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Displaying 2857 - 2868 of 13048

Strengthening Food Systems Resilience and Agricultural Trade in Southern Africa

december, 2021

Climate change and its impact on agricultural production and productivity is a major factor of concern in the agricultural sector. Many indicators point to the significant depressing role that climate change has on the agricultural sector, spanning from production to marketing of the primary and secondary products. Women and youth comprise most of the rural population in the

Dairy investment options for poverty reduction for small-scale dairy farmers in Tanzania

december, 2021

The effect of an unproductive investment could be detrimental to the investor, especially when is a dairy farmer investor who depend on earnings and may distort the productivity effort if is not approached with caution. Anyone who wish to invest in dairy farming must choose wisely, think independently to avoid follow the crowd. Ideal investment decisions in dairy would starts by best choice of breeds, feeds availability, affordability and accessibility, knowledge in proper animal husbandry and proper handling and marketing of animal products.

Derisking delta-oriented value chains in Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar: Scoping study on key production systems and value chains

december, 2021

This scoping study report provides critical input to AMD-Focus Area 3 for a digital landscape and users’ needs assessment to be conducted in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar by prioritizing the key production systems and value chains where AMD-WP3 will continue or build its work in the next three years. The scoping study team, led by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) implemented a systematic desk review and initial screening and prioritization followed by a validation process in each country to finalize the priority production systems.

Towards a Common Vision of Climate Security in Kenya

december, 2021

The security implications of climate variability and change, commonly referred to as the climate-security nexus, have been widely discussed in both policy circles and academia. While climate is rarely the sole cause of conflict, it can exacerbate conflict risks and outcomes by affecting societies’ economic performance, amplifying patterns of marginalization and exclusion, and challenging the capacity of already strained institutions (von Uexkull & Buhaug, 2021).

Reference year proposal for the voluntary deforestation-free commitments in the Peruvian Amazon

december, 2021

This Policy Brief presents a proposal based on an extensive review of bibliographic sources and structured interviews, as part of a study on the reference year for voluntary deforestation-free commitments in the Peruvian Amazon. Subsequently, the information has been validated through two consultation workshops with key stakeholders, including decision makers from the public and private sectors and associations representative of the cacao, oil palm, and coffee value chains, as well as civil society stakeholders.