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The foundations of big data sharing: A CGIAR international research organization perspective

december, 2022

The potential of big data capabilities to transform and understand global agricultural and biological systems often relies on data from different sources that must be considered together or aggregated to provide insights. The value of data is however not only in its collection and storage, but largely in its re-use.

Price, credit or ambiguity? Increasing small-scale irrigation in Ethiopia

december, 2022

Governments in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are keen to expand irrigation to improve food security and are placing particular emphasis on adoption and use of smallholder private groundwater irrigation. Yet private irrigation is a multi-stage technology, the adoption of which is affected by fiscal support and extension services offered on different investment stages but also by uncertainties around actions that need to be undertaken in these stages.

Mechanization and Postharvest Management to Support Sustainable and Low Carbon Rice Production

december, 2022

Rice production in Asia and Africa has faced labor shortages and climate change issues such as unanticipated droughts and
floods, causing unstable yields and a high risk of crop losses. In addition, low farming efficiency, high carbon footprint,
and high postharvest losses are the major constraints in rice production. Low farming efficiency (high energy and
labor cost and agronomic input use) is mainly caused by poor land consolidation, lack of precision land leveling, crop

Phenotyping of Urochloa humidicola grass hybrids for agronomic and environmental performance in the Piedmont region of the Orinoquian savannas of Colombia

december, 2022

In the low fertility acid soils of the Orinoquian savannas of Colombia, Urochloa humidicola cv. Tully or Humidicola is one of the most widely planted tropical forage grasses for improving livestock productivity. Low nutritional quality of this grass limits sustainable livestock production in this region. In this study, we conducted a phenotypic evaluation under field and greenhouse conditions of one of the first hybrid populations of U. humidicola generated from the forage breeding program of CIAT. Our objective was to identify a set of new hybrids of U.

Impact assessment of Striga resistant maize varieties and fertilizer use in Ghana: a panel analysis

december, 2022

This study analyzes the impact of a component of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technology—Striga-resistant maize (SRM) varieties and mineral fertilizer—on maize yield and food security using two rounds of panel data in Ghana. The study employs a multinomial endogenous switching regression model and finds that joint adoption of SRM varieties and mineral fertilizer increased maize yield by 872 kg/ha, food consumption scores by 17, and consumption per adult equivalent unit by 38 kg/ha. The positive impact of maize yield is high among adopters of multiple CSA technologies.

The role of rural Indian women in livestock production

december, 2022

India is an agriculturally based nation, and a significant portion of its
livestock sector is controlled by women. Women have a lot of options to
increase their income by working in the livestock sector. Livestock
provides meat, milk, eggs, and other food products, which are generally
considered key assets for rural livelihood, that are dietary staples for
population. For the women's livelihood and to help ensure the food security
of the household, livestock is a crucial non-land productive asset. The tiny,

Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana

december, 2022

In multifunctional landscapes, expanding economic activities jeopardise the integrity of biodiverse ecosystems, generating conservation-development trade-offs that require multi-stakeholder dialogue and tools to negotiate conflicting objectives. Despite the rich literature on participatory mapping and other tools to reveal different stakeholder perspectives, there is limited evidence on the application of such tools in landscape-scale negotiations.

Participatory mapping of ecosystem services across a gradient of agricultural intensification in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

december, 2022

Agrarian change affects the supply and demand of ecosystem services (ES) by reducing the extent of natural ecosystems. Agricultural intensification can lead to changes in land covers and livelihood opportunities and it remains unclear how such changes align or misalign with the desires of local communities.

Trends in rainfall and temperature extremes in Ethiopia: station and agro-ecological zone levels of analysis

december, 2022

Climate extreme events have been observed more frequently since the 1970s throughout Ethiopia, which adversely affects the socio-economic development of the country, as its economy depends on agriculture, which, in turn, relies heavily on annual and seasonal rainfall. Climate extremes studies conducted in Ethiopia are mainly limited to a specific location or watershed, making it difficult to have insights at the national level. The present study thus aims to examine the observed climate extreme events in Ethiopia at both station and agro-ecological zone (AEZ) levels.

The contributions of scale-appropriate farm mechanization to hunger and poverty reduction: Evidence from smallholder systems in Nepal

december, 2022

Purpose: This study examines the adoption drivers of scale-appropriate mechanization in Nepal's maize-based farming systems. The authors also assess the contribution of scale-appropriate mechanization to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of zero hunger (SDG2) and no poverty (SDG1). Design/methodology/approach: Propensity score matching (PSM) and doubly robust inverse probability-weighted regression adjusted (IPWRA) methods were applied to estimate the effects of mini-tiller adoption.

Transition Pathways toward Agroecology in Semi-arid “Crop-Livestock” Systems at Rhahla, Gaafour

december, 2022

Specialization and intensification of agricultural systems and the search for profit have guided the evolution of agriculture to new farming models emerging to respond to a growing demand for food, despite the complementary relationships between crops and livestock farming activities which have been documented in many studies. This trend has increased the vulnerability of farms to shocks, decrease land productivity and impair water use efficiency.