrio de mercurio em peixes consumidos pela população da Amazônia brasileira

Reports & Research
april, 2023
América do Sul

A ciência tem mostrado nas últimas décadas que a conta- minação por mercúrio (Hg) é um problema ambiental e de saúde pública. Uma importante fonte poluidora é o garim- po ilegal de ouro, que vem crescendo vertiginosamente, deixando um rastro de destruição. Outras atividades rea- lizadas por seres humanos, incluindo o desmatamento, a queimada de florestas e a construção de hidrelétricas, au- mentam os níveis de contaminação por mercúrio em cor- pos d’agua e no ambiente.

Unlocking Africa’S Land Potential And Addressing Its Problems Through Sustainable Land Management

december, 2022

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses.

The distribution of cadmium in soil and cacao beans in Peru

december, 2022

Peru is the eighth largest producer of cacao beans globally, but high cadmium contents are constraining access to international markets which have set upper thresholds for permitted concentrations in chocolate and derivatives. Preliminary data have suggested that high cadmium concentrations in cacao beans are restricted to specific regions in the country, but to date no reliable maps exist of expected cadmium concentrations in soils and cacao beans.

Deforestation Dynamics in Peru. A Comprehensive Review of Land Use, Food Systems, and Socio-Economic Drivers

december, 2022

The drivers of deforestation and land use change in the Peruvian Amazon and Andes are complex and interconnected, shaped by various factors, including agricultural expansion, wood extraction, mining, infrastructure development, climate change, and socio-economic factors. This review highlights the multifaceted nature of these drivers and their impacts on the environment and local communities. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that accounts for both direct and underlying drivers and the unique context of each region.