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Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zone on forest land administration.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of these Regulations is to strengthen the protection and management of forest land, rationally develop and utilize forest resources, promote sustainable economic and social development. The Text consists of 44 articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Forest Land Tenure Management (II); Forest Land Protection and Utilization (III); Forest Land Expropriation and Occupation (IV); Legal Liability (V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).Forest land belongs to the State and collectives.

Loi n° 055-2004/AN du 21 décembre 2004 portant code général des collectivités territoriales au Burkina Faso modifiée par les lois 040-2005/AN du 29/11/2005 ; 021-2006/AN du 14/11/2006 et 065-2009 du 9/12/2009.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

La présente Loi détermine l’orientation de la décentralisation, les compétences et moyens d’action, les organes et l’administration des collectivités territoriales (la région et la commune).Ces collectivités territoriales sont compétentes dans les domaines suivants: aménagement du territoire, gestion du domaine foncier et de l’aménagement urbain, environnement et gestion des ressources naturelles, développement économique et planification, santé et hygiène, eau, assainissement et sécurité alimentaire.

Acuerdo Nº 11 - Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 265, sobre el procedimiento para la adjudicación de tierras del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores.

South America

El presente Acuerdo modifica el Procedimiento para la adjudicación de tierras del patrimonio forestal del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores, en lo relacionado con la distinción entre las tierras adjudicadas que corresponden al Patrimonio Forestal del Estado, que quedan deslindadas de dicho Patrimonio, y aquellas que corresponden a los bosques y vegetación protectores que cambiarán únicamente de dominio y seguirán formando parte del mismo bosque y vegetación protector.

Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement Act, 2008.

New Zealand

The purpose of this Act, divided in 3 Parts and 4 Schedules, is to: (a) give effect to the vesting of the Crown forest land described in the first and second columns of Schedule 1 in the company and the transfer of accumulated rentals in relation to that land to the company in order to enable those assets to be allocated to the CNI Iwi Collective in settlement of their historical CNI forests land claims and to any other CNI claimants in settlement of their historical claims; and (b) record the principles and process by which the allocation of the CNI forests land and accumulated rentals is

Forestry Sector Policy.

National Policies
Southern Asia

The Forestry Sector Policy is a national sectoral policy which sets forth long-term, medium-term and short term objectives relating to the sustainable use of forest resources. The long-term objectives of the Policy are: a) to meet the people’s basic needs for forestry products on a sustainable basis; b) to contribute to food production; c) to protect land from degradation; d) to conserve and use biological diversity and genetic resources in a sustainable manner; e) to create opportunities for income generation and employment.

Nature-based Activities Act (No. 610 of 1984).

Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of those who occupy themselves with agriculture, forestry, fishery and aqaculture, hunting, reindeer breeding and other nature-based activities in the Northern districts of Finland. The Act provides a possibility for such persons to acquire lands which may be used for the purposes as indicated in this Act and the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77) (sect. 8). Section 15 provides for the right of access to water.

National Environment Policy (NEP).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The National Environment Policy (NEP) is a multi-sectoral instrument whose vision is to reach environmental sustainability for the Republic of Mauritius and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. The specific objectives to be attained in this field include the following: Conservation of Environmental Resources; integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development; development of environmental ethics in citizens. The policy recognizes the right of every person to a clean and healthy environment.

Law No. VII of 1961 on forest and wildlife management and its implementing Decree No. 73 of 1981 of the Cabinet on the management of forests and wildlife.

Eastern Europe

This is a comprehensive statute of forest management aiming to extend forests by reforestation, to produce good quality and competitive forest products; to contribute to soil conservation, water management and other useful purposes; to integrate hunting and wildlife management with the national economy. The Law differentiates between forests (for timber extraction, research purposes, protection forests and recreational forests, protected forests and for wildlife management purposes) and other woodlands whose surface area is less than half a hectare.

Agriculture Act (Cap. 318).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides rules relative to good agricultural practice and in particular rules for the use of agricultural land and aiming at its development and preservation. Furthermore, the Act provides for administrative instruments to ensure a sound agricultural development and the marketing of agricultural products.

Decision No. 2052/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Quang Ngai province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Quang Ngai province.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; investment in the building of aquaculture systems; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.

Rouge National Urban Park Act (S.C. 2015, c. 10).

Northern America

The present Act establishes the Rouge National Urban Park, which is described in the Schedule, for the purposes of protecting and presenting, for current and future generations, the natural and cultural heritage of the Park and its diverse landscapes, promoting a vibrant farming community and encouraging Canadians to discover and connect with their national protected heritage areas.The Rouge National Urban Park, managed by Parks Canada, is Canada's first national urban park and home to a great number of combination of natural, cultural and agricultural features including 1,700 species of pl