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Nitrogen Pollution and the Meltdown of Urban Ecosystems

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

Urban ecosystems are carrying an extinction debt. Mitigating this debt will require the development of a predictive framework that improves our understanding of the factors causing decline of native biodiversity in urban areas. I argue that nitrogen is a common currency around which such a predictive framework could be built. I first summarise the evidence that shows the probable extent of nitrogen enrichment in urban ecosystems. I then review the body of empirical evidence that describes how nitrogen enrichment affects ecosystem process and function.

Urban Agriculture Oriented towards Self-Supply, Social and Commercial Purpose: A Typology

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

Urban agriculture, a dynamic multifunctional phenomenon, affects the spatial diversification of urban land use, its valorization and its governance. Literature acknowledges its contribution to the development of sustainable cities. The dimension and extent of this contribution depends significantly on the particular form and function of urban agriculture. However, the complexity of interests and dimensions is insufficiently covered by theory. This paper proposes a typology for urban agriculture, supporting both theory building and practical decision processes.

Land Politics under Kenya's New Constitution

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
september, 2016

Kenya's new constitution, inaugurated in August 2010, altered the institutional structure of the state in complex ways. The general motivation behind reform was to enhance the political representation of ordinary citizens in general and that of marginalized ethno-regional groups in particular, and to devolve control over resources to the county level. In the land domain, reform objectives were as explicit and hard-hitting as they were anywhere else.

The New Urban Agenda

Manuals & Guidelines
september, 2016

The New Urban Agenda represents a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future – one in which all people have equal rights and access to the benefits and opportunities that cities can offer, and in which the international community reconsiders the urban systems and physical form of our urban spaces to achieve this.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 5

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2016

In this LEGEND bulletin, specialists from civil society, academia and development practice review how the latest draft of the New Urban Agenda addresses key issues around urban land.

They also assess whether the commitments are likely to deliver more sustainable urban development and flag up key land related topics for monitoring during implementation.

'Culture' as HIV prevention: Indigenous youth speak up!

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

This article explores the ways in which (a) Indigenous youth involved in an HIV intervention took up and reclaimed their cultures as a project of defining ‘self’, and (b) how Indigenous ‘culture’ can be used as a tool for resistance, HIV prevention and health promotion. Data were drawn from the Taking Action Project: Using arts-based approaches to develop Aboriginal youth leadership in HIV prevention.

Decree-Law No. 48/2016 establishing the organization and functioning norms of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Territorial Planning and Housing (MIOTH).

september, 2016
Cape Verde

This Decree-Law, consisting of three Chapters and one Annex, establishes the organization and functioning norms of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Territorial Planning and Housing (MIOTH).


Conference Papers & Reports
augustus, 2016
South Africa

This compendium and analysis of Cities in the BRICS countries were developed through a partnership between the South African Cities Network (SACN) and the South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning (SA&CP) at the University of the Witwatersrand. Since South Africa joined BRICS in 2010, multiple connections have been forged between South Africa and its alliance partners. However, although there is a growing volume of engagements, there is still inadequate knowledge and understanding across the BRICS.

The People's Guide to the State of South African Cities

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2016
South Africa

Cities are about people, first and foremost. In addition, as the national integrated urban development framework states, South African cities should be safe, liveable socially integrated, economically inclusive and globally competitive, with an active citizenry. The 2016 State of Cities Report (SoCR) makes an important call to action for all segments of society, from communities and neighbourhoods to cities, from cities to the nation and from the nation to the global, to support the inclusive growth and development of South African cities.

Green lights in the Greenbelt? A qualitative analysis of farm investment decision-making in peri-urban Southern Ontario

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2016
United States of America

The survival of farms requires innovative adaptation and investment to take advantage of the characteristics of the peri-urban environment. In Ontario, Canada, the Provincial Government passed in 2005 the Greenbelt Act that delimits Ontario’s Greenbelt—an area of 1.8 million acres where land is protected from development around the metropolitan region of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. This paper presents research on farm-level analysis of farmers’ investment decision-making aiming at understanding the impact of Ontario’s Greenbelt on farm investment.