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Displaying 49 - 60 of 222

Urban Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

april, 2015

With rapid urbanization and an
increasing number of publicly-funded urban projects, there
is a growing demand to address complex land acquisition and
involuntary resettlement issues in urban settings. A variety
of major urban projects in areas such as urban development,
renewal or upgrading, urban transport, urban watershed
management, water supply and sanitation, and urban solid
waste management require substantial land acquisition and

The Misallocation of Land and Other Factors of Production in India

maart, 2015

This paper quantifies the misallocation of manufacturing output and factors of production between establishments across Indian districts during 1989-2010. It first distills a number of stylized facts about misallocation in India, and demonstrates the validity of misallocation metrics by connecting them to regulatory changes in India that affected real property. With this background, the study next quantifies the implications and determinants of factor and output misallocation.

Terras da União

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
South America
As terras de domínio público dão lugar à produção do espaço urbano assim como as terras de propriedade privada. O contraste entre cidade formal e informal, tão característico no Brasil, não faz essa distinção, estando refletido também nas terras pertencentes à União. Esta, titular da dominialidade sobre esses bens, importante reserva pública de recursos fundiários, estaria representando o interesse público, do Estado, ou da acumulação capitalista, na gestão do que se denomina de Patrimônio da União?

Land and Urban Policies for Poverty Reduction : Proceedings of the Third International Urban Research Symposium Held in Brasilia, April 2005, Volume 2

maart, 2015

The first paper of this section
(Durand-Laserve) documents how increasing pressures on urban
land and the 'commodification' of shelter and
settlement has increased 'market evictions' of
families holding intermediate tide to property, although
international declarations and pressures have contributed to
reducing 'forced evictions.' The second paper
(Mooya and Cloete) uses the tools of the New Institutional

South African township economies and commercial property markets

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
South Africa

Despite numerous studies on townships, research into township economies and related commercial real estate markets is limited. The majority of studies refer to the economy only as part of a broader discussion about other themes such as housing. And, while the information in these studies is useful, it is not captured and discussed within an overarching conceptual framework, which would allow the relationships and causal factors that shape and drive such economies to be understood. 

Urbanization without Growth : A Not-So-Uncommon Phenomenon

februari, 2015

To find out why African countries' experience with urbanization and sustained growth appeared to differ from that of other countries, the authors investigated the determinants of urbanization across countries over 40 years. Rather than studying individuals' decisions to migrate, they relied on macroeconomic data and cross-country comparisons. A central hypothesis of their study: that individuals move (with varying degrees of ease) in response to economic incentives and opportunities. If location incentives are distorted, so is growth.

City Planning Labs : A Concept for Strenghtening City Planning Capacity in Indonesia

januari, 2015

The cities that emerge from Indonesia s
rapid urbanization will be key determinants of the country s
overall economic development and competitiveness, as well as
their inclusiveness and environmental sustainability.
However, without strategically planned investments, policy
interventions, and institutional capacity, mismanaged
urbanization could become an obstacle to sustainable growth.
The city planning labs core module will be initially

Access to Affordable and Low-Income Housing in East Asia and the Pacific

januari, 2015

Across the world, the housing sector
plays a key role in local and national economies, and
expanding access to housing can encourage more equitably
shared economic growth. This report surveys current policy
interventions designed to encourage affordable housing in
East Asia and the Pacific (EAP). The purpose of this report
is to provide a general overview of the recent trends in
urbanization and development in EAP and to consider

Expanding Women's Access to Land and Housing in Urban Areas

december, 2014

Evidence is mounting that secure
property rights have positive effects for poor people in
general and women in particular. The aim of this report is
to review what is known about women s access to and control
over land and real property in urban settings, identifying
approaches to strengthening property rights that enhance
women s agency, and sharing key lessons. Section two
synthesizes the evidence on urban women s priorities with

Inclusive Heritage-Based City Development Program in India

december, 2014

This report summarizes the motivation,
objectives, methodology, results and lessons learned from
the design and implementation of the Demonstration Program
on Inclusive Heritage-based City Development in India. The
development objective of this program is to test an
inclusive heritage-based approach to city development
planning in three pilot cities with a focus on learning and
future expansion. The pilot cities include a metropolis

Handbook for Improving the Living Conditions of Roma

december, 2014

A disproportionately large number of
Roma in Europe today face deep poverty, social exclusion,
and poor living conditions. Improving these is critical to
achieving the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the
European Union s 10-year growth strategy, which aims to
reduce poverty, social exclusion, early school leaving, and
increase school attainment and employment by 2020. The EU
Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) up

Housing Consumption and Urbanization

december, 2014

Rapid urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa
places immense pressure on urban services to meet the needs
of the burgeoning urban population. Although several
country- or city-level reports offer insight into the
housing challenges of specific places, little is known about
regional patterns affecting housing markets. This lack of
clear knowledge on the relative importance of the factors
influencing households' housing demand in countries in