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Simulated dynamics of carbon stocks driven by changes in land use, management and climate in a tropical moist ecosystem of Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Sub-Saharan Africa is large and diverse with regions of food insecurity and high vulnerability to climate change. This project quantifies carbon stocks and fluxes in the humid forest zone of Ghana, as a part of an assessment in West Africa. The General Ensemble biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) was used to simulate the responses of natural and managed systems to projected scenarios of changes in climate, land use and cover, and nitrogen fertilization in the Assin district of Ghana.

Environmental service payments: Evaluating biodiversity conservation trade-offs and cost-efficiency in the Osa Conservation Area, Costa Rica

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009
Costa Rica

The cost-efficiency of payments for environmental services (PES) to private landowners in the Osa Conservation Area, Costa Rica, is evaluated in terms of the trade-off between biodiversity representation and opportunity costs of conservation to agricultural and forestry land-use. Using available GIS data and an ‘off-the-shelf’ software application called TARGET, we find that the PES allocation criteria applied by authorities in 2002–2003 were more than twice as cost-efficient as criteria applied during 1999–2001.

What are the social impacts of land use restrictions on local communities? Empirical evidence from Costa Rica

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2009
Costa Rica

Global efforts to reduce deforestation rely heavily on protected areas and land use restrictions. The effect of these restrictions on local communities is currently the subject of heated debate among conservation and development experts. Measuring the social impacts of protected areas is difficult because the effects cannot be isolated from other factors, given the nonrandom placement of protection.

potential ecological costs and cobenefits of REDD: a critical review and case study from the Amazon region

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

The United Nations climate treaty may soon include a mechanism for compensating tropical nations that succeed in reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, source of nearly one fifth of global carbon emissions. We review the potential for this mechanism [reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)] to provoke ecological damages and promote ecological cobenefits.

Modeling soil organic carbon stocks and changes in a Nepalese watershed

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Land use, land use change and forestry activities play an important role in determining whether soil is a sink or source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂). The effects of land use change on greenhouse gases and climate change are receiving greater attention in many developing countries. We simulated changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) pool over 100 years (1950-2050) under managed dense Shorea forest (DS), rainfed upland (Bari) and irrigated low land (Khet) of Pokhare Khola, a mid-hill watershed of Nepal, using the Century model.

Forestry and forest history

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Az erdőgazdálkodás az erdők fenntartásának, művelésének, sokoldalú, tartamos hasznosításának az alapja. A Föld lakosságának gyarapodásával a történelem folyamán együtt növekedett az embernek az erdővel szemben támasztott igénye. Az igények kielégítésekor hamarosan kitűnt, hogy ezek teljesítésének lehetőségei szigorúan behatároltak. Hosszú távon, tartamosan (fenntarthatóan) akkor nyújthatja az erdő a gazdasági, társadalmi élet számára a legtöbbet, ha az adottságainak megfelelően gazdálkodnak.

Sudan Investment Climate Assessment

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2009

This report on Sudan's Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) provides a baseline assessment of challenges to productivity, diversification and inclusion. Chapter 1 describes some of the questions underlying the three issues of competitiveness, diversification and broad-based growth. Chapter 2 analyzes firm performance and competitiveness. Chapter 3 discusses markets and trust. Chapter 4 describes the role of the financial sector. Chapter 5 analyses the informal sector. Chapter 6 discusses the conflict-affected private sector development.

Greenhouse Emissions and Climate Change

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2009

There is no longer any serious debate about whether greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are altering the earth's climate. There is also a broad consensus that efficient mitigation of emissions will require carbon pricing via market based instruments (charges or auctioned tradable permits). The remaining controversies stem mostly from economic and technological forecasting uncertainties, disputes about global and intergenerational equity, and political divisions over collective measures to combat climate change.