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Community forestry in Tanimbar, and industrial prospective scenarios

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
United States of America

In its present state, the analysis of the wood industry system in Tanimbar archipelago only covered the South part of the Yamdena island. In this part of the island, the wood industry system feeds the demand of the local villages and of Saumlaki. Among the villages of South Yamdena, two villages (Wermatan and Ilngei) are remarkable with their high level of wood activities. Thus these are analysed in the following sections. In the north part of the Island, the system feeds the local villages, the city of Larat, but also some outer markets.

Department of Rural Development & Land Reform, Ingonyama Trust Board, Commission on Restitution of Land Rights Strategic & Annual Performance Plans 2015/16

Legislation & Policies
maart, 2015
South Africa

The Committee was briefed by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) on its Annual Performance Plan for 2015/16, with the Minister and Deputy Minister in attendance. Due to the complexity of the agrarian transformation space, the DRDLR had developed a rural economy transformation model which would be implemented through the Agrarian Transformation System.

Forest and Forest Land Valuation: How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
United States of America

New Zealand has introduced legislation to implement the world's first 'all sectors all gases' emissions trading scheme (ETS) as a way of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Scheme is to retrospectively introduce a price for carbon emissions in forestry from 1 January 2008 and will phase in other sectors over time (notably agriculture from 2013). This report develops a methodology for valuing the impact of this change on forest and forest land value.

Forest and Forest Land Valuation - How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
United States of America

Presentation by Richard Meade to the AARES 53rd Annual Conference held 10-13 February 2009 in Cairns Australia.Forest and Forest Land Valuation - How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits. forest, forest land valuation, carbon costs,

Guía de campo para una evaluación rápida de las funciones protectoras del bosque en materia del suelo y el agua

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

Esta publicación presenta un método para recopilar datos confiables acerca de las funciones protectoras del bosque del suelo y el agua. Este método – de transecto lineal de la cubierta forestal y de evaluación de la erosión – registra datos sobre el dosel del bosque, la cubierta del suelo y la evidencia de erosión. El método fue diseñado a través de un estudio de la FAO para identificar el método de mayor validez científica y menor costo para la recopilación de datos en los países en desarrollo.

Field guide for rapid assessment of forest protective function for soil and water

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

This publication presents a method for collecting reliable data on forest protective functions for soil and water. It will help to improve capacity for reporting to national inventories and national and global forest resource assessments, to support evidence-based decision- and policy-making for sustainable forest management in developing countries.

RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Cambodia

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2015

Of Cambodia's total area of 18 million ha, about 57 percent (10 million ha) was covered by forest in 2009. Most of the population is concentrated in the plains, with an estimated 4 million villages living in or near forest areas, using forest resources to sustain their livelihoods. Under the National Forest Program (2010-2029), where community forestry is a major component, the Cambodian government targets to bring 2 million ha of forest under community management.  

Evaluación sobre la Tenencia de Recursos y Paisajes Sostenibles en Honduras

Reports & Research
februari, 2015

Con una porción relevante de territorio cubierto de bosques, Honduras puede beneficiarse de implementar REDD+ tanto para contribuir a mitigar el cambio climático como para adaptarse a sus consecuencias. La adaptación al cambio climático es, sin lugar a dudas, una prioridad para el país, ya que éste ha afrontado eventos climáticos severos, incluyendo huracanes e inundaciones. En la actualidad, un abanico de actividades REDD+ se están implementando en el país, y también procesos de preparación para REDD+ con financiamiento de programas internacionales.

Commercial Agriculture Expansion in Myanmar: Links to Deforestation, Conversion Timber, and Land Conflicts

Reports & Research
februari, 2015

In Myanmar, as in other countries of the Mekong, it is widely acknowledged that the clearing of forests to
make way for the expansion of commercial agricultural fields is increasingly the leading driver of deforestation,
alongside legal and illegal logging, and the clearance of forest areas to make way for infrastructure projects
such as roads and hydropower dams. While the conversion of forests for agricultural development has been
occurring for many decades, it is the unprecedented rate of this conversion that is now so astounding — as

The fragmented land use administration in Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2015

Tropical forests in Indonesia are subject to major transformation processes from native forests to other land uses, including rubber agroforestry as well as rubber and oil palm plantation systems. Using content analysis of policy documents, this paper aims at (i) analysing the formal administrative responsibilities related to the four rainforest transformation systems and (ii) based on the informal motives of the competing bureaucracies involved generating hypotheses on their future course of action and related research.

A Fair Climate: Gender Equity in Forestry and REDD+ Discussion Guide

Training Resources & Tools
januari, 2015

To accompany the training video (available here) produced by USAID-funded programs GREEN Mekong and USAID LEAF Asia, a discussion guide is now available for trainers and grassroots facilitators to delve deeper into the gender aspect of social equity in terms of forest-based climate change initiatives, including REDD+. The questions in the guide will help facilitate discussions concerning forest management practices and forest governance in the local and institutional contexts.