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Forest Land Use Dynamics in Indonesia

Reports & Research
januari, 2017
United States of America

Alternative land use remains a controversial issue in Indonesia, particularly with regard to regions outside Java. This paper aims to highlight forest land use dynamics in Indonesia, and particularly the difficulties of resolving the conflicts between conservation, the need to preserve local livelihoods, the demands of the logging industry, both legal and illegal, and the pressures to convert land from forest use to other uses, mainly agriculture, plantations and mining.

Family productive strategies, perceptions and deforestation in a context of forest transition: the case of Tena in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2017

This article explains how the family productive strategies of farmer settlers and their perceptions of the forest influence the rate of deforestation. This particular approach, based on the analysis of endogenous processes, seeks to contextualize and understand how farmers operate within a context of «forest transition», as a result of significant economic changes, market expansion and road infrastructuredevelopment.


Conference Papers & Reports
januari, 2017

In the same way as other resources, forest territories are being grabbed. Companies, often with the support of States, degrade these territories and deprive local people of their homes or resources on which their living conditions depend.

Resumo do relatório circunstanciado de identificação e delimitação da terra indígena Pindoty/Araçá-Mirim

december, 2016

Referência: Processo FUNAI/BSB nº 08620.001743/2006- 13. Terra Indígena: Pindoty/Araçá-Mirim. Municípios: Cananéia, Iguape e Pariquera-Açu. Estado: São Paulo. Superfície aproximada: 1.030 ha. Perímetro aproximado: 18 km. Povo Indígena: Guarani Mbya. Família Linguística: Tupi-Guarani. População: 84 pessoas (2012). Identificação e Delimitação: Grupo Técnico constituído pela Portaria Funai n°1564/PRES, de 19/10/2010 e complementada pelas Portarias nº 925/PRES, de 16/06/2011; nº 985/PRES, de 03/08/2012; e nº 962/PRES, de 05/10/2015.


Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

Los territorios forestales, al igual que el resto de los recursos, están acaparados. Algunas empresas, muy a menudo con el apoyo de los estados, los degradan y despojan a las poblaciones locales de su ámbito natural o de los recursos de los que dependen sus condiciones de vida.


Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

Au même titre que les autres ressources, les territoires forestiers sont accaparés. Des entreprises, souvent avec l'appui des États, dégradent ces territoires et dépossèdent les populations locales de leurs lieux de vie ou des ressources dont dépendent leurs conditions de vie. Ces territoires sont mis en péril par des concessions d'exploitation des forêts et des ressources minières, des projets hydroélectriques ou d’infrastructures de transport, des concessions touristiques, de chasse, par l'expansion des surfaces agricoles ou encore l'exploitation illégale de bois.

Revista Gestão Florestal

Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2016

Esta revista é um produto do Projeto Gestão Florestal para a Produção Sustentável na Amazônia, uma realização do Governo Brasileiro por incumbência do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA) e intermédio do Serviço Florestal Brasileiro e do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade no contexto da Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. O Ministério Federal de Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento (BMZ) da Alemanha apoia a execução do Projeto por meio da cooperação financeira do Banco Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

Assessment of Forest Encroachment In Shimoga District of Western Ghats, India, Using Remote Sensing and GIS

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

The  study is focused on RS and GIS based assessment of forest encroachment in Shimoga district of Karnataka for the years 1990, 2000 and 2010 using Landsat TM/MSS/ETM+ for 1990 and 2000, mid south western part of malnad region of Karnataka state, geographically lies between 13°27' and 14°39' N latitudes and 74°38' and 76°4'E longitudes.

Plan de Développement Économique et Social (PDES, 2017-2021).

National Policies
december, 2016

Le Plan de Développement Économique et Social (PDES) 2017-2021 est un plan quinquennal de l’opérationnalisation de la Stratégie de Développement Durable et de Croissance Inclusive (SDDCI) Niger 2035 adoptée par le Gouvernement le 9 mai 2017. Son objectif est de contribuer à bâtir un pays pacifique, bien gouverné avec une économie émergente et durable, et une société fondée sur des valeurs d’équité et de partage des fruits du progrès. Spécifiquement, il vise à renforcer la résilience du système de développement économique et social.

Forest Policy for Jamaica 2017.

National Policies
december, 2016

The Vision of the Forest Policy is that: by 2062, Jamaica’s forests and its biodiversity are sufficiently restored and sustainably managed, so once again the island can adequately be described as “the land of wood and water”, capable of meeting the social, economic and ecological needs of current and future generations.

Timber Resource Management and Legality Licensing Regulations, 2017 (LI 2254).

december, 2016

These Regulations reform the law in Ghana with respect to the granting of timber rights and related matters. They (a) regulate the identification of land suitable for the grant of timber rights, (b) regulate the terms and conditions for small and large scale timber rights, (c) regulate other sources of timber, and (d) provide for a legality licensing scheme.The Forestry Commission shall identify lands suitable for grant of large scale timber utilisation contracts. The Regulations set out the procedures for the identification of lands (including owner consent).