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Ordonnance n° 2016-011 P-RM du 17 mars 2016 portant création de l’unité de gestion de la grande muraille verte.

maart, 2016

La présente Ordonnance crée l’unité de Gestion de la Grande Muraille Verte (UGMV), rattachée au Secrétariat général du Ministère chargé de l’Environnement, ayant pour mission d’assurer la réalisation et la gestion du segment malien de la barrière verte de protection contre l’avancée du désert dans la bande sahélienne comprise entre les isohyètes 100 et 400 mm sur une distance de 2.600 km de long et 215 km de large.A cet effet, elle est chargée: de coordonner, de suivre et d’évaluer la mise en œuvre des activés sur le terrain ; d’appuyer l’élaboration des projets et des programmes de faire l

Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

maart, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, tiene por objeto normar el uso y acceso a la propiedad de la tierra rural, el derecho a la propiedad de la misma que deberá cumplir la función social y la función ambiental. Regula la posesión, la propiedad, la administración y redistribución de la tierra rural como factor de producción para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria, mejorar la productividad, propiciar un ambiente sustentable y equilibrado, y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de derechos.

Acuerdo Nº 21-2015 ─ Reglamento Especial para la Implementación de Mecanismos de Compensación por Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos.

maart, 2016

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Reglamento Especial para la Implementación de Mecanismos de Compensación por Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos, que tiene como objetivo general promover la protección, conservación, restauración y uso sostenible de áreas que brindan bienes y servicios ecosistémicos de interés a usuarios directos e indirectos en el territorio nacional a través de la implementación de mecanismos de compensación por bienes y servicios ecosistémicos.Constituyen sus objetivo específicos: 1) Establecer disposiciones, procedimientos, formas e instancias para la financiación, promoción

Décret n°2016-0131 P-RM du 7 mars 2016 fixant les attributions spécifiques des membres du gouvernement.

maart, 2016

Le présent décret fixe les attributions spécifiques des membres du Gouvernement. Les ministres exercent, chacun, leurs attributions spécifiques en concertation avec les ministres qui en sont concernés ou intéressés. Ces concertations doivent être menées avant la saisine du Secrétariat général du Gouvernement des projets de texte ou de documents de politique nationale.

Vulnerability to climate change of cocoa in West Africa: patterns, opportunities and limits to adaptation

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2016
Sierra Leone
Western Africa

The West African cocoa belt, reaching from Sierra Leone to southern Cameroon, is the origin of about 70% of the world's cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which in turn is the basis of the livelihoods of about two million farmers. We analyze cocoa's vulnerability to climate change in the West African cocoa belt, based on climate projections for the 2050s of 19 Global Circulation Models under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change intermediate emissions scenario RCP 6.0.

Reform State-Owned Forest Enterprise and Ethnic Minority Land Tenure Security in Vietnam

Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2016

During revolution and national unification, Vietnamese government nationalized agricultural and forest land throughout the country. While agricultural land was de-collectivized in the Doi moi reforms since mid-1980s, the majority of forest and forest land has continued to be managed by state enterprises. For members of Vietnam’s 53 recognized ethnic minority groups, the formation of state-owned forest enterprises (SFEs) has meant the end of customary tenure arrangements, leading to exclusion from traditional lands used for agriculture, hunting, and collection of non-timber forest products.

Forestry Contribution to National Economy and Trade in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

Reports & Research
februari, 2016

The economic contributions of forests in Eastern African countries have not received the desired attention in terms of policy and budgetary allocation needed for sustained growth of these forests. This, among other reasons, has led to the reduction of forest zones and an increase in the import of forest-related products, resulting in dwindling foreign currency reserves.

Conexões de Primeira Classe

Reports & Research
februari, 2016

Este relatório apresenta os dados detalhados de um trabalho feito por investigadores da EIA em Moçambique e apontando as discrepâncias dos dados do comércio de madeira, este relatório providencia provas convincentes sobre como a demanda insaciável da China por madeira está diretamente conduzindo ao corte ilegal e ao contrabando de madeira em Moçambique, roubando deste país empobrecido recursos significantes.

Charcoal supply chains from Mabalane to Maputo: who benefits?

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2016

Charcoal is the main cooking energy source for people living in Maputo city. It is also a crucial source of income for rural producers in Mabalane district, a key supplier of Maputo’s charcoal. But Mabalane’s forests — which provide the wood for charcoal — also supply rural populations with construction materials, firewood and food. Our research shows that the lack of community management in Mabalane’s charcoal trade has disadvantaged communities, widening income inequality and causing ecological depletion.

Cadeias de fornecimento de carvão vegetal de Mabalane para Maputo: quem beneficia?

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2016

O carvão vegetal é a principal fonte de energia para grande parte dos habitantes da cidade de Maputo. É também, uma fonte crucial de rendimento para os produtores rurais no distrito de Mabalane, um dos principais centros de abastecimento de carvão de Maputo. Mas as florestas de Mabalane – que fornecem a madeira para o carvão vegetal – também abastecem as populações rurais com materiais de construção, lenha e alimentos.

Forest Landscape Restoration for Asia-Pacific Forests

Reports & Research
februari, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach, which is still in its nascent stages of development, is rapidly gaining attention as a more appropriate way to restore both degraded forests as well as the surrounding degraded landscape. The great value of this approach is that it integrates forest restoration actions with the desirable objectives of the landscape, and it is undertaken with the full participation of the people who will have a role in the management of the restored areas over the longer term.