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Normalización del modelo neoliberal de expansión residencial más allá del límite urbano en Chile y España

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2018

RESUMEN El crecimiento urbano contemporáneo adopta patrones fragmentados y escasamente densos. El proceso se ha tomado como norma general dentro de un modelo de Estado neoliberal, que lejos de restringir la expansión de lo urbano por ocupación del espacio rural, lo fomenta desregulando el uso del suelo no urbanizable. La ratificación de la participación estatal en la construcción de este fenómeno requiere el análisis de las herramientas que lo posibilitan.

L’accès au foncier urbain Régulations entre usages, fonctions et acteurs

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2018

Today, the demographic and economic dynamics stimulate an increasing competition for the access to the urban land. The multiplication of needs and logics of use of this non-reproducible resource activates, more than ever, the question of the regulation of the access to the land and questions the modalities of distribution of property rights between the various actors.

Problématique Maraîchère Induite Par La Nouvelle Dynamique Foncière Autour Des Bas-Fonds Urbains À Bouaké (Côte D’ivoire)

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2018
Côte d'Ivoire

L’agriculture urbaine en Côte d’Ivoire constitue une activité importante en termes de sécurité alimentaire, d’emploi et de réponse aux problèmes environnementaux. Cependant à Bouaké, cette agriculture et principalement le maraîchage urbain fait face à une nouvelle dynamique foncière autour des bas-fonds intra-urbains. Cette situation est consécutive à l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs en raison des enjeux nouveaux que représentent les bas-fonds.

Emerging Livelihood Vulnerabilities in an Urbanizing and Climate Uncertain Environment for the Case of a Secondary City in Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2018

ncreasing flood risks in Thailand are leading to new challenges for flood management and subsequently for livelihoods, which are still significantly agricultural. Policy makers prefer building flood protection infrastructure over utilizing non-structural measures like urban planning regulations to mitigate risks. We argue that unplanned urbanization intensifies flood risks and livelihood vulnerability and may even create new poverty patterns in peri-urban areas.

Report of the Twenty-seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2018
New Zealand
Republic of Korea
Sri Lanka

This publication reports the proceedings of the twenty-sixth session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 23 to 27 October 2017.

Supporting affordable housing supply: inclusionary planning in new and renewing communities

Reports & Research
april, 2018
United Kingdom
United States of America

This study examined how planning mechanisms support affordable housing supply in Australia and overseas. In England 43 per cent of affordable housing built in 2015–16 (12,866 units) were delivered due to inclusionary planning requirements, while more than 500 cities in the United States have inclusionary zoning or impact fee requirements to supply affordable housing. In Australia planning systems can support affordable housing supply, but additional funding or subsidy is usually required to produce homes affordable to those on low and very low incomes.

Forests and Sustainable Cities

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2018
United States of America
New Zealand

Recognizing the importance of the services provided by forests and trees to urban dwellers, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests proposed that the theme for the 2018 International Day of Forests would be “Forests and Sustainable Cities”. To mark this occasion and promote the widespread adoption of “green” strategies for dealing with urban challenges, FAO invited the mayors of 15 different sized cities from various regions around the world to present their experiences with trees and forests and to show how this green infrastructure has helped address urban challenges.

Introducing the PRIndex Analytical Report 2017

Reports & Research
februari, 2018

Property rights are a cornerstone of economic development and social justice. One of the most fundamental ways of understanding the strength of property rights is through citizens’ perceptions of them. Yet perceptions of tenure security have never been collected at a global scale, obscuring a clear understanding of the magnitude and nature of citizens’ experience, and preventing the issue of property rights from receiving the visibility and attention it deserves. The Global Property Rights Index, or PRIndex, seeks to address this gap.

Playing by the rules? Analysing incremental urban developments

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2018
United States of America

Current urban developments are often considered outdated and static, and the argument follows that they should become more adaptive. In this paper, we argue that existing urban development are already adaptive and incremental. Given this flexibility in urban development, understanding changes in the so-called ‘rules of the game’ which structure and change collective action, is increasingly relevant. Gaining such insights advances the ability of planners to deal with perceived spatial problems. The aim of this paper is twofold.