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Displaying 3073 - 3084 of 13048

Matches and mismatches between the global distribution of major food crops and climate suitability

december, 2021

Over the course of history, humans have moved crops from their regions of origin to new locations across the world. The social, cultural and economic drivers of these movements have generated differences not only between current distributions of crops and their climatic origins, but also between crop distributions and climate suitability for their production. Although these mismatches are particularly important to inform agricultural strategies on climate change adaptation, they have, to date, not been quantified consistently at the global level.

Comparing delivery channels to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh

december, 2021

We use a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh to compare two models of delivering nutrition content jointly to husbands and wives: deploying female nutrition workers versus mostly male agriculture extension workers. Both approaches increased nutrition knowledge of men and women, household and individual diet quality, and women’s empowerment.

The efficiency of estrus synchronization protocols and artificial insemination in the Abergelle goat on-station and on-farm conditions of Northern Ethiopia

december, 2021

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different estrus synchronization protocols followed by artificial insemination on estrus response and the conception rate of Abergelle goats. Three estrus synchronization protocols: (i) the standard protocol associating progestogens, gonadotropins andprostaglandins (P4+ eCG + PGF2α), (ii) single injection of prostaglandin (PGFS), (iii) double injection ofprostaglandin (PGFD) were evaluated and compared to a control group that did not receive ahormonal treatment.

Gender differences in technology adoption and agricultural productivity: evidence from Malawi

december, 2021

It is widely recognized that female farmers have considerably less access to productive assets and support services than male farmers. There is limited evidence of gender gaps in technology adoption and agricultural productivity after accounting for the differential access to factors of production between males and females. This study investigates the gender differences in the adoption of improved technologies and agricultural productivity in Malawi using nationally representative data collected from 1600 households and 5238 plots.

Capacity building program to improve stakeholder resilience and adaptation to climate change in Jamaica (CBCA)

december, 2021

Jamaica will face future climate trends marked by increases in the intensity and frequency of climate extremes, escalating rainfall variability, and increased droughts and floods; combined with fragile ecosystems and sensitive coastal zones, the result is that Jamaica has a relatively high vulnerability to climate change.

Institutional Effectiveness for Drought Early Warning, Early Action and Early Finance in Kenya

december, 2021

This case study focuses on drought conditions to analyse the early warning, early action and early finance initiatives required to reduce disaster impacts in Kenya. It particularly follows the ongoing multi-season Horn of Africa drought (2014-2022) where Kenya is located. The case study further investigates the effectiveness of governance and institutional arrangements in place, such that socially inclusive systems and processes for responding to climate change can be developed and implemented.

Poultry technology toolkit catalogue: Clearinghouse technical report series 016

december, 2021

This catalogue describes a suite of proven poultry technologies that advance increased productivity of animal enterprise in Africa. It was developed through a collaborative effort between the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Program of the African Development Bank and its Small Livestock Compact coordinated by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

An inventory of crop wild relatives and wild-utilized plants in Canada

december, 2021

In the face of global pressures of change and biodiversity loss, crop wild relatives (CWR) and wild-utilized species (WUS) urgently require conservation attention. To advance conservation, we assembled a national inventory of CWR and WUS in Canada. To assess current ex situ conservation of these plant species, we gathered a virtual metacollection of accession data from botanical gardens and national genebanks.

Developing a framework for an early warning system of seasonal temperature and rainfall tailored to aquaculture in Bangladesh

december, 2021

The occurrence of high temperature and heavy rain events during the monsoon season are a major climate risk affecting aquaculture production in Bangladesh. Despite the advances in the seasonal forecasting, the development of operational tools remains a challenge. This work presents the development of a seasonal forecasting approach to predict the number of warm days (NWD) and number of heavy rain days (NHRD) tailored to aquaculture in two locations of Bangladesh (Sylhet and Khulna).